If you had a kid would you let them play video games...

If you had a kid would you let them play video games? Or would you encourage them to do other things like sports or an instrument?

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Hunting to become a real man

My brother who is 11 is pretty much autistic from playing video games. He cant ride a bike and is spending his summer playing BotW while maybe hanging out with friends once a week. At the same age I played a fuck ton of video games too but with the neighbors and we played pretend outside and shit. He doesnt do any physical activity besides go to a McDojo and is going to a fucking cooking camp called "delicious delights" which is pretty fucking gay and even more stupid considering he is overweight. At this rate he is going to become a total numale pussy. I take him running sometimes and writing this out makes me want to take him every day. When he is 14 I will take him to the gym for weight training. Honestly video games are ok if used as a social tool but if it is the child's main hobby nothing good is going to come out of it

You dont have to choose one or another
>impling any of you will have children

Moderation is key in all things, user.

Only old games.

that sounds like me

Children a decade from now are going to resent video games for stealing their parent's attention away from them.

I'll teach them to manage their time with them.
>You can play for however long you want to, BUT you have to do 10 reps of 3 exercises for every hour you play.

>everything has to be a social tool
>living your life to please other people
Man fuck that, I'd never want my child to be a slave to the system


>ask him never to enter my "office"
>"office" being filled with a high-end PC and current gen consoles / handhelds
>give him an NES
>let him get some skills and taste before giving him a Master System, then an SNES, then a Genesis, etc.
>build the ultimate future user with skill and taste in vidya

Well having social skills gets you access to pussy, money, and drugs which are some of the best things in life. Only thing comparable that doesnt require social skills is exploring nature. Honestly youre going to have a really hard time finding people who are happy without social circles

How does it feel being chained to other people and being a little bitch while your bother has more freedom and is more happy than you will ever be in your miserable life?

He already sounds more successful than you buddy.

Yeah im sure every pasty autistic fucker on here is happy

I'd encourage them to play sports. Sports teach you how to socialize, take criticism, have friends and be in a team.

Videogames teach you nothing.

As a 25 year old neet virgin loser, with a brother who played football in middle and highschool, I should know this

the only thing that requires Social Skills is sex. Money Requires hard work and Anyone can get Drugs.

>Brother has more freedom
>Literally chained to a console playing all day because too autistic to do anything else

>pussy, money, and drugs which are some of the best things in life

You're wasting your lifespan on those little things

No. They made me a lazy fuck beyond repair.

>does Karate and goes to a cook club
>Chained to the console all day.
Yeah man sure.

Absolutely. I plan on training my wife's black son at a very early age.

I'd let my kid play games if they aren't using this. Also I'm talking 3 kids. If this is an only child videogames will just fuck him up.

It also lowers your IQ through multiple concussions over the years

Well he does karate for a total of like 3 hours a week and the cooking camp only lasts a week or two. I mostly blame my parents because they work strange hours. His life is pretty much nothing but Breath of the Wild right now

I wish I was this naive again. good money requires social affluency, same with good drugs


Then you get that one kid who takes it too far and drops out school thinking he'll become the next Kaka.

I have had a easy time getting Drugs ever since I have moved to Florida. They are High quality and I am more or less a NEET. You do not need social connections to get good drugs.

>he thinks IQ matters when EQ is through the roof

Its not what you know
It's who you know

its weird how kids today had no energy. a normal day for me with my friends was go outside and shoot eachother with softair guns, go in a pool, run around and do some dumb shit, then at night play some vidya till 3am and go to bed. why are kids not doing shit anymore?

I'm having a son in a few months. I'll encourage him to do whatever he enjoys. I play vidya, guitar, banjo, bass, mandolin & fiddle, so I'm sure he'll be interested in one or more of those things.

Or maybe not - maybe he'll be into sports or go-kart racing or karate or whatever & that's just fine. I'll show him the things that interest me & encourage him to explore his own interests whether or not they intersect with my own.

you won't find a cure for cancer with the power of friendship

Not having the brain of an 80 year old Alzheimer's patient matters, too. Now play some video toys and get back to hating yourself.

lmao you may say this shit now but when he'll be 16 and constantly shitting on your ohsoprecious interests you'll spend the rest of your life heartbroken

Well I guess what they say is true "Retardedness is Bliss"

Congrats on being a dad, user.

I played video games, and an instrument. Seeing as I'm posting here, I didn't exactly end up in optimal condition, though that's most likely a result from unrelated shit

I won't give two hot fucks if he doesn't like the things I like. I'll encourage him to be his own person & pursue his own goals & passions in life.

