True or false: data mining has ruined the mystery and surprises of video games

True or false: data mining has ruined the mystery and surprises of video games.

Not being a kid any more ruined the mystery

conservatism injecting politics into gaming has ruined video games

A little of both.
We can get a hell of a lot more info out of data mining, but it can kill the fun of going into a game and doing experiments or searching for surprises yourself.

the funniest thing about your post is the fact that you are the same persona complaining about people derailing threads

Absolutely false. Data mining had nothing to do with it.
We've gotten really good at sharing information, but taking it all in is still a choice. You've no one to blame but yourself.

your irrelevant post reminded me

stupid non-gaming shit posing as games like dating sims (persona), little kiddie party shit (smash), and titty ninjas helped ruined gaming

You aren't forced to read data mining results, you ruined games for yourself.

Not really

The internet already did that well before datamining was a thing

shit always gets leaked or someone finds something and it gets spread all around the internet before you ever get a chance to play it

Datamining just speeds up the process I suppose, and it doesn't even always happen.

You can thank anyone who's replaced their taste and personality with politics, not just conservatives

Injected politics have ruined very few games.

False because you're letting yourself read the leaks. You have only yourself to blame.

it ruins the possibility of having uniques and one-offs in MMOs

The point is that data mining completely ends the mystery, it doesn't just approximate it

The Internet ruined gaming.

Including places like Sup Forums, it is too difficult to discuss a game and 'woah I think I saw something cool/scary/interesting' only for a million replies of
>devs confirmed thats not in the game
>no mention of bigfoot/aliens/ghosts in the game files
>that's not true, but go to this exact place and see this video I've made of other cool stuff


maybe people are lying unless you datamine yourself

If you still don't get an uneasy feeling when you go to Back O Beyond then I feel sorry for you.

True, but it's still your own fault for looking up data-mined info.

Chilliad Mystery still unsolved

Data miners will always mine, and nothing can be done about it.

It did genuinely ruin the sense of mystery in most games though.

You also have a point.

Did you know that San Andreas has a smaller map than both GTAs IV and V? A bunch of smoke and mirrors and the fact that you were a dumb kid made it seem like the opposite.

The point is that unless you're doing the datamining yourself you're getting the information the same way, through the internet. Either it was found in the game's code or people play it early and spread it around the internet, the result is the same.

>t. every Pokemon game in existence


The "I want to be the first to report on this mystery" fad ruined gaming mysterys.

It's possible to still have mystery in games that aren't necessarily "big reveals". So maybe the mystery won't be a big reward like a jetpack or something, but just hidden messages or things you have to piece together.

>Smaller map than GTA IV
SA is still the bigger map.

The internet has.
>you'll never tell your friend bs about x game anymore because now he'll just google it and figure everything out including shit you didn't know

>Dark Souls never released for PC
>all that lore and dialogue
>all those cut cutscenes
>all those cut weapons

no, CJ is actually the size of a leprechaun so they didnt need to make everything as large as it appears

Aren't people still discovering shit in the arkham games years later?

It feels better because it's partitioned into the three cities, as opposed to one big city and a huge desert of nothing like in V.

Also cars are much faster in IV and V so while the maps are bigger you get around them much faster

>gamers are now conditioned to Google everything to make sure they're playing the game "correctly", in some cases alt-tabbing to a wiki constantly, instead of discovering things for themselves

I never do this but I see people talking about it all the time. The amount of fucking people I saw in Dark Souls 1 that were blatantly on their first playthrough but had the drake sword. The most it's ever affected me was in Persona 5, when you get asked a question in class you can see what percentage of other players answered each question to help you, like "ask the audience" in who wants to be a millionaire. I thought that would be a cool feature if you weren't sure about a question but because everyone's obsessed with their perfect playthrough they've all googled it, so the correct answer always has around 98% of the votes.

bigger I meant

it is better tho

I almost feel the opposite, keeping up with the Chilliad Mystery in GTA V was great fun, there's a lot of tiny little weird touches in the game world (why does each character have a different sun? what are all these weird messages?) that are just really fun to speculate about. Sure, in our hearts we know there probably isn't anything, but I feel like the same was true with SA too.


