I just bought this game.
The English voice actors are actually pretty good.
I just bought this game.
The English voice actors are actually pretty good.
zestiria is better
Hows the game.
I'm still waiting for my copy to arrive. That's good to hear though user.
Why did the Tales series go to shit?
I haven't played Berseria but Zestiria's english dub is awful. It was super apparent nobody was in the same room while recording
Why are there so many threads recently?
So far so good. I just broke out of the jail
Because Coo Coo.
Was recently on sale on PSN and Steam in the $30 range so a lot of people picked it up.
That is a lie.
The dub is uneven, but most characters are good where it counts. Out of the main cast the weaker one is Phi, and even then it's more uneven than bad. I won't spoil anything for you OP, enjoy the game.
people are recognizing it to be a great game
Waifufags. This game is really awful. Maybe the best of Tales series, but that would mean the other ones are dogshit-tier. The characters are mostly good, but that's it.
Yes, most Tales of Games have good dubs. Not every single character is fantastic, but the overall quality of the english dub is very nice.
So you're saying you've never played a single Tales game?
The Tales games are mid tier JRPGs and most of the time they are crap.
So you never played one?
I played half of Phantasia, all of Eternia, 10% of Symphonia, all of Graces, Zestiria, and both Xillias.
I play them as guilty pleasures like DW but they are crap JRPGs
Good for you user! I hope your family is happy
Velvet's VA did a overall good job.
Velvet almost breaking was pretty hard to watch.
They're good games. You haven't played a crap RPG until you played garbage like Beyond the Beyond.
Just because there are games that are garbage like Quest 64 doesn't negate how Tales games aren't that good.
I feel that they stand out because they are action rpgs when most were turn base.
Same with DW, they are nothing wrong with them mechanically but they have any depth. Almost mindless at times.
but they hardly* have any depth
>inb4 those webms from Xillia 2 or Berseria
Playing those games realize they are more flash than substance
I love the screams she does mid-battle. They're my favorite.
I dunno what criteria you're using, but if you're going to have Tales of games be considered crap, then basically you can only play Final Fantasy games.
FF is the only JRPG franchise that has AAA production values. Even their second flagship, Dragon Quest, has no where near the production values of FF. DQ would be considered crap as well.
Sure there's some surprises here and there like Chrono games, but they stopped making those for over 15 years. And Chrono both Trigger and Cross were considered 2nd rate games with a limited budget.
>you can only play Final Fantasy game
Oh fuck no dont even start that. I'm not going read the rest of your post if you're going to assume that shit.
Then what criteria are you using? Production values? Story? Gameplay? Music?
How the fuck are you rating games? Clarify your position already.
>devour humanoid
>combo into requiem
>starts angrily screaming like a madwoman
Her performance was all around great. But she really captured her anger and aggression perfectly.
It can be the ugliest fucking game of all time but gameplay is king. I feel that Tales games are shit action games with an RPG coat of paint.
Same with FFXV which was a terrible for that awful gameplay my fucking god.
KH2FM was the only rpg with good action gameplay but even then there was limits in its variety.
Yeah Velvet and Magilou were stand outs to me.
My first Tales game. Not a fan of the combat particularly, but the story is great (if uneven), as are the characters.
Also, that Yui Horie.
So you don't care for Turn based games then. And I disagree with you on your second point. They're RPG games with an Action game coat of paint. Which completely changes the narrative of what is considered a good JRPG. Since JRPGs are traditionally Turn based, even games that are considered masterpieces like FFVII is considered shit according to your criteria.
Which is really odd since there's nearly zero ARPG JRPGs in the world. Tales is one, and KH is the other. KH isn't that great of gameplay, it's primarily just button mashing similar to Tales. And sometimes worse, since it's just rolling around and poking. Which is garbage.
And I consider Souls series to be something similar to old action games like Symphony of the Night or even Mega Man. Just in 3D form.
No they're garbage and you're delusional, play the game in Japanese as it supposed to be.
>that Discord scream
>Starts to make a mirrored shitpost.
Not sure where I got Requiem from, but yeah. It's really satisfying to use for that scream alone. Zero Point Impact was a favorite of mine for similar reasons.
Discord? You mean アンヴィバレンツ in the better language version?
>Mirrored shitpost made.
>yfw Velvet the ideal waifu before Arthur turned her life into endless suffering
Seeing what her life could have been during the credits made me cry like a bitch.
Has anyone datamined Berseria yet?
>that combat
what the FUCK were they thinking? are all tales games like that?
How far are you?
who is your favorite character?
I loved it.
