What other ps1 games deserve HD remasters like Crash Bandicoot?
What other ps1 games deserve HD remasters like Crash Bandicoot?
Ape Escape
Jumping Flash
Wild Arms
Legend of Dragoon
Simcity 2000
Civilization II
Spyro trilogy is the only correct answer here.
>This scene becomes "we missed you."
Croc without a doubt.
Spyro obviously, how is this even a question?
Wild Arms already has a remake on PS2.
Spyro does seem like the next logical choice.
But I'd love to see a HD remake of Fighting Force
It was cozy and adventurous.
Fucking loved the ost for the desert/Mexico map
I'd say klonoa but he got a remake already
wait this is a remake? is it shit?
Silent Hill 1.
Yeah, imagine if that could happen without getting fuck up.
Spyro and Destroy all Humans
I want to say Megaman Legends, but my PTSD is kicking in.
You are now in charge of remaking Gex. What do you do?
Xenogears Complete and HD Remastered Edition
one can dream
Make jontron
Aside from updating graphics and fixing anything that needs to be fixed? Not much. Obviously implement a real save system for 1.
It'd be nice to see Klonoa's Wiimake in actual HD though.
Of course, people would most likely bash the game for being so short. Maybe if it was a Klonoa 1+2 pack?
Also, maybe released alongside the movie?
At least there's dolphin, I suppose
>likely tier
>possible tier
Everything else
>snowballs chance in hell tier
You have to consider who owns what IP. Activision owns Spyro, Activision is also the people that did the crash remaster, and Vicarious Visions work on skylanders themselves. It would make perfect sense, since skylanders is waning in sales.
Then there's croc which isn't owned by a company at all but rather the original creator Jez San, I somehow doubt he's down to do anything with that right now. Someone should ask them.
Im just going to pretend the sequel never happened
Brave Femcer definitely deserves a remake/reboot
Yeah, but Klonoa with nice fur textures like Crash would look great.
Get dana gould to do austin powers and aliens jokes. Hes the key to everything