It would be perfectly possible to defeat data mining.
1) Have your game engine load content from discrete, overlappable modules which combine into a virtual filesystem. This is already a popular approach.
2) Add support for encrypted modules (meaning tooling to encrypt them and in-engine APIs to decrypt them)
3) Derive the key from a password or code
4) Have the game prompt for a code at some point (preferably in an in-universe way, like a usable laptop in an obscure location)
5) Hide the code in the world in a way that is resilient to mining (i.e. it's based on the alignment of planets in the sky at a specific time and place)

tada! A mystery that cannot be cracked by brute force. I'm gonna do something along these lines if my gamedev projects ever amount to anything.

get back to red dit with your le wrong generation bullshit

One way to get past this: glitches. OoT has managed to retain its mysterious properties, decades later, because people still discover new glitches. The discovery of the Wrong Warp glitch was one of the most astounding things I've seen in gaming. It was a secret, hiding there, for years, and it's not like it was obvious just by reading the code. With glitches, they're not just revealed by data mining, they are revealed by playing and exploiting the game engine.

>dat pendant troll

Fucking Sheva's side quest

This nigga wasn't alive during 90's internet.
Before datamining, the internet was filled with FALSE information. Ever been to cheatcodecc or supercheats or pojo back on those days? All filled with made up shit from "that kid" who's dad worked st Sega or Nintendo.

Remember Pokegods?Remember "Beat the Elite Four 100 times in a row with a team of all Pikachu without turning off the gameboy to unlock the cutscene where Professor Oak gives you Togepi" style codes? If anything, the internet brought MORE mystery before datamining. There was so much fake information spread among the real information that it made you wanna discover it all. Fucking every kid did the B+UP "cheat" when throwing Pokeballs, even to the point where I STILL do it because I've conditioned myself to. To this day, even with datamining, people still believe that shit did anything.

Pokemon was the prominent example for me because they stood in my memory the most, but plenty of other games had bullshit spread around.
>Beat Metroid in under 15 minutes for naked Samus
>Play as Wolf if you beat Andros on the left path but get some impossible high score
>Fight Satan in Punch Out if you beat the game without getting knocked out once
>Nude cheat in Pandemonium
>Have dogs bite Laura Croft's top off if timed properly
>Play as Metal Mario if you beat the game without losing a stock and in under 8 minutes

The list goes on. The funny thing is that cheats, exploits, and secrets that made no sense were so common back then. Playing as fucking Akuma sounded like such bullshit to me as a kid, then some ass hole in the pizza shop put his quarter in, moved his stick across the character select screen, and BAM he's kicking my ass as Akuma.

Getting nostalgia now. I will never return to those carefree days. Being an adult sucks. I don't even have time for vidya anymore.

All those games except titty ninja came out before you were born, underaged b&.

This was the counterexample that came to mind for me too.

Both of these.

Leaks ruin a lot of shit
Ryu's smash annoucement for example
Same with Duck Hunt and Shulk

Fuck I hate leakers

>dude is spooky video game mystery real
>nope datamined and it shows nothing
how could you avoid something like. Obviously where you are going to see the myth you will see people debunk it.

My brother used to get me with N64 games. Told me you could play as Luigi in Mario 64. Also that Island in Goldeneye. You can see it with a Sniper rifle, but you couldn't actually get there. He said you had to beat Dam in some retarded amount of time and you could go there and get a secret weapon.

>hurr youre not forced to see it

What if it's a mystery game and you're looking for people to discuss it with, or it's an online game with a social aspect to it? You're going to see leaks and shit immediately.

Look at the difference between the Smash Bros Brawl character reveals and the Smash 4 ones. Imagine if Snake had been leaked like all the Smash 4 characters. It wouldn't have been nearly as memorable.

doesn't help when there are silly things that are actually legit like the colored opening in Suikoden II if you repeat the first battle 108 times.

or the whole kidnapping the Queen in FF9

if you don't want spoilers then finish the damn thing before you go discussing it

>finishing a game
>when they still have $100 of dlc left to sell you
>can't talk about the game until after you bought the game beat it all and then bought the game electric bugaloo and beat that too
at some point you're better off just never playing the game

People are still finding beta content till this day.

Part of that is because of things like the Zodiac spear and the other part is not wanting to do multiple playthroughs when you can avoid it. Personally if I want to collect trophies I do Google and check but in most cases I do a blind run 1st. I've only played P3FES but it was a chore at times even though I didn't use a guide where as I would for P4G.

a-user please stop
i'm sorry I alt-tabbed so much

Damn, I haven't played persona 5 yet is there a way to turn that shit off?