Got this for like 3 dollars and playing for the first time
How viable is a dual wield build? What should I grab at the start? I picked the Soldier class And have 14 in Str, Con, And Charisma
Everything else is 12
How fucked am I?
Got this for like 3 dollars and playing for the first time
How viable is a dual wield build? What should I grab at the start? I picked the Soldier class And have 14 in Str, Con, And Charisma
Everything else is 12
How fucked am I?
lmao it's not dark souls nigga builds make little to no difference in this game
Dual wield is min/maxing.
The dual darth maul style lightsaber/swords are more powerful I'd recommend that.
I own both games but haven't watched the movies (watched part of them in TV a million years ago, but I know basically nothing about the lore),
can I play them or will I be at a loss?
I remember somebody told me that about Dragon age and I Literally could not beat the game on normal because I didn't distribute skills properly on my warrior. Like literally could not kill the final boss
Dual wielding when specced correctly is the best in the game it wasnt until the sequel where they nerfed tanks and buffed force powers (Seriously you can end the game with 30+ wisdom) but boy you could use more strength and less charisma, as its honestly worthless towards the character your making since you can just use force persuade instead,
Its even worse as a mage because alot of the spells are completely worthless and you only get so many, atleast with a warrior if you have enough potions and a decent weapon you arent completely useless to your party
Fucking this.
All the communities and forums trying to create their own 500 page thesis on the efficiency of all the builds when you can literally just piss through the game with auto level up if you wanted.
Get rank 3 Flurry and Force Speed and put every attribute points you get in Strength. That's it you're now unstoppable
This game is set in the old republic thousands of years before the movies you should be ok
Some people want to be an unkillable superpowered badass, I myself just curbstomped kotor2 with lightning spam and 30+ wisdom gear and buffs
The rule with DA is each class has 2 main attributes you need to level. Str and con are for warriors
Yeah it always just ends up with godlike treat injury and force storm for me. Force crush is fucking overpowered too.
On the general subject, do you have many mods? I only use reshade and TSLRCM, I like to keep it simple.
Pretty much this, none of the shit from the movies are in this game. All you really need to know are there are space wizards with glowing swords. Some are good. Some are evil.
I only used the resoration product and a single mod to change the appearance of my outfit
I know that know back then I gave him a bunch of wis, dex, and cunning
I didn't realize how important STR and con was until what the fucking part where you get arrested or fight 1 thousand guards
Mainly cheesed my way through with morrigan and literally never used stem because I didn't understand why he kept dying
Protip it was because I didn't know what aggro was and the fact that I was supposed to take everybody's hits as a sword and board
I was stupid
Honestly the game isn't that hard, there's a few "that parts" but otherwise you can get away with any kind of lightsaber/force build.
use the mental force powers to rape people's minds
Are there any mods to change the basic clothing for exile? Looks too farmer-y.
Dex is better than Con on tanks tho. Dodging is better in DAO than just having a slightly higher health pool.
That's more of a dual wield thing. A heavy plate tank warrior or two hander doesn't need much dex beyond 16
Can you even play soldier class without lightsabers? Hell the entire game kinda pushes you to stop using blasters and getting a damn lightsaber as the game goes on
Yeah. In kotor one I was building a badass dual pistol gunslinger. Got to kashyyyk, then had an in-game mid-life crisis when I realized Malak would fuck me up.
You can mix and match classes since you choose it twice. You could start as a soldier and be a consular later even though it's stupid.
dump all your stats into Str and Dex, and dump all your perks into healing. Proceed to get anything that gives duel wielding a bonus (no matter how small the bonus is), but not before maxing out lightning strike. It's the KOTOR version of "I died two times on this level and want to get it over with asap".
>Loved the Taris section
>Dropped it on Dantooine
Does it get better after that? The last thing I had to do was go find some ruins to compete my training.
I played through the game with a blaster only build. Easy as shit really.
The real game starts after that and you choose which planet to go to. The sith world Korriban is pretty cool and has its own training academy for dark jedi you infiltrate.
>Get to Malak
>He waxes and wanes on and on about force shit
>Just shoot him in the fucking face
If you somehow found it easy in the first game youll be amazed how much the second game makes you a killing machine
Oh so the game does open up after a while, is Dantooine like the equivalent of Midgar from FF7?
