ITT: Games only Sup Forums defends
ITT: Games only Sup Forums defends
that game is fucking trash
They really should repurpose the gameplay/engine for a different type of game. Smoothest of all REs which was the problem for action horror
Yeah, rely on reddit/normalfags on facebook for opinions. Good for you!
Decent action game, the main problem was with length. It would make a fun 12 hours, instead of an exhausting 25. At least it was better than 5.
>anyone who doesn't like 6 is reddot
A Mercs only game or possibly a Dino Crisis remake.
No, anyone implying Sup Forums defending any underrated game is somehow a bad thing, is reddit.
This game wasn't perfect, but it was certainly top tier. Who bashes on it?
now THIS is contrarian
Dragons Dogma
>those retarded "hide from ustanak" moments
this game is bad
A+ port on the ps4, 1080p (aka stretched 900p) at a solid 60 fps even on old/slim consoles, meanwhile the xbone struggled to maintain 30, at least they got the better RE5 port, on ps4 it runs like ass.
>replying only with greentext and reaction images
It is underrated. Mostly by being called worst thing ever by a retarded fanbase with much worse titles in the franchise getting away with it because "muh horror". It's mediocre, not 1/10.
>replaying 5 or 6
Really? 1 time wasn't painful enough?
>IMPLYING that only furry chan likes it
It's a great TPS. All the different moves and melee attacks you can do are great and honestly I want another RE just like it.
I like RE6, such a good Tps and the story is really fun.
Steam reviews aren't really about the overall quality of the game. They are mostly about port quality, how bugged the game is, and microtransaction/dlc jewery. 6 sort of gives you a good value for your money, so I'm not surprised.
game is way better than 4
DmC got postive ratings on steam too.
PCbros have the worst taste
*blocks your path*
DmC is good too.
>Likes DmC AND RE6
so this is the power of Sup Forums
>i enjoy endless escort quests with abosolute trash ai which dies all the fucking time
let's be honest game would be much better without dumb ashley and when she appears game drops from 7/10 or maybe 8/10 to 3/10
There isn't much wrong with DmC if you are just playing slashers to go through the campaign, pulling off some basic moves/button mash and unistall afterwards.
The dialogue, characters and edgyness are unbearable, but the game could be fun.
It's a perfectly fine action game. Not as good as DMC3/4 in terms of their mechanics but kids on Sup Forums are scared to voice and back up their own opinions and thoughts.
I hate FF13 so much that I automatically assume that anyone that actually tries to defend it is either a massive troll or it is their first Final Fantasy.
*put my fat cock where she can see it*
>this fucking thread
holy fuck OP was right
XIII is still ok compared to your average non-final fantasy jRPG released now.
fuck off
We are not the ones making a butthurt thread.
6 is fine.
Better than 5 or 7 to me
I'd love a non resident Evil game that played like it
we are not the ones making "RE6 was a good game" thread
really man, at least get some better images. this is embarassing.
shit sucks
>tfw Sup Forums has good opinions for once
how about a good ol smug anime girl
>thread is for games only v defends
>posts game universally loved by almost everyone
reading comprehension user cmon
what the fuck is this. no way anyone can how this much shit taste
>he never goes to resi threads
Post it everytime
>Umbrella Corps
>doesn't list Mercs3D
Fuck off
absolute trash
so its just a bait image?
thank god.
>liking any of the movies
Don't own a 3DS. Did Mercs3D have a canonical story?
I just call it updated shitpost because I felt the need to organize the original and add notes to it to explain shit like why Outbreak is low, and anons on Resi threads always called it a shitpost
They were funny
No, it didn't have a story at all. Why play Revelations on anything other than a 3ds? Game is just another brown shitty shooter on anything else, get a 3ds and marvel at the best 3ds game.
Revelations 2 had a port on vita and it's worse than Revelations on 3ds because they had a b-team
I'd rather play Revelations on a screen bigger than a slice of bread.
Can't argue that but I'm just going to assume you've never played a handheld in your life based on your opinion of 3ds.
I like my Vita and PSP. Also used a DS to play REDS
>They were funny
For underage
Only reason I would ever give the game a second chance. What a boner inducing costume.
They were funny in the sense that everything got progressively worse and more absurd
Imagine your taste being so awful you like Gun Survivor and Rev 2 more than 4 or Outbreak.
Imagine being that retarded.
This is the only game in the series that gives you false information and blames you for taking it.
Both Revelations are main series games though.
REv2 had a semi-good story and actual characters, while 4 had cardboard cutouts with one set personality and no story to speak of.
Also, Outbreak just wasn't fun.
Gun Survivor was just a good time. I didn't expect anything and it cost me $5. I was satisfied.
They're part of a canon side series, so I just put them under spin-offs. The only things that go under main series are numbered titles and extremely important titles, like CVX
No it didn't. You're making shit up.
Then there's nothing to like. Shit just got shittier.
4's characters had one set personality. Leon was funny-man who said the one liners, Ashley was person who needed saving, the spanish dude was spanish, Salazar was a midget who tried to rile Leon up, the final boss guy was the generic priest.
That's all that their characters boil down to. Even when Ada shows up, Leon has no real reaction other than, 'Oh, it's Ada'. The conversations they have aren't much to talk about either, the only good dialogue comes out during the castle section whenever Salazar and Leon are talking to each other.
And the story is non-existent, for the most part. The story just happens and has no real long lasting effect or meaning on any of the characters.
Well you're just a retard then.
>he actually plays RE for the story
The fuck is wrong with you?
I like how over the top and insane it is. There isn't anything quite like it.
Go watch a B horror movie.
B horror movies don't get as insane as Resi and when they do, it's usually something genuinely retarded like a movie about giant killer flys
>nothing like it
>clearly inspired by over the top horror movies
>RE7 even fucking references one of them
>George Romero has a script that's available to read on the internet for a RE movie
>making fun of The Fly and its remake where the remake is body horror
>body horror is in RE
Have you ever actually watched any horror movies?
I meant nothing has a long running story like Resi, where it goes from semi-serious B movie horror to over the top action over the course of many installments. Then VII comes along and ruins everything by trying to turn the series into shitty nu-horror with references to the 80s.
Name one(1) horror movie series that goes from spooky house to full blown action with super-powered villains that can do super speed and transform
>hasn't seen Evil Dead
You fucking disgust me