Predict its lifetime sales
Predict its lifetime sales
Well with the way they're sending shipments to stores, I say 10 mil by 2020. Lifetime? Maybe people will eventually say fuck it with the whole shortage problems. So maybe 20 mil.
40 mil if they fix the NAND issue by this Christmas, otherwise people will give up and they'll be lucky to hit 20.
The shortages are really that bad? Shit. You think they'd start using different parts.
2 units
20 million units.
I think people forgot that the Wii had a shortage for 2 years much like the Switch, and we all know how that did.
the what
Well if they keep up a steady supply and not get constantly outbid by major mobile OEMs for parts every time a new flagship phone is announce or Kimishima stops being a stingy old jew then they will probably out sell the WiiU in less time
You guys think the Switch will have a second gen? At the rate right now, I don't think they give a shit to redesign or make it any better.
>Full of shovelw...indies.
Twice as much as the wii did.
Over 50mil sales.
More sales than the Wii if they decide to go the way Sony/Microsoft do with the PS4 Pro/Xbox One X by upgrading the chip to a Pascal/Volta architecture while maintaining backwards compatibility.
Right now the Switch isn't that appealing but in a few years when the Nintendo VC get filled with games it will be a very nifty device to own.
If they fix the dock, I'd say around 40Mil units total, (including after price drop and after second version is announced)
28 million
35 million.
35m tops.
If they release a cheaper version of the Switch that is purely a handheld, or release a bundle with smaller dock and a game included then we should expect around 30 million sales by the end of the system's life cycle.
No revision equals no buy for me. Not even kidding. The way Nintendo chose to show off the Switch back in January and the weeks after was fucking atrocious Everything pissed me off from the plastic screen, dead LED pixels, no internet browser, and the lack of a virtual console at launch. Then the reports of the dock scratching people's Switch, and sticker adhesive fucking with the console. All these problems every other day I've seen just made the hybrid seem unappealing.
I stopped buying consoles at launched a while ago and can wait a few years for Nintendo to get their shit together. If not, I'll be playing these eventually on my PC.
I'm gonna say 55M units.
4 million
they will literally deplete the resources to make them and will be discontinues in a couple months
>no internet browser
that's wrong though
One thing everyone should take into account is that the Switch is the consolidation of Nintendo's home console and handheld lines (once the 3DS eventually dies in 2018). So the system should be judged as a consolidation of both lines' sales too.
For instance:
>GBA (success) and NGC (failure) combined sales would be about 90 million
>Wii and DS (both massive successes) combined sales would be about 250 million
>3DS (success) and Wii U (failure) combined sales would be around 80 million
If the Switch only sells 50 million by the end of its life-span, which would be solid for a console by itself, I would consider that a disappointment because Nintendo removed one of their system lines from the market and those sales are now removed from the equation.
Given apple is slated to produce only 5M of the originally intended 50-60M units(ouch) hopefully the NAND issue won't 'continue...
When Persona 5, Dark Souls trilogy, Monster Hunter World lands on it it will sell like hot cakes world wide. It will not arrive 100 million, but close.
It depends if they make this system the successor to the 3DS by making a cheaper, handheld only version without a dock. If that happens, 50 million lifetime because pokemon and mario kart will carry it easily.
If not, and they just create a different system to be a successor, then 30 million.
More than the Wii U but less than the 3DS. Even though the Switch is a two-in-one system, there still aren't enough games coming out soon or even in the near future to generate the combined sales figures you'd expect to see from a Nintendo home console and handheld. It won't bomb, but I doubt it'll be the ideal Nintendo system people were hoping for.
80m sales.
Dark souls wouldn't even be able to run considering BOTW isn't stable 30
It will, Mario Kart runs at 60fps 100% of the time. DStrilogy will sell about 3 million and then From will seriously consider porting Bloodborne.
30m in more than 5 years.
It's selling well thanks to the fanboys.
15 million.
Wii U did 13mill and it was a disaster, Switch should be able to triple those sales, at least. I'll say between 40-50 mill.
500 Trillion after we make contact with interstellar society and we put them in our intergalactic gift shops for the Zorpitoids to amuse themselves temporarily with our primitive technology.
MARIO kart 8 is significantly less demanding than dark souls 3. Think.
>From will seriously consider porting Bloodborne.
Nine and three quarters.