Like I said I was loving Taris, infiltrating the slums and doing the racing was fun as fuck but Dantooine just seemed to keep dragging on and on.
In Kotor 2 I played as a Force rifleman
Shit was dope although I was using lightning way more than I was shooting niggas
I like dueling the best, I always hate it when games include dual wield bonuses but no single weapon bonuses
Yeah in the trayus academy I thought it was gonna be really tough but I ended up just shitting my way through 5+ dark jedi at once.
get aoe damage like electricity. and get master speed. the rest of your build is irrelevant.
Yeah it opens up like other bioware games with 4 planets you can do in any order
Funny, most people hate Taris more than any of the other planets
Dantooine is relatively short though, after you complete your training there's 2 major quests, only one of which you have to do iirc. After that you start picking planets.
I'd recommend against Manaan
Why is every non force user besides canderous a terrible party member? The game seems to expect me to somehow work with all of them long enough to do their stupid quest.
It makes a difference if you want to beat the final boss the manly way. That's probably the only instance though
>most people hate Taris more than any of the other planets
Really? Like I said though the whole slum section was really fun, my favorite parts were helping that one group find the Promised Land (guess it didn't matter in the long run since Taris blew up) and infiltrating the base to get the part for the race.
So should I just power through Dantooine?
My favourite is Taris. Really nice start, immersive atmosphere, not bogged down in all the force stuff and you're not pressured into anything yet. I like to be a badass gunslinger.
It's also interesting because you start of very poor like the rest of the people on taris, and you've gotta find ways to get money.
For me the worst one is kashyyyk. Looks ugly, boring quests and lore. Big Z is so whiny all the time about shit, and although I've come to understand how they work and why they did what they did, wookiees are the most racists cunts alive.
They were trying to protect their culture so I'll give 'em that.
Yeah, most people shit on the first areas of both games, though I didn't think Taris was all that bad, and I really enjoyed the start of KOTOR 2
I'd say power through Dantooine and see if you like the next planet before giving it up
IIRC dual wield is technically stronger than double by the sole nature of having more crystal slots. However that's also limited by actually getting those crystals, and some of the best ones don't have a guaranteed location.
Then there's also the higher crit range on single bladed sabers, but that's more negligible.
Get the catgirl party member if you haven't already and finish any loose ends before you're done
Am I the only one who thinks the grey jedi is the best and keep him around?
The game is super easy, you will be unstoppable once you get off dantoine. If you want to be even stronger then just follow the speed run strats.
>Get the catgirl party member
Is she on Dantooine?
Right now I have Carth, Mission and Bastila.
>tfw you hit enough wisdom to stasis literally everything in the game
I've never had more fun than playing my double-blade lightsaber jedi watchman.
Yeah she's on dantooine.
Yes. A rouge jedi character. Have to use good boy dialouge to get her
You think thats superkill mode you should see sith lord
>100 extra fp
>All force powers get a boost
>Extra wisdom
>Party member influence scales with your wisdom
>All dark side force powers are boosted
I think it's super cheeky that they keep throwing all the fucking persuade options at you but they're specifically designed to never work.
I think most people get hung up on the above ground section where you're running back and forth with just Carth's whining to listen to. Once you get underground shit isn't bad at all
[something seems to be bothering Carth]
I really like Taris as well. I always like star wars stories where it is just about an average joe and not some jedi. It gives me a starwars galaxies feel almost.
They send you to her as your "final test" in jedi school.
i d o n t w a n n a t a l k a b o u t i t
Seriously. Most of the time I'm basically a star wars Patrick Bateman but I could literally be the kindest guy in the galaxy and he'll still get pissy about it.
Should I replay 1 or 2? Which story would I nostalgia about the most?
Why not both? Just finished 1 again. I'm currently in the process of replaying 2. So much nostalgia and so much I never got on previous playthroughs.
They're both just as good to me but one is just a tiny bit more fun.
As waifu simulators go, however, kotor 2.
>mfw three space bitches arguing over my dick
I think one is a bit more fun, but two is a bit more engrossing.
I have to this day never used Sten successfully. I know he is supposed to be DPS but no matter how I level or equip him he fucking dies or is worthless.
Teach me.
>Not 4
What a scrub not getting the Kreia-ass
Seriously though young Kreia was probably hot as fuck.
Atton was definitely on to something.
