World of Warcraft next expansion (8.0) armor data mined from PTR - Kul Tiras

"This set is named after the maritime nation led by Lord Admiral Daelin Proudmoore in the Second War--it's since been mysteriously silent after the Third War. There are eight icons in the database for Kul Tiras Quest Armor. These icons all follow the naming scheme of Inv_boots_cloth_kultirasquest_b_01, which is very similar to the naming scheme of icons used for quest gear in previous expansions. Here are some examples (full list of icons with "quest"):•inv_chest_leather_legionquest100_b_01
Zooming in on the side armor on the skirt, we can more clearly see a map to a new zone, as well as some tentacle decorations underneath.

Could we be going to Kul Tiras in a future patch or expansion? Is this an interesting plot twist in Patch 7.3 and we'll see Jaina's return? A Chromie-like scenario where we visit Kul Tiras in a flashback? Simply a red herring/placeholder names for 7.3 sets?"

>Island map

Yet another map

Neat? Haven't played in forever but that was always an expansion idea people threw around

Who gives a fuck.

is it time for 4th specs for every class?

People still play this shitty game. Jesus christ how sad

>giving a shit about warcraft at this point
it's like watching your son turn into a piece of shit.

That looks like green WOD trash loot.

>No Void Lords/Old Gods cosmic expansion


>Ignoring the tentacles

fuck this world-ending, plot-trouncing, KILL EVERYTHING GOD-EMPEROR (playername) bullshit

we need a kul tiras expansion. i'm so fucking sick of saving the world...AGAIN

>4th specs for every class
Ha, good joke. Didn't they say only a while ago that they would like to cut down the specs to only 2 because they overlap too much and don't feel unique enough? Face it, nu-WoW is about removing things, not adding. See: class """""pruning""""" i.e. gutting.

Mods should ban Blizzshit threads.

Bump for justice

i don't even know what's happening on the lore anymore.

remind me again, why is jaina lost?

>Is this an interesting plot twist in Patch 7.3 and we'll see Jaina's return?

what happened to Jaina?

Abandoned the Kirin Tor to Khadgar right before Legion and is one of the only major lore characters to not be accounted for during the Legion invasion.

How can they even go higher than they are now? Aren't people on the fucking Burning Legion homeworld in Legion?

They should just end it and release Warcraft 4.

Eh, we went from killing the Lich King and Deathwing to having to fight Garrosh in Pandaland.

oh yeah, there's a quest for that.
right when khadgar teletransports dalaran right?

a Garrosh powered by the heart of y'saarj (or however is written)

I assume Kul Tiras would join the Alliance. Who then joins the Horde?


looks straight out of warlords of draenor


I'm guessing either neutral or Kul Tiras will be the main enemy (void-corrupted).

>Get to kirin tor
>Now boats are a thing
>big ass boats like garrisons, small boats for mounts
>submarines too
>work on a naval army like a garrison
>Blizzard will gut all of this and put in more toys and useless ass mounts
Enjoy paying $14.99 a month!

Only feasible answer I can think of is Undermine. But I'd also assume that could be a neutral hub. Only other idea is a far fetch, but Zandalari remnants join the Horde and their Island becomes horde territory.

I only loosely say Zandalari trolls because the Darkspear don't really have a faction leader at this point.

Prophet Zul will more likely be a raid boss if it's Kul Tiras.

who the fuck cares

>Follow up going to a demon planet by going in a submarine
Nah theres no way they are that stupid

I was thinking more along the lines of if the Zandalari joined the horde it'd be easy to explain away subrace options for trolls.

>Argus is the first demon planet we've been to

Wasn't Kul Tiras sunk or flooded or some shit?

>Kul Tiras is overrun by lovecraftian horrors and twilight cultists

Was pushed out to sea away from Hillsbrad during the Cataclysm and has been lost ever since.

Anons, what's the most fun rogue spec? I want to be a stealthy guy but I'm not sure which to put my AP into. I'm sure it's not as much of a commitment as im making it seem right?


Outlaw was fun when I played but I heard they did some tweaks to Roll the Bones.