Got all 120 stars, still one of the best games I've ever played.
Got all 120 stars, still one of the best games I've ever played
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Before anyone can shitpost itt, I just wanted to say I'm glad you enjoyed it OP.
Yeah it's a good game
but at first...
>Get the fuck in here Mario, I'm gonna make you pound my puss puss until I squirt all over these little retard's faces then I'm gonna make you a cake
You know, for it's time, Miyamoto really did cross a metaphorical line.
Thank you, I'm replaying games from my childhood nowadays.
Might start with DK64, is a personal favorite.
Donkey kong 64 is a bad game. It literally tries too extrapolate donkey kong country mixed with super mario 64 into disastorous collecathon results.
Was this the first N64 game?
so comfy getting this with my n64 when it was released. also i loved mission impossible.
Are you retarded?
I've never played Mario 64, was it better or worse than Sunshine?
I played Sunshine, and I really enjoyed it, so I don't really care if Sunshine is a "good game" or not because I liked it regardless.
I believe so. As I recall, it and the console were developed together.
It's my second favorite game de-su. Contrarian shitposters out.
Did you build up speed for twelve hours OP?
As a contrarian, I too have just played it and thought it aged better than I thought it would. Never again will I get 120 stars though, but it's definitely worth looking around and exploring.
>Never again will I get 120 stars though
I'm with you there. You gotta do it at least once, but after that it's like, fuck that.
It's just as good, better in my opinion but that counts for shit.
>First floor/extra stars/cap levels
Comfy as fuck, still probably my favorites.
Two trash levels with maybe the best one in the game
>Third floor
Almost perfection
>4th floor
Infuriatingly difficult but fun levels.
Granted I haven't played it in like a decade, but I have really fond memories of it.
When I was a kid I remember the strategy guide saying to expect a surprise if you collected like 100 coins in the browser fight. What the hell was that about?
>Not doing 16 star runs
Thank you so much for to playing his game
>Welcome to the new world! This world is for Japanese people only. So all niggers and whiteys need to get the fuck out or I'll going to brick your N64 unit
What the fuck was Miyamoto's issue?
>trying to be a speed runner
One of the best games ever made, could be considered the best without much issue.
eh, i don't care, I like collectathons and DK64 having shit ton of collectibles pleases me.
You can't get 100 coins before Bowser, and even if you did by waiting for Bowser's fire to extinguish, nothing happens.
The ending credits music just overwhelms me with emotional and melancholy and bittersweet happiness....
If you loved the game, you'd do both max and minimum star runs.
Strategy guides back then were often filled with bullshit as just blatant gotchas by the writers.
>that kid who said you could collect the triforce in Ocarina of Time by doing a billion different things
>he saw his older brother do it
Thanks, I remember getting to 90 something and dying on a friend's copy and never tried again. What a fucking troll guide.
>tfw going through that stage as a kid where you believed everything you read on the 'net
>All the stupid shit I tried to get the Triforce and the Pokegods in Pokemon
Gonna say, one of my favorite stars was red coins on wet-dry world, shit was pure parkour.
Also, anybody has the skyboxes of Mario 64 saved as images?
>so you give the big goron the eye drops, but then you shoot him in the eye with a fire arrow
>he'll start raging and death mountain will actually explode
>a timer will start and lava will be right behind you
>you have to get from death mountain to lake haylia in like 30 seconds, no warps, no epona
>IF you make it, Ganon will show up, it's true!
>Yeah, then you have to do the Ganon fight, but it's in the Water Temple
>Then, IF you're lucky enough, he'll drop another master sword
>you have to hit him with both at the same time
>if you can do it, he'll drop the triforce of power, then Zelda shows up and gives you hers
>oh yeah it's all luck if you shoot the big goron with the fire arrow anyway
What a time to be alive.
i believe it released with pilotwings 64, at least in america
I don't know how I even found out how to change the water in wet dry world.
Did you know that the height you jump into the painting, determines the water level when you start? So you can jump at the very top of the painting, and can literally hop right into the cage that leads to the secret town, no cannon required
>Blow up every space in the game at a certain time of day
>A hole will appear but it's random where
>If you go down it you're taken to the Temple of Light
literally me playing
What's funny is, as retarded as all those are now, as a kid it gave me a reason to keep playing the game. I probably would have stopped playing OoT and others if I'd never "learned" about that shit.
