For the record yes, I did play Fallout 1 and 2.
Games you like that everyone gives you shit for liking
Fallout 4 is superior in nearly every way that counts
I wouldn't go that far, but I do think it's far better than people give it credit for. Even the story has it's moments that are great.
We can all agree that Fallout 3 is the worst entry, right?
It's a great shooter and hoarding simulator and with mods it's getting even better.
I unironically love this game I don't care what anyone says
Pretty much.
I played all the games in order when the fallout 4 craze started and 4 is my favorite.. I think it's mostly nostalgia and hipsterism what drives people to shit on fallout 4
Except in "muh hurr pee gee mckaynics".
I shouldn't need mods to fix it, but so far it's fun.
Worst gameplay, best atmosphere.
It's better if you focus on just one faction per playthrough in this game. It's a nightmare trying to juggle 3 different factions and all the settlement shit at the same time. Your quest log will balloon to 20 quest never ending pit.
Wow, stop posting anytime
where did this fallout 4 love come from?
Getting a game on sale really lowers the bar user.
Not everyone here is a neckbeard who focuses only on the negative aspects of a game and gets off to calling it utter shit.
It was good for its time and I played the shit out of it. The Capital Wasteland was a better setting than any other fallout game, but that's arguably more on the virtue of D.C. Itself. Probably won't be topped setting wise until Fallout: New York
If they took the combat of Fallout 4 and the role playing of New Vegas, that game would be amazing.
It's a loot shooter set in the fallout universe. It's done well and it's fun. Maybe it's not an AAA fallout game, and not worth $60. Lots of the angry people here may have bought it for that much. $15 though? That's a steal for a game this good
Fallout 3 has the most downbeat environment in the post apocalypse genre along with The Road. If only the NPC's were better written, they didn't really seem to be depressed enough by their living conditions.
I honestly don't understand the hate for Fallout 4. I now have 200 hours in the game and I've loved every second of it.
Fallout has pretty much become more an immersive sim than a full on role playing game. Gameplay wise it has more in common with Deus Ex than Fallout 1/2 at this point, just set in an open world wasteland rather than a linear series of missions.
I still enjoy that game, but I'm surprised people don't call out Fallout 3 for being more linear than Fallout 4. 3's story was extremely focused on getting through the story in 1 way and 1 way only, more so than 4.
yeah and the addition of survival mode made it pretty great
Well NV had all these skill checks and edgy evil shit you could do so I can see why fo4 seems watered down to people. You can only really be a grumpy anti-hero merc type in fo4 for the most part.
I think fallout 4 was good, but heavy handed. They saw a lot of (admittedly glaring) mistakes with fallout 3/NV and overkilled it.
One example is uniques. Oftentimes they didn't feel special enough because they were carbon copies of other weapons with better numbers (a few weapons/armor like compliance regulator/ atomic valence oscillator fixed this in dlc but it was too late). The real fix was just putting real time in effort in discerning how uniques look and play. What we got was the legendary system, which made uniques even more meaningless.
Another thing was dialogue. In NV oftentimes it felt like I were clicking through a bunch of meaningless windows (like the ones with 1 choice). Instead of streamlining the dialogue, the give us 4 choice meme dialogue.
Last one is skills. NV and 3 had HUGE issues with power gaming (speech builds had 1 CHR etc). Instead of using good dialogue/special checks and perk requirements to balance skills and special they just nuked it and started over.
They basically tried to do too much
I love how this started off asking for games people like that others often don't and just instantly became about the Fallout series.
After Sup Forums related things, comparing one fallout to another is one of the best ways to get low effort Yous
Got Fallout 4 a few weeks ago for 20 bux, it's enjoyable. Haven't played another fallout.
What's wrong with it? What's the big fucking deal?
It's just overly simplified in several aspects, namely as a role playing game. On it's own it's a great game, just as a Fallout game it falls short is all. Really, you are coming at it from the best possible angle, having no pre-conceptions about what makes a Fallout game.