My job is to teach him how to be a good, honest human being, not to force my interests on him.

Thanks user I'm excited

i'm sorry to discourage, but it's all in genes: if he has the wish to learn something, he'll do that - all you/parents can do is to show as much as possible.

I mean, I've never tried to teach my younger brother anything specific, one day, at the age of 12-14 he just accidentally stumbled across a bootleg copy of FL studio.
He's a DJ now

meh whatever best of luck, you'll need it

I already have a kid. He starts 1st grade in about a month.

He plays video games, but very rarely with/around me. It's my fault he got into such a huge Star Wars kick and while he and I both completed Super Mario 64 100% together (he only played when he could sit in my lap and take the controller from me periodically; strictly played the game with each other), I make a point to avoid video games unless going outside and doing literally anything else is impossible.

I just turned 30. I grew up playing video games until I dropped them entirely about 5 years ago. Wasted so much of my life and time on them when I should've been improving myself, my career, my social and economic standing and building a better, more meaningful life for myself. Now I'm playing catch-up by working all the time, putting myself through college and rarely seeing him.

But when I do, our time together is special. I helped him learn to start reading before kindergarten so he could read The Giving Tree back to me by himself before his very first day of school. He's hiked up two mountain trails with me. I taught him how to throw a punch and that he should never start fights, but should always finish them. Additionally, I always reassure him that if he ever got in trouble for being in a fight, I'd always stand behind him long as he wasn't being a bully to others.

Not too long ago, he asked me "Dada, why do girls like boys who are cool?" I was taken aback, but found it incredibly endearing he'd ask such a deep question at such a young age. So I touched lightly on why women attach themselves to men of "value", men who they hold as "better" (in whatever way she perceives) than them.

He has an iPad courtesy of his grandparents that I fucking hate. I ain't raising no pussy. My little boy will not waste his childhood letting his muscles atrophy in front of a TV or his social skills rot into the dust before they even have a chance to develop by getting sucked into video games. He'll be a MAN.

Why are you on here if you don't play video games?

One instrument of their choosing.
One martial art or sport of their choosing.
I'd let them play games I deem acceptable for their age.
I'd try to partake in their sport hobby at home and ofc in the video game playing too.

To post his fanfic?

I'm procrastinating between here and reddit (gasp!) because I should've gone to bed 40 minutes ago. I'm watching The Hobbit and dreading the laundry list of things to do tomorrow, including the potential roommate I have to be a parent to because he doesn't answer his fucking text messages. We have a handful of apartment complexes to put in applications with and I haven't heard from him in about 36 hours. If he doesn't get back to me before I step out my door tomorrow to begin my list, I'm looking for a new place without him.

Enough about me. How's your night? No vidya, etc, etc.

>tfw to intelligent to choose between the two
my son would exclusively play sports vidya

>lives in an Apartment with a roommate
You devevorided already and you expect your Child to grow up to become a man?

>teach you somehow less than average and you still become a fat shit
great choice dumbasss

I what now?

I've been in my current place for near 3 years. I'm self-sufficient, but I can't keep doing this by myself. It's fuckin' expensive and unless I can triple my salary in the next couple months (and believe me, I'm trying), living here isn't going to be financially sustainable on my single income through another winter. The insulation in here is terrible, so my elecrtic bill averages ~$300 in winter. That's not taking into account other expenses like my car payment, vehicle maintenance and so on.

He'll still have his own room at whatever place I move to. I refuse to compromise on that.

*Divorced. I don't know what the fuck happened

May her wife died from Jamal damaging her insides.

No, I didn't divorce. I was forced out because his mother opted into being a cheater and liar. I didn't find out she was meeting with and fucking random niggers from swingers websites until several months afterward. I ignored the signs because I was at home taking care of our son, thinking I was doing the right things and giving her "time out with her girlfriends"

Ancient history now. A lot has changed in 5 years. I'm still not where I'd like to be, but I'm getting closer every day.

You are still Married to the Woman who cucked you and was kicked out of the house by the bitch? And you want your son to be a Man?

No, I didn't marry her. I came close. In retrospect, thank god it didn't happen.

Is that what you tell yourself every night so you can feel a little less worthless and lonely?

>why are kids not doing shit anymore?

Because the instant a kid goes outside, he is 100% more likely to get kidnapped or raped -- and that is a bad bad thing that parents -- especially over-fucking-protective mothers -- do not want to deal with.

You are a very Irresponsible Dad right off the Bat aren't you?