Im convinced Sup Forums has parroted this word so many times now no one here knows what it means at this point
Thought it would be 40m+ but they're losing hype since nobody can fucking buy one. Losing all of their staring momentum and they probably won't be able to sell out holiday. 25-30m if they're lucky
75 million if all goes well. In reality, maybe 50 million. I have a feeling the lack of games will catch up and fuck them or Sony releases a new console and Nintendo abandons the Switch to compete with the new console.
>From will seriously consider porting Bloodborne.
I do recall this meme being posted about GTA5 for PC
How did that turn out?
Playing it safe
>Less than Wii
>Less than PS4
>Higher than xbox one
few billion probly.
id be surprised if nintendo doesnt 15x their profits and turn into the largest megacorp on earth, creating a legacy of tyranny and oppression that lasts until the lizardmen get tired of allowing the jews to survive and nuke our planet from their solar moonbase
>multiplat GTA not announced for PC
>Bloodborne development partly funded by Sony and an exclusive
Sony has no reason to let them put it on any other platform. Unless From decides to pay up (the likely exorbitant amount) whatever it takes to get Sony's finger out of that pie it will never happen. And if it does happen the game will come to PC and Xbone too, so it's not a win for the Switch anyway.
How is that even remotely the same? Sony owns the Bloodborne IP. It's not going anywhere.
Sony owns the trademark for Bloodborne and any hypothetical sequels. Doesn't matter how dumb it sounds for FromSoftware to pay Sony to port it to PC, they're never gonna budge.
40 at most. When the corr fans, hipsters and clappers have gotten their units, it will drop off like Stevano Guggliochi in concrete boots in the New Jersey harbour.
That's what I was saying. It's not impossible in theory, but I don't think From could put up enough cash to buy complete ownership of the game from Sony - at least not if they want to make money off it.
What's the current sales figures for the 3DS? I'm going to say 55-60% of that
Why the sudden interest for Souls games on Nintendo? It doesn't seem like something the demographic would be into.
Apple uses the same technology that the Switch has insidefor their new iphone coming out. Once those finish production, it should maybe be easier to make more. Nintendo can't compete much since Apple is way bigger than them
Nintendo's core audience suddenly had a midlife crisis and discovered they're not 10 anymore.
Not just that, but I mean the Japanese audience Nintendo so badly wants. Would this even appeal to nips? Granted the product is made by them but still. Dark Souls 1 & 2 on Switch probably isn't even worth the port.
lol whatever fag
'bout three fiddy
They want Japan? Launching with Zelda should tell you that Nintendo knows Japan doesn't matter for shit in the grand scheme because an amazing result there is like 150k which even shit games can do in the US easily.
15 mil tops sadly
Japan is Nintendo's core market. It's also the only market they completely dominate. Europe is Sony land, and North America is kinda split between Nintendo and Sony. Sure Zelda doesn't sell well in Japan, but Splatoon and Monster Hunter does.
It's Sony and Xbone in NA lol
>Japan is Nintendo's core market
This hasn't been true since the NES. North America > Japan > Europe/ROW
Not him but yearly games and "upgraded" versions at full price are indeed shovelware, it's just that usually shovelware don't have high profile creators.
>but Splatoon and Monster Hunter does.
I can't believe you'd compare MH and Splatoon as if they're equals. MH is a huge series in Japan. Splatoon has had 1 game which sold 1.5 million copies. Yeah, it's fairly impressive for a new IP on a shit console (which had nearly 50% attach rate), but that's nothing in the grand scheme of things. It's not DQ, it's not MH, it's not even FE
My area (large city) has been out since launch. Not a single one has been stocked.
>Shit. You think they'd start using different parts.
No way. As soon as you introduce different parts in some production runs you
A) Have twice as many problems to solve if things go wrong
B) If some game gets 5fps more on the batch produced between August and September 2017 then everyone who didn't a system from that production run gets fucking pissed.
Taking in how many revisions there will probably be (home and pocket versions) plus price drops as the parts shrink and get cheaper... Maybe 80 million?
Better than the 3DS and Xbox One, but not as good as the PS4 probably. It should definitely be a respectable number.
I got a pretty bold prediction. It may well be wrong in the long run, but don't fault me for it. I'm gonna say that the Switch will slightly under perform compared to the 3DS. It will hit around 50M units max. I want to believe it could hit Wii numbers, but at the same time I see too many people saying that it will.
I like to go the opposite direction when it comes to Sup Forums predictions, because more than often the wrong opinion comes on top here.
Does that make Assassin's Creed and CoD shovelware?