I just realized something after scrolling through a few pages of Sup Forums that appears to be true on most other...

I just realized something after scrolling through a few pages of Sup Forums that appears to be true on most other boards too: no one uses exclamation points except for the following occasions
>shitposting of the spammy or falseflaggy variety
>cuteposting e.g. I-I don't w-want you to bully me, A-user! I'm too shy!

Why is this?
It's something that you don't really notice but upon realizing you can't stop seeing it
Is it too genuine an expression of excitement or anger, do people think it's faggy, what is it?

Other urls found in this thread:


Expressing emotion using exclamation mark is sign of immaturity.

Carat nose is better :^)

It looks homosexual

That's a pretty mean post you made there, user!

It makes me look too excited

It makes me look too excited!

It makes you look like a gay little twink fuccboi

>have to hold shift AND press a button

yea no thanks lmao

Every time I post from now on I'm going to use exclamation points!




Emotions are forbidden.

!'s are for sissies. Only erp sissy anons use them these days!

Fuck you, faggot!

tell me OP, which has more impact?

>a few pages

>He doesn't use infinite scroll

It's just a thing.
/jp/ uses exclamation marks though.

This is why

Weebs, furries, erp fags and other kinds of obnoxious cunts ruined exclamation points by overusing them. Same reason hardly anyone uses "trolling" and instead use "baiting" even though it means the exact same thing.

only girls and fags unironically use exclamations

First one actually!

Exclamation points are generally used by women, same thing with words like "umm" "*sigh*"or even "sigh".

None of us are women, and to say we are is to shitpost.

Sup Forums - Orthography

Never not going to do this now!

At least it didn't descended into grammar Sup Forums levels yet.
You know, the while "hormones in the water makes americans be unable to distinguish between they're/there/their"

>english game
>no exclamation points except if someone is yelling
>japanese game translated to english!
>every sentence ends in an exclamation point!

if you want to shout use caps