The first two are entirely different games from the bethesda/obsidian entries. Thats what I think the main problem is, people try to evaluate the new ones based on what the old ones were supposed to be. Of course a realtime fps game isn't going to be as good of a strategic turn based game as an isometric turn based game.
All the fallout games are pretty good, and for different reasons, but I think 4 is definitely better than 3. 1 & 2 are great games though.
A lot of people complain that it isn't an rpg anymore because it doesnt have skills anymore, which is a pretty fuckin dumb thing to say. I play a shitton of ACTUAL tabletop rpgs, and can, first of all, say all video game rpgs are not true rpgs just because you are limited to an extent in what you can do, beyond just the physical limitations of the world. Not to mention, there are plenty of completely fine rules-light rpgs which dont have skills. Skills aren't what makes an rpg, nor (for video games) is complete freedom of choice. Role-playing is what matters, and 4 gives you a lot of opportunity for that.
this. It also helps with the roleplaying aspect. It can be quite fun to have a character go with a faction you actually hate because "thats how the character thinks".
Which makes sense though.
In NV you play as a courier and you get to decide who that person is.
In 4 you are from the pre-war and are roleplaying as a character who has a pre-set life before this point. It wouldn't make sense for them to be insane/evil entirely.
Every halo game. 4 sucks, 5 is okay 1 is good, 2 and 3 are 10/10, and ODST and reach are bretty damn good.
I think its a step up from Skyrim though
That game was upsettingly simple. It felt nice to actually have a fucking character creation set up again, even if skills still arent there.
That being said, I think fallout makes more sense with skills only governing non-combat stuff, and with combat actions being more governed by special and perks.
Also I hope TESVI has skills and classes again. Fuck that Health/Fatigue/Magicka shit. I really want an actual character again, instead of "jack-of-all-trades dragonboy"
Fallout 4 is a genuine piece of shit horrible game and is just barely a 4/10, everyone who thinks it ranks higher is objectively in the wrong
I have over 600 hours... and most of that is one play through. Judge me.
It's like WoW without other people.
Unique stronger versions of certain enemies that are just reskins
certain areas have higher levels mobs
Grinding for xp/caps
Grinding for the best gear
Repetitive fetch quests that have no real impact on the game other than "you get caps/xp"
Unique items that have certain effects that make them stronger than their counterparts, but can only be found in the backs of dungeons or on high level enemies
A story that barely supports itself
What's not to love?
I have over 192
Jesus, do you never use fast travel?
It's boring.
That's okay if you like it, but it's boring, and it gets boring fast.
Yeah, way too simple
It was good for the first time but has no replayability at all due to most choices leading to the same thing
I actually went for a stretch without using it, just to do something different. Also wasted a lot of time fucking around with settlements.
It's because the game is built around grind, not story or the player's interaction or impact on the world.
dodger a cute
I don't know how you can find a dwarf to be cute, but you do you
fedoras are pissed it isn't arcanum
wow a beth fallout thread not spammed with toddposting/shitposting. most of the kids must be asleep.
on that note even if FO4 had a weaker story it had the most interesting location to explore. running around the city was really cool experience.
Fallout 4 is like Borderlands but with Bethesda writing instead of Gearbox writing. I'd take the former any day of the week.
>roleplaying as a character who has a pre-set life before this point
Might as well roleplay in cod.
With the exeption that FO4 has actual decent gunplay
Insane damage sponges and retarded accuracy on guns is no fun
She's super qt and I'm not even that guy.
>Not everyone here is a neckbeard
Yes, everyone is. If you're not, you're at the wrong place.
Also learn to talk about a game without crying about its audience. It makes you look less like an idiot.
>running around the city was really cool experience
this. it's great for immersive escapism.
There's literally nothing wrong with the combat in new vegas. There's plenty of stupid shit about the gunplay in FO4.
>immersive sim
That's marketer slang for "not a game, walking sim"
what are you talking about!? you can shoot npc in the head and they will just stand there not look for cover.
>On it's own it's a great game
Nice try, but it's a buggy, broken piece of shit. Stop bargaining and trying to sneak in praise for it. You're going to be shown how wrong you are every time. I never have to sleep or leave the computer.
