I love the constant Sonic threads that Sup Forums has now

If Mania does well and more 2D Sonics are made, the Sonic train here on Sup Forums won't end.

Other urls found in this thread:


Just like Crash Bandicoot

i only care for rouge porn

Why not post Rouge instead

This but for Sally

You mean the threads you spend all day, every day posting ?


yes but with something to talk about





Blaze is objectively best girl.

>That cunt Amy is gonna choke on my dick, and then I'mma stick my gun in her mouth. Make her choke on cum and bullets in the same fuckin' night.

BAT ____

post feet


Man, Shadow the Hedgehog sure was a dark game. Can't believe he said that.

Extremely gay.


not bad

Any news on High Rise Heist?

please post more rouge

it is really a necessity at this point

BFBT ....all rogue threads are that right ?


>I fucked her ass so hard she bled, then made her swallow half her prescription. Someone's gonna find her tomorrow, and I'll be laughing. Fucking slut.

Thread theme


there are enough sonic fags on here to guarantee a sonic thread here every now and then

So Blaze is going to be in Sonic Forces right guys?

Not playable, but I'd assume she'd be in the game at least. If they can bring Silver back they can bring her back.

blazefag here, i sure hope so. sega needs to love blaze more, she's fast and best girl

"Before I say goodbye to you"



You know what's going to suck? Forces is going to be as good as Sonic Colours but reviewers are going to shit on it because it isn't 2D

Bat > Cat

Colors was more 2D than 3D, and also painfully mediocre.

>any established Sonic character dying

It's obviously gonna be your donut steel.

You're painfully mediocre.

Forces looks 2D as fuck.


I wish she could be playable again. They could do some cool stuff with her gameplay-wise with her pyrokinesis (I feel they never really took that much advantage of that with her in her previous playable appearances).

is it late enough for some BFBT ?


Friendly reminder to watch Sonic Boom.



There is not enough fat Rouge material

To be honest it's surprising that Sega didn't just straight up abandon Silver like the plague after Sonic 06.

Because it's disgusting.

I like this woman

I'm going to make her my wife

pleb. you have not yet reached ascension

Yeah, but only the Mania threads are the good ones.



Why the fuck of all animals a bee?.

>might will never be part of chaotix again.

Good he is really ugly.

it never stopped regardless. stop with the low qual bait



I don't understand.

is it on a calculator?

filterfags, this is your mindset

I think it's Sonic Rush but through a Gameboy screen filter.

This thread lacks BFBTs .

Come on already .

come on man...

>Chaotix finally coming back
Jesus I never thought I'd be somewhat hyped for a 3D Sonic game again, Sega'd really going all out with good Sonic shit this year.

People need to start spamming CWC on these threads.

Even if you don't recognize Sonic Advance the filename clearly says it.

Im waiting for the bat dlc character creation

>Meant Advance
Well today's as good a day as any to neck myself

Do you honestly think they're going to do anything?
Sonic Team backpedaled to a rediculous degree regarding Sonic's supporting cast after all of the ridiculing. If it's not Tails, Eggman, or MAYBE Knuckles, they're getting the shaft.

because maniafags shit up any threads about Forces

Does everything need to be some type of rodent for you to find it appealing?

Not really he is cute.
Is just kinda weird in that team

You shouldn't neck yourself for that, you should neck yourself for playing Jäger.

Goddammit someone's gotta post Rouge, here goes

Not really when most threads are something like
>I want to fuck ____
>dumps rouge porn
>can't wait to make a batslut in forces even though bats aren't even a selectable species
>dude pc porn mods lmao
>shadow is unironically the best character in the series


Is the rouge game still in the works or did the guy take the money and run?

Guys. What if Sally Acorn is an unlockable character in Mania?

Any reason why this character has extremely large boobs? Like is there a story behind why Sega thought giving a bat very large breasts would be a good idea?

Maybe they thought they could get away with it because maybe SA2 would have possibly been the last Sonic game.

Why sally and not amy?.
Or shadow? or that girl from the movie?.


Just a haphazard mix of trying to design a femme fatale for a game with cartoon animals with a Japanese fanservice perspective. She never should have been added, but it's sixteen years too late, so might as well run with it.

Because edgy teenagers.

Rouge is such a goofy idea that I can't help laugh at it today. It's like the weirdest fur fap someone came up with. Just slap a big old pair of tits on a bat and give her the Sonic framework.


to think I jerked off to Rouge when I was young.

Fuck, why did that make me laugh

When they brought back the Chaotix, and without Mighty and made them a detective agency in Sonic Heroes, that when I knew Sonic was going to go downhill and fast.

yeah, im going to need the rogue pic in the bottom left of the video

Here you go.

thanks lad

I still do.
With amy too.


What ever happened to this dude?

go nuts, its a good show

Do you think critics would've loved Sonic more during the 2000's era had Sega used his cast of furry friend sparingly like Mario and company? Not integral to the plot, just there mainly static without dialogue.

Besides for the game play, this is probably one of the other things people started hated Sonic for doing. Too much friend bullshit.

Sonic Mania is going to be great!



Sonic can work by himself. The first game and CD proved this. There's no reason why Sega shoehorns character after character to give Sonic a motivation.

Any story reason why the faggot from the future is in Sonic Forces?