So is he fun?

So is he fun?

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He better be. Cause he yas literally nothing else going for him

Why couldn't he just be a robot with a big fist?

With a black dudes voice

do bbc posters ever get tired of posting the same exact thing over and over? I could get boatloads of (You)'s by spamming blacked porn, but I like to carefully craft and think about my shitposts

But now I can share it with my normie friends, since everyone knows Brazzers.

Get the meme right, you faggot.

You could ask that about most posters now days. Shitposting is brainless now

>didn't even get the meme right

Black man here, why do white women love us so much?

Another black man here, prison wifi isnt that bad.

they dont, they think you're animals and see you merely as sex objects

They look like kings

who the fuck is this?

Another black person here, because we're too fast for them to say no.

Also black man here
Why do white womenz love us so much?

>they done

>but they do

Nice logic

Everyone knows

One job OP and you still fuck it up. Fucking faggot.

Not really, it's only popular with the cucks who visit this site

My friends visits it and they're normalfag as fuck. Lot's of women love it

You post this in like every thread
I can't speak for women but sissies love black men because the stereotype is incredibly masculine with a big fat cock to worship

Statistically they don't, but ((they)) want everyone to think that's the case.

now put mercy in the middle so it looks legit

Yes, he is amazingly fun. I am fucking shocked Blizzard actually made a new character that is this much fun. I thought the ranged attack wasn't needed, but it works out really well. His slam and his uppercut work well together and provide his with some limited mobility and attack.

Are you saying you like a big strong black man ? What are you, some kind of skinny femboi?

>my friends visit it
>lots of women love it

so did he steal that arm from souldozer, or what?

High production values

>there isn't any anime or comic characters to copypaste
>settle for the untrue and stereotypical African

Why did WE only get it right?

incredibly. Every one of his abilities link together perfectly and his punch has a short as fuck cooldown.
Feels so good to chain his moves.

Maybe, depends who's asking

>why do white women love us so much?

Only trashy chubby white women. They usually have a tramp stamp. Tongue piercing. They wear those skinny jeans with jordans. They have a fupa. It's like they're all made in a fucking factory.

I haven't been able to pick him in a non no limits match so I wouldn't know

I'm the black man, that's who's asking. Now answer me, are you? Or not?

I was a little dissapointed in him using a shotgun arm instead of just smashing the fuck out of people with the fist but hes still pretty fun to play and at least he doesn't just use a normal shotgun. His ground smash needs some tweaks to its sound though, it sounds like a playful slap more than a ground breaking punch

Yes sir, I am

They really don't. Don't let the globalist maymays fool you.

Imagine jerking off with the doomfist on.

>believing statistics made by white men

Biased as hell, the outside world proves differently

There are no stats made by black men because they don't have the mental capacity.

Black on Black Violence is not funny

>fast as fuck, pretty much constantly jumping and zooming around all over the place
>cool and flashy combos with his abilities
>if played correctly, pretty much never has any downtime to retreat for heals or to reload
Funnest character in the game imo. It's a shame all Sup Forums cares about is his skin color and what clothes he's wearing. Seems a bit OP though.

You're description made me heave. Stupid niggers can have them

>Le niggers are monkey

As someone who has been sterotypically waiting for big punch man since Overwatch came out, he's fun gameplay wise, but a dissapointment visually.

His gameplay mechanics are fine, rocket punching people into walls is actually really satisfying but his ground slam is super limp and awkward to aim if you actually want to hit someone

His ultimate is honestly real dumb visually, makes no fucking sense that he just floats 1000 miles in the air for 5 seconds while he picks where to land and it looks awful in game, plus doing it in doors is even worse

The whole shotgun thing is again, dissapointing but I get why they did it over melee, not that understanding makes it any less of a bitch, plus the fact that he does his quick melee AND shoots from his bitch arm is just a dumb oversight

Visually he's just kind of boring, I don't give a shit if he's black or not but it actually DOES seem like they're going for an african royalty or we wuz kings vibe but barely pushed it at all, outside of the ivory trunks on his fist he's visually bland, give him tons of gold or tatoos or scars or something, he's the shaved head protag but black right now.

That said, they can easily fix him with some real minor changes
>fix the design with his legendaries, a mech suit leggo, and some other creative choices would make the base design less harsh to deal with
>Make him punch with his fucking fist for fucks sake or at least have him shoot out of it, fuck his left arm
>Make the ult more visually appealing or at least have it not be able to be used in really low indoors or something
>fix some minor bugs and the wonkiness of the slam.

Don't know why I felt like typing all this out but there ya go. Honestly he's fun to play, but his PTR release and trailer fell real limp to me

Back to tumblr nigger Sup Forums is not your safe space

You spend too much time here


The real question is what do Asian men see in Latino girls not we're all not seeing?

Do you like skinny fembois, sir?

sorry user no one came to the thread to actually talk about the gameplay

Nice grammar nig

Asian here. I don't get why Asian men are into latino girls. I when to highschool with them and most of them are preggo or a fucking gang member.

s'all good

Back too 9gag faggot, this is no place to tell others which board too go back too

alien here.
ya'll are stupid

Good, post your email, you better send me pics of your ass. Better not waste my time.

He's pretty fun. All of his abilities combo into each other and he's got a lot of movement options.

yeah fuck off you cunt

Just played an Illios game of a with my team being 5 doomfists and a Lucio vs 5 genjis and a mercy.
We lost to those jumpy weeb fuckers but it was fun as hell. Genjis are a nightmare to hit with his primary and can easily jump over your rocket punch, so it makes it supper satisfyign to catch them.
>Weeb man runs at me deflecting.
>Uppercut the fucker, shoot him once then punch him midair into a column

The only thing that can get a shitposters engine revving nowadays is to report their shit and tell them every single rule they broke with their post.

>muh globalism boogiemen

You realize that's false, right? Like every race of heterosexual female (except black), every race of heterosexual male prefers White men.

I'm sorry sir, I don't have any pictures of my body for you to jerk your big black cock to, I'm very shy. I won't waste your time

Yeah, and I wonder who made the statistics for that.

Useless. Just like your little dick

>the outside world proves differently
Meanwhile in KANGZstan

I know, sir. I apologize for being a useless white sissy

Punching deflecting Genjis into the wall is one of the more satisfying things in this game.

Yeah. I love his wallbounce mechanics. Squishies stand no chance against that shit.

Any statistic that doesn't have people drifting toward their own race is skewed and wrong.

Is this more accurate for you?

Fuck off nigger

>potential to be melee only
>Blizzard in their infinite wisdom couldn't figure out any way for him to finish kills but give him a ranged auto-reloading weapon
Pretty big let down that he is all crowd control and his main DPS is a ranged attack. They couldn't even make his V/Melee attack do something unique.

most of his damage comes from his abilities, not the shotgun.

I love how his basic Melee uses his regular hand