Someone on here mentioned that 2 was the best crash game, and I can't get over how wrong they are. I just finished platting Crash 1, but these stupid level gimmicks in 2 make the few ones in CB1 seem like nothing. I know 3 is even worse, but this shit is a let down from how much I enjoyed 1's simple challenging platforming
Someone on here mentioned that 2 was the best crash game, and I can't get over how wrong they are...
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2 is the best.
Jump on polar 10 times in the warp room.
The original Crash 2 was the best of the trilogy, THAT'S the general opinion. The first Crash game is the best for the N. Sane Trilogy.
2 is definitely the best. It has the best design and the gimmicks are well spread out and not obnoxious.
That's how I