Alistair does his job better and its not even worth using sten considering how easy it is to raise his approval
If you go Soldier then Guardian dual wield you will be chewing through enemies like no one's business
Dont even bother with robe-locked force powers (force scream is the only power worth worrying about with this build, unless you're light side then dont bother) you can wear heavy ass armor and just flurry shit to death
If you are going light side, get a partner to heal
If not, well, jew up on stims either way
Daily reminder that the jedi order are pederasts and degenerates.
>tfw actually loved Taris because it was one of the very few civilized places whereas the rest of the game is spent on desolate shitholes
I was pretty sad when I found that people treat it as some sort of proto-Peragus
I think he dies for everyone for 80% of the game. Late game he's a beast with dragonbone plate and his sword enchanted but that's almost around level 20.
Kreia was just Avellone's mouthpiece.
Plus she hated you.
Well Soldier is the high str/con/heavy armor warrior class so why would you use blasters as soldier when you'd be better off with smuggler anyway
>Bastilla is a big deal chosen jedi in Kotor 1 because muh Battle Meditation
>you can just like, learn it in the second game because reasons
Should I roll Jedi sentinel and get all the hacking skills? Or is your party member enough for that?
>Plus she hated you.
Just use the utility droid party member, he starts out loaded as fuck with hacking and lockpicking skills, not really a reason to ever waste points in that for your main character
But the utility droid can't fight worth anything and has no interesting input into the story.
Can't you basically swap out party members whenever you want in Kotor 1?
I always thought it was just a much weaker version of Battle Meditation than Bastilla's.
>you cannot waifu Mira
Oh right. Thanks!
So are there tons of dialogue checks that need the hero to have these skills?
>he cant fight
He can use the same blasters anyone else can and use the same blaster abilities too, plus i think he gets some droid-only stun skills that are really good, he's perfectly good, i used him all game and he chews through enemies just as fine as like, carth
>no interesting input to the story
On the flipside, he is an ambivalent droid and does not give the slightest fuck about what you do
1 less person bitching at you when you commit theft or murder is good input in my book
Probably, but still
Good point. Alright, the grey jedi probably don't care what I do, Carth I will avoid, Balstille avoid, who else should I get?
>He's right. It's... all the death you've caused to get here. You feed on it, and you grow stronger. You're like Malachor... it's in you, it's what you are now. You must have noticed as you've fought across all those planets, killing hundreds---only to become more and more powerful. Why do you think that was?
>But what's worse is that bonding you have---it hasn't gone away. It's gotten stronger, and the more attachments you form, the more you draw others to you.
>And that is why you are a threat to us all.
can't, two-handers are utility builds there to wreck armor mostly, best advice i can give is don't open with sweep, use it mid-battle, and keep them in med armor for stamina reasons.
Canderous or HK
What about KOTOR2? I never got around to it on consoles but bought it recently on Steam.
What's the most enjoyable class/style?
All characters in all stories are a reflection of the author's experiences with the world. Kreia sticks out because she's pretty strange, and refuses to suck the main character's cock despite being in a western RPG. As for her hating you, she's a classical antagonist: she drives the story by forcing change in the protagonist. Which, again, is not going to happen via her sucking your cock. Unfortunately, she fails in most cases, because most players are too thick to understand anything important.
Handmaiden's Mother.
What more need be said?
Good genes
always go for two sabers over the double for dem crystals mane
Plus he never speaks so he's automatically the best party member!
The only excuse for not playing a mage in the Dragon Age games is if you have a boner for Dwarves.
yeah, the ruins are actually cool im pretty sure, theyre also pretty short and then youre free to leave dantooine i think
11 year old me got through this game no problem, it's not very hard. Have fun.
WRONG. DAO has been minmaxed and the ideal for a tank is to get enough STR for gear and then max DEX not CON.
Congrats on playing suboptimally for so long
That happened to me in vagrant story. Only used daggers then the final boss is a flying shitter and you're on a platform. Literally cannot be hit with a dagger.
Single blade is styling
+A S T H E T I C
+dont look like a donut steel
+far better hit roll
+better crit ratio
+nice defense
+Force speed lets you *gofast* as dual weilding
+little to no on hit effects so hits beats speed
-cant double up gems son
-cant stunlock with modifier gems
?modifer gems wouldnt work on anything but trashmobs ayway