We just need two more character and we can make an all-Talon team of evildoers to crush Overwatch with in matches...

We just need two more character and we can make an all-Talon team of evildoers to crush Overwatch with in matches. Ideally a Tank and a Support, since there's three Offense and a Defense.

>one of the four-legged Metal Gear-style tank Omnics designed around being a walking meatshield that bodyblocks attacks with lots of armor while using a variety of weapons
>a bio-engineered sentient animal that is a dark mirror of Winston, like an alligator man or a humanoid bobcat in armor with a laser scythe
>a Torbjorn-sized guy who builds physical walls that allies can fire through while blocking attacks

>a Professor Hojo-like scientist who heals and harms with chemicals and summons twisted experiments for different effects
>a life-stealer who drains health from enemies to heal himself and give to allies, can also give his own health to allies
>a prototype flying Omnic with true flight capabilities who can carry allies around and mark areas for aerial bombardments

Is this autism in its purest form?

It's called discussing video games, child, something that's obviously foreign to you.

Weird Winston is the only animal in this game

I still think that Sombra should be tweaked a bit and classed as support, give her an ability to augment allies in some way or actually manipulate the environment.

She's a shit offense only useful for her ult.

>bobcat in armour
>jetpack cat
hell yeah

>New champ from lunar animal testing facility
>Could be literally fucking anything
>They make it another monkey

Come on. We could have had a frilled lizard that fears people, crawls on ceilings, and shoots sticky acid balls or something.


>all the bad guys have dark skin

El o el

Something like this guy?


Black is bad, don't cha know

Is Jeff Kaplan /ourguy/?

I thought you wanted a jetpack cat.

All I see is a furry with guns

An actual cat wearing a jetpack is retarded as fuck.

But a guerilla with a taser is OK?

A gorilla is big and strong and makes sense. A house cat wearing little jet boosters is laughably stupid.


it could work.

Make the alligator man a alligator woman and i'm sold.

How about no, you scalie freak.

Dellor predicted Doomfist

2 apes escaped Winston was a suck up to the humans the other was a ape loyalist


Evil ape maybe? Might go full mojo jojo on us.

I'd have had one of these guys for Offense, but we have too many damn Offense characters now.

Reprogrammed omnic sniper robot.

All shots bounce off the walls, gaining more power with each bounce.

>Mecha Hanzo

Fuck no.

Emily, of course.

How about it gets no bonus from headshots.

And a thin line shows the path from EACH angle, up to 6.

We don't need a fourth sniper. Make the Omnic either a Tank or a Support.