I don't tell people I like it. I tolerate the base building, but the shooting is on a whole other level from new vegas and fallout 3 that its tolerable/enjoyable for different reasons. New vegas is an rpg where I can shoot, fallout 4 is a fps with rpg mechanics.
If people start making decent mods for 4 that'd be nice.
>He thinks nv's combat is better than fo4
Just stop
Fallout 4 is okay, I just play it when I'm too drunk to play anything else.
People here tend to give me shit for liking Clive Barker's Jericho.
>what are you talking about!?
The reloading, the retarded guns that make no sense. All of the guns in Fallout 4 are like a bad joke made by 14 year old modders. It's baffling.
Reee stop enjoying things I don't like: The post
Get that autism checked out son
Fuck off Todd
>he thinks
Try to explain why it isn't instead of embarrassing yourself with meme arrows.
It's a gud game cuz uhh... I cuz I like it
Wow, I'm buying 4 copies today. You totally opened my eyes with your sales pitch.
Why didn't it have the same impact Skyrim or even Fallout 3 had? I think it's clearly Bethesda's best game since Morrowind.
But story is the most important aspect of a Fallout game.
Like any VN or dating sim ever.
You've done enough to embarrass yourself already. Get better opinions next time.
Like I said, get that autism checked out
the story detracted too much and the game made it a pinnacle focus. the writing is just very lazy as is the mission scripting. and the animations
Again it's really not, there are something that FNV still did better that I like better, (Stats/=/Skills) or a fuckton more perks.
I really like For Honor...
I know that it's shitty ubi multiplayer flop like all their shitty multiplayer flop games but it just scratches as itch that nothing else seems to be able to get. There are a of of great things with bad implementation, like customization and gear.
Fuck in game currency in a game that I paid $60 for.
I would probably sell a foot for an rpg with a similar combat system
I'm gonna start postin butts
After or before experiencing nu-Fallout?
4 has absolutely no redeeming factors except being a shitty shooter with perks.
(Really not better than Fo4 BTW) clarifying to be certain
I liked it enough to play 100 hours of it.
But New Vegas' world is infinitely more well crafted. Would love to see a group try and port it over so there's some decent shooter mechanics. Plus a PBR desert would be sublime.
You aren't it's audience if you hate the game.
Yeah it made no sense to remove stats in TESV
Picking a different race doesn't even start you off with different values for Health/Fatigue/Magicka
Not really. Boston's overworld has a lot more interesting places to explore. NV may have had better vaults but that's about it.
This reminds me they screwed up the asscrack on females in the vaultsuit without mods while the male gets a solid snake ass without mods
I think it's because it's a worse game.
I'm not him, but it's way too shallow to be a great game in its own right.
I'd rather play some of Fallout 3's dlc than 4
Wasn't even a backer. Got it on sale for 5 bux.
I've also played every 2d Megaman game including X and Zero
I wonder how bethesda fucks those small details up
you shouldn't post pictures of yourself here you know
Completely agree
I give it an 7/10
I liked it more than fallout 3
>rather play operation anchorage
Now that's just being rude.
I don't get the hate for it. Being able to play through a part of pre war fallout especially a decisive turn in the war is pretty neat.
no it's not, it's a term created to describe the type of games from around 2000 like deus ex, system shock 1/2 and thief 1/2. a slow paced, methodical and immersive type of fps with stealth and rpg elements. it literally has nothing to do with walking sims or adventure games.
Fallout is bullet sponges without survival as well. Every 3D fallout has this issue and even the isometric ones to an extent (thank god for burst)
Rofl what? I played it on very hard and with a fully moddded shotgun/assult rifle you can take out most enemies with 3 hits.
You can also mod a gauss cannon to 450 dmg.
The combaot is extremely easy and I had to rely on mods to make it a. Bit challenging
Roleplaying games are immersive
Fallout 4 is not
Lol, i meant more like Point Lookout
>roleplaying as an already established character
Well what's the fucking point?