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Except only Spider Man actually looked like it could be good at reveal. The only thing E3 2017 did was putting the very last nail in the PS4 coffin.

Man what the hell happened? I remember reading articles about how Sony promised a large Japanese showing. Was it all replaced with VR shit at the last minute or something?

Yup, ps4 is dead.

psx 2017

Try comparing that to actual game sales, retard.

People are pretty much ONLY buying COD/GTA/Annual Sports games on Playstation.

Sales don't matter jack shit if it doesn't lead to an expanded library of games. When the PS2 sold like hotcakes it incentivized publishers/developers to actually make lots of good games for the system. For some reason it hasn't been the same way for the PS4, it's still at PS3 levels (if not lower).

The Vita T_T

That doesn't disprove his point. Even if people are buying it just to play that shit, it's still selling hardware for Sony in numbers outpacing anything else. So by either of your logic the PS4 is certainly not dead despite you wishing it were.


It also incentivized a lot of shovelware back then. Publishers/developers just realized since that it's much more profitable to only make garbage.

>118 Xbones sold in Japan in one week
What a triumph

>it's a shit console
Sonybros get a brain

Spider-Man looked awful besides the ability to use enviromental hazards mid-combat. Sony could not have chosen a worse game for their "and now one last thing to show" pick.
Monster Hunter, which isn't even exclusive lol.

Unlikely, PSX is mainly for new demos of what was shown at E3. They'll just have a new TLOU 2 trailer and playable demos of God of War, Days Gone, and Spider-Man with RE7 DLC demo as well if we're lucky

I cannot fucking believe how you people can be hyped for Spiderman. They have not been remotely worthwhile games in nearly 15 years. It's all artificial hype, unless you're a 14 year old illegal immigrant whose house smells like tacos or curry.

stop pretending like every E3 isn't exactly the same disappointment each time.


But GoW it´s still looking good.
I mean in terms of gameplay.

How many times are you gonna post this picture?

But they aren't.

>Unlikely, PSX is mainly for new demos of what was shown at E3

Did you even watch the last one? they showed a bunch of yakuza games with dates and even danganronpa V3 localisation, ni no kuni 2 trailer, Ys origin, gravity rush 2 dlc and nier

>But they aren't.

>bloated scripted cutscenes/bullshots

Pretty sure that was the previous year. Last year the standouts were MvC Infinite, SFV Season Pass 2, Wipeout collection, KNACK 2 BAYBEE, and TLOU Part 2

So its not shit then retard if millions love it


Didn't you get banned last time for this thread?

No nigga, this was 2016

Yakuza 6 wasn't a thing in 2015, neither was Ys origin ,Danganronpa V3 or Gravity Rush 2.

Bruv, stop talking shit when you miss match facts, you are even damage controlling by saying "standouts" when every nip game i mentioned got a trailer in the event

Not trying to defend Nintendo right now because I hate the Switch with a passion for its paid online, but popularity doesn't mean something is good, and there are plenty of shit things that get lapped up by the lowest-common-denominator, like Bayformers and Twilight and 50 Shades of Gray.

>232 Vitas in North America

Sony flopped hard.

Nobody is hyped for Spider-Man now, user. When all we knew was "AAA Spidey made by a respectable company" there was plenty of reason to be happy, but now the game was revealed as cinematic garbage with Arkham combat and Miles shoehorned in.

>2016 E3
>Spider-Man finally free from their former shitty dev and given a chance to be a decent game again, not a fan of the costume but there was hope
>2017 E3
>it's ASM2.5 but with even more Arkham and best of all it ended with Miles, the worst Spider to ever be created and we're told he has a large role
>my fucking face

Being a Spiderfag is suffering. Shit movie coming out, shit game coming out, comics are shit it's just like vidya, stick with the retro stuff and you'll remain happy.

What's wrong with Homecoming? It looks kino.

Fuck off Sup Forums

Don't act like Sup Forums and Sup Forums aren't one in the same.

If there's something worse than the whole thing being somehow redeemed by a multiplat is that they had the balls to show their conference on theaters

I'm well aware Sup Forums comes to Sup Forums all the time because they're desperate for attention and acceptance but it doesn't mean I have to be nice to you meme obsessed faggots. Also there is nothing even remotely decent about Homecoming and it's obsession with fucking everything to do with Spider-Man lore.

>implying those weren't shit too

Just put on this OST and play Zelda.

>talking shit about SM2000
>talking shit about Ultimate Spider-Man

I don't like you very much.

Sam Raimi's third worst movie. Go watch evil dead 2.

And still it was better than Microdick conference.


Yeah, enjoy your exclusive Android tier games.

Nintendo (i didn't made me want to buy a Switch, but at least it showed new stuff) > Sony > Microsoft

Doesn't matter how much Sup Forums shits on this game. It's already destined to sell gangbusters. Sony knows this, Marvel knows it, I fucking know it.

It's a day one buy for me.

Same here. Suck my dick, Sup Forums. I'm going to buy Spider-Man for my PS4 and you can't do nothing to stop me.



Whats that game on the bottom left again?

So this is only for those specific games and not E3 as a whole, right? Because if anything, E3 2017 was way more hype than last year's.

Funny how Nintendo won both years too.

>people were saying that sony could show the exact same shit as last year and still won
>sony does exactly this plus MHW and SOTC remake
>people lose their shit

Even Sup Forums is shitting on Homecoming nonstop. NO ONE thinks that garbage looks good.

Hey, I liked that game as a kid. It was balls-hard but I eventually beat it and I felt accomplished for it.

Psx is where the good games will be, not all these gay triple A titles at e3

>he thinks sales in yurop have any meaning episode
good one user-kun

>vita sales

>The only thing that got people to buy the ps4 is the remastered Crash
>Same thing happened with bloodborne
That has to be a wake up call for sony if 2 of the most wanted games are bloodborne and Crash, why are they making movie games?

>Same thing happened with bloodborne

As far as i know, BB didn't sold that well. Stuff like Uncharted does better among the normies.

That was Xbox's conference though. :^)