Most are slightly better. The really old ones and the most recent ones have unfortunately shallow combat.
I played every tales games and berseria's combat system is by far my favorite, I like the fact that you can map artes to all 4 buttons.
>This is Velvet's VA
it is only being regarded as "the best" by people who only played graces and xillia games and zestiria. which is the downfall of the franchise in terms of ost, battle system, art direction, level design and exploration.
the more they pander to gays and fujpshis (which are the people who barely buys the games) the shitty the games are.
I'm sure the next Tales of Game will bring together Zesteria and Berseria.
If I liked Abyss, will I like this game? I'm torn
Super easy button mashy that helps new and old players alike?
Because if you play on Chaos mode, and you do the same shit you did on normal mode, you're going to get wiped incredibly quick.
I really hope that happens.
Yes. Stop clinging onto stupid 90's shit anime that you wouldn't watch today. Shonen is shit, and that genre peaked at DBZ.
user, what
I haven't played the Tales series since Abyss, I didn't know how the franchise evolved over time. What's with the random hostility? Is that a criticism this game receives a lot or some shit?
The japanese pander to gays now too? So, only slavs left at this point?
Velvet is edgy Ciel from God Eater.
Laphicet is terrible.
Highly unlikely. Notice the following patterns:
In zest, they talk a lot about maotelus, Edna's brother, zaveid and his gun, mayvins, and the empyrians. On rare occasions, they discuss innominat, King Claudin, and the world beyond midgand (aka hyland / rolance)
In bersaria, the we get maotelus, Edna's brother, and zaveid's origins flushed out. There is more detail on the other continents and the history / lore of their world, but there are still tons of details left out.
This means likely the next game in the zest, bers trilogy will be yet another several hundred years ago in the past and likely go over in more detail the origins of King Claudin, the seraphim, the mayvins, and in general the older world. And if the next game is another prequel, it's pretty much impossible for it to tie the characters from bers and zest together. Velvet, eizen, phi, Eleanor, and magilou lived, loved, and died just as Rose, Alisha, and sorey did. Accept it, boys.
Not edgy.
>has her life irreparably destroyed in front of her in the blink of an eye for seemingly no reason
>acts exactly as you'd expect a broken person to behave
You don't seem to know what that word means.
No one knows what edgy means anymore.
Not that user, but she is edgy. She has her reasons, and later in the game she mostly just pretends to be edgy but you can't just deny that.
Edgy in the context that user was using it typically describes a character that acts unreasonably harsh or violent without reason or with weak reasons. Edge is usually pretty poorly defined when used correctly, but I think it makes sense for a character to act with anger or have a bleak view on the world if they are given believable reasons as to what made them that way. The correct word is edge, but calling he character herself edgy doesn't seem accurate.
But none of them found out why birds fly!!!
Fuck you, that's why.
Switched to the dub about 15 hours into the game cause I was curious and lasted about 5 minutes, not sure why you would use the dub when the better version is literally 1 down press away.
Tales of Xillia 3 when
Just so you guys know, this is the best girl.
Maggie is not an elf. So does that mean she's an elf's rapebaby?
At this point people saying Velvet is edgy are either disabled or just shitposting to be honest.
And it isn't because she earned the right to act the way she does.
What the fuck? Tales is an actual fujo series
I was arguing context not terminology.
Well, she is a slut.
Buying it just for her. Hope the game is good. Havent played a Tales game since Symphonia (but I played the ones before it as well).
When are they going to get a new style for the series, Zestiria and Berseria look so fucking ugly. I would rather take the washed out colors of Xillia over this.
>Buying it just for her
You, and everyone else.
>Buying it just for her
She is mostly annoying.
>thread theme
I bought it for Magilou but then I realized she is worst girl as well as the worst party member.
Best Tales opening song since Abyss
How rude.
What Tales game would you equate the combat to? I played Vesperia, Symphonia and Zestiria. I really like Symphonia and Zestiria.
Velvet's villager outfit is her best outfit
Prove me wrong
protip: you can't
I don't wanna cry so I'm not clicking this, sorry.
So, i've played Phantasia, the first Destiny and now this one, which one should i try next?
I understand that feel, user. Click this instead:
You're right. It's the best because it's what her life should have been.
I want to fall asleep and wake up next to velvet.
Oneechan > Imouto.
Velvet is proof of this.
the definition of mediocre
>tfw Velvet will never fuck you because you don't resemble her little brother
I don't event like jrpgs a whole lot but she's too much fun
But Berseria didn't have an imouto character
>This is Magilou's VA