This game won't last a month!

>this game won't last a month!
Overwatch still going strong
>6 months is all this game will last before it dies
Overwatch still going strong
>b-but guys it'll die in a year right?
Overwatch still going strong

How does it feel to be incredibly wrong you stupid cunts? Overwatch is a phenomenal game and is here to stay in both the casual and competitive markets. How does it feel to be so FUCKING wrong Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

It just needed to shove Battleborn off of a cliff, beyond that my interest is largely limited to how badly I want witch Mercy to sit on my face

Literally nobody ever said that. Sup Forums was was hyped as hell for this game, then the contrarians showed up.

Nobody said this though

When you're feeling down, just remember you will never be as autistic as that guy who comments on every single PC Gamer Facebook Overwatch article without fail shitting on the game with false info

It must be doing pretty badly if I see these threads daily. I dropped Overwatch like a month after release because I realised it would be the same shit forever. I think everyone else is waking up. A good game like Dota 2 doesn't get boring.

I've seen some bait in my time.

This isn't the worst bait. But it's close. Well done.

haha look I posted it again

I run into the same people every time I play a game and I'm Gold (supposedly the most populated rank).

>people with differing opinions are baiting me

Hello, Reddit.

Reddit boogeyman. Lurk two years before posting, newfag.

Or does fag trigger you? Should I say normie? Faggot.

He's right.

>my interest is largely limited to how badly I want witch Mercy to sit on my face

This a million times over

im not even fucking kidding
i tried to give this game a chance
5:00 ques for eacch game type

fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck that

>5k viewers
ded game

>""""still going strong""""

OP btfo

click on the icon, it has way more than 5k viewers

lmfao, ops a fag yet again. everyone go home


yeah 300 players above 2k SR sure is alive

You literally removed the first number from it. They're in order of viewers and the game free has more than 5k, plus it's the only one with the view count not in line with the game title

I'm 3357 and not top 500 so you're full of shit.

>couldn't even be assed to nudge the doctored viewcount over so it matches the justification of all the others


> between 58k and 30k

It was a good attempt, you fooled some people.

>still going strong
>playerbase, and therefore game, stagnating
>no new shit
>maps still suck
It's dying.

sjws btfo

I just cannot understand how people can have autism this bad

Even when its bait, its still autism

You are literally wrong

>reddit spacing
>calls others new

>People who post games they like are shilling

Hello, Reddit.

>both the casual and competitive markets

Then why all the pro teams are stopping playing that garbage?

I have a guess that includes the number 20 followed by 6 zeroes.

And by the way, Titanfall 2 is the best multiplayer shooter ever made.

Who are you quoting? Why aren't the mods deleting such an obvious bait thread? Why are people responding to such obvious bait? Why are you so lazy that you couldn't even come up with an original copypasta for your bait? Why are people falling for this obvious bait when you haven't put any effort into it and have been obviously self-bumping your thread?

If this were true you wouldn't feel the need to make this exact same thread day after day

it literally is doctored.



Blizzcucks on suicide watch yet again! I told you once that catering to casuals will net you no gains in the competitive scene but "nay!" they said to me.

Cunt there are people in this thread as well that are claiming the game is dying / dead. People disagreeing with your shit opinion does Not constitute mods deleting a thread just because you feel it should. You're probably one of the faggots that claimed OW would be dead and you got MEGA BTFO from this.

Get rekt faggot OW is here to stay


I know a guy that swears up and down that overwatch will go free to play before the end of the year.

Just lol


People seem to forget that more people were excited for this than NuDoom

>cucking his fellow haters with a Photoshop

When did you get so pathetic, Sup Forums

>screencaps 3 articles about the same thing

Wot did he mean by this

literally how? Even fucking Battleborn isn't F2P

If they let you see everyones sr gain/loss after each game this game would die near instantly

I thought it just went F2P?

They had a free weekend trial, they're still desperately believing they can get people to pay for it


It's up to 8k now. Children just got home from school in Europe so the viewer count is going to skyrocket.

It doesn't matter anything blizzard throw out drones flock to it like a new born cattle to its mothers utters.

This same exact thread with the same exact blubbering greentext format gets posted her every week to farm (yous). Just because you're going to get pissy and try claiming i give a fuck about the success of Overwatch because i called you out on your bullshit doesn't make it any less true.

overwatch is boring as balls, it's just it's fucking retarded fanbase that will never leave it

Posted by me cunt. I love seeing overwatch haters btfo.

overwatch is casual bait

>145,436 viewers for Mario Kart Wii
fucking how

>doing same thread every week about dying game just to make himself feels better


Who else only plays when a new hero/event is released?

>Literally nobody ever said that.


its 3:30am in europe m8

Judging by my queue times between events, probably a ton of people.

No it's still free.

Speak english, faggot

That guy is an idiot but so are you if you think common as fuck formatting like that is exclusively found on reddit. Have you not been here for the past 11 years or something?

>dying game
>new character released today

That's not how it works, champ


>Overwatch is a phenomenal game and is here to stay in both the casual
Yeah cause tf2 is old as fuck
>and competitive markets.
kek, you deserve this (You)
Overwatch is shit and your thread is pathetic. It's being kept alive by wows refugees and you know it.

blizzdrones are the worst kind of casual cancer

>everyone's playing him

At most try him out in practice, wait for the official release.

It's not even Overwatch haters at this point, it's just little kids that can't recognize bait.

So you're admitting to violating global 10?