That's what I mean. I know that but I had no idea how I worked it out.
Also I am fairly certain you still need the canon.
>Thanks for Playing!
I don't think devs still realize how hard this hits you and how good you feel when it comes up.
>, IF
Perfect way to keep the charade going.
I did not realize until the star showed up he was collecting red coins. Holy shit.
>Guys you can totally beat the running man
>You have to go back in time and wait the equivalent of 7 years on the bridge in game time
I never did it but I am sure atleast one n64 overheated due to this rumor
Yeah, I think Japan had a Shogi title with their release as well but that was it.
I'm still mad about how limited the library was compared to the NES/SNES. Picking though rental stores wasn't fun. Nobody wants to come home from Blockbuster with fucking Gex or War Gods. shut up gex fans the n64 port sucked
Fuck, I remember that. Wasn't it supposed to give you the Pegasus Boots or something?
My version was that it unlocked the light temple which had the Pegasus boots which let you do some other crazy shit, I think it was like a golden tunic or something that led to even more stuff
The truck in Pokemon still pisses me off. I wasted so much time trying everything.
You know, I love the game, even though I don't personally consider it in contention for GOAT or anything. But I think honestly until just now I've never really given it's due for how ahead of its time it was. I mean Super Mario RPG was released the same year, while also a great game, just from a performance standpoint of being the first 3D nintendo/Mario game it REALLY holds up without even nostalgia talking.
It's unironically the most important game ever made.
At the very least the truck is there, which was worth it for me even if its just an easter egg
goddamn I wish I knew about this in 1998
But how many a presses did that take?
>riding the bus home in 4th grade
>Allen kid is playing pokemon blue
>somehow finds out that he played the entire game without going on the SS Anne and without getting HMCut
>holy fuck
>excitement levels raising
>didnt think it was possible
>he boots up, flies to vermillion city or wherever
>holy shit the ship is there
>surfs around the dock
>this is happening
>holy fuck a cave
>i cant believe it
>its real
>9 year old head is exploding
>nothing happens
This and Pilot Wings were what my dad and I picked up from Incredible Universe on release day.
I remember the line being huge
There's a few bullshit stars and reusing music in stages kind of sucks but honestly I think it's aged incredibly gracefully
One day I'm gonna 100% this game.
...Even knowing I can never ride Yoshi. ;_;
You know you can play as Luigi right?
There's a face in the volcano and you have to solve that puzzle to play as Luigi with 120 stars, trust me I've seen a pic on the internet
I don't think people really appreciate how big the transition between 2D and 3D was with this game, playing this in 1996/1997 completely changed what we were able to do with vidya.
Aged horribly, was good for its time but doesn't stand up today. SM:Odyssey will make this game completely obsolete.
Holy shit I never noticed that before.
Considered in historical context it's even more amazing a game. With 3D gaming in its infancy, hardware and inexperience with game-building with the extra dimension were huge contraints, and SM 64 is one of the few games of that era which I feel managed to transcend them to create something huge, fun, and memorable.
Gex was a port?
Gex 64 was a really bad port of enter the gecko.
What was so really bad about it other than getting less one liners?
100% it last year, though I played it on Wii U's VC and save scummed at the difficult parts.
One thing I don't really see mentioned is I don't like how when changing direction Mario does a wide turn if he's moving, but can directly turn around if he's stationary. The wide turn can really fuck you over in the narrow areas.
less worlds, worse framerate and visuals, lack of cinematics (i know it's Gex but at least they should have made some in-game cutscenes for the story).
And they added a terrible water level.
And yet somehow in every future installment his moveset became more and more limited
If movement was all that mattered then Sunshine would be the best platformer ever made but alas it is the worst Mario game ever made.
I might try and find a copy of enter the gecko then. I remember mostly enjoying gex 64.
i think it has great movement options and as far as level design i think it incorporates great usage of 3d space. however i strongly dislike the "replay 1 level 10 times" to beat the game shit, and worst of all level design gets more "abstract" (read; random floating blocks visually shitty) the further into the game you go. overall i rate it a solid 8/10, quake 1 was the far superior 3d game and it released a day before it
>inb4 muh apples to oranges
it might be an fps but ultimately the two play the same
Glorified tech demo that will be forever outclassed by both its gen competition and its sequels.
Do you think Odyssey will have any throwback levels like Galaxy 2?