A pussy will never be able to teach his wife's son not to be one. The closest you'll get is a muhsogeny retard who'll spend most of his time tipping his neckbeard fedora on Sup Forums.

Total bullshit. Our world is safer now more than it ever has been now that everyone and their mothers are connected to the internet and all the good & bad information it brings. That information overload is what instills unwarranted fear into people that they're in more danger now than they ever have been.

Was irresponsible, sure. I'm not perfect, just trying to make the best out of a bad situation.

Definitely not. I'll get him into sports and music. I'd buy my kid a DJ table and let him try it out.

>Our world is safer now more than it ever
>He thinks women like to believe statistics and not their own personal assumptions.

I still get bitching from my fucking fifty-year-old mother that today is more dangerous that it was when she was fucking growing up in the fucking eighties.

No I am pretty content and don't feel the need to belittle a 11 year olds daily activities.

Sometimes my wife's son lets me play his gaming console. Sometimes when I buy him a new game, I notice it has a co-op mode and ask if we can play together. He tells me to "fuck off, white boi".

Tell your mother to lay off all the Fox News clickbait articles from her facebook feed and let her know that 1 like does NOT, in fact, equal 1 prayer. Really drive the point home that she believes exactly what keeps raking in the cash and internet slacktivism is not indicative of the reality of the world around her.


Fucking degenerate.

Because parents nowadays "raise" their kids by sticking an ipad or smartphone in their faces before they even get to know how to properly speak and just call it a day. Just a few days ago I was talking with my mother about how you simply don't see kids on the streets playing anymore. Back then, I remember seeing kids playing everyfuckingwhere, now it's like they don't exist. When I do see one, 99% of the time the kid is holding a fucking smartphone the size of their face. My sister was raising her kids like this but then she noticed it was a huge fucking mistake on her behalf and took their smartphones away. The internet nowadays is a cancerous place and kids shouldn't be on fucking facebook because they just don't know any better and are open to be contacted by anyone with malice and you might never find out.

Is that why you felt threatened by the user denouncing the unhealthy lifestyle of his brother with whom you identified with?

>Talking, let along convincing a bajan woman that she's wrong.

I'd rather not bother, to be honest. She already fucked my social life over by preventing me from leaving the house all my teenage years, it doesn't matter anymore than I'm not a hermit NEET in my mid twenties -- she succeeded.

the only "unhealthy" thing about his brothers lifestyle is his weight And I hardly have anything in common with him because I didn't start playing video games until I was in College.

If I ever have kids I'll force them to play video games but not excessively addictive games like mobile or online.
My father 'encouraged' me to play sports as a kid for three years but I got bullied in every team he forced me to join and got beaten when playing football at only 11 so I don't think I would. Maybe tennis though.
Do parents with careers these days still have time to do shit with their kids though?

>with whom you identified with
>with with

I'd definitely let my kid play videogames, but I'd also direct them to other paths as well such as sports or playing an instrument. Not only that but I'd make sure they got a lot of time playing around other kids so they won't grow up being a socially inept faggot that only enjoys one thing that consists of staring at a screen all day.

lol get a life autist and stop bothering your bro

I'd introduce him to some older/simpler games, e.g. shmups, platformers, run-n-guns, beat 'em ups, etc.

as much as I would hate it, I would rather have him be a casual social butterfly. my social circle only consist of drunks and a bunch of office people. being an IT contractor is a lonely life.

>gotta pay a tranny to come over
>can't get it to sit down and play video games with me the rest of the night
>drunks only wanna go bar diving
>only time office people hang out are during paycheck fridays at a korean bbq

It's not always the parents. Sometimes it's also busybody assholes sticking their fat fucking faces in other peoples' business. I knew someone who was walking his two year old to the grocery store in winter, had her all bundled up with a coat, snowpants everything. He also had a blanket around her because she likes being wrapped up, and some fat middle aged hag assumed the blanket was ALL he had on her and starting making a giant stink about him "endangering his child."

When he told the woman to fuck off, she wrote down his license plate number and called the police, and when he got home two cops and a child services agent were waiting for him. Now he has to attend mandatory parenting classes once a week for the next year because some bitch wouldn't mind her own fucking business.

I'm more mad at the police not dismissing that shit than anything

This is the only hope for mankind desu

The people who doesn't want their children to play video games to avoid developing anti-social behavior are just hilarious, since that puts their children on the path to major communication issues (and thus, anti-social behavior) with other kids.

Too many kids play video games. Letting your kid only play "old" games or no games at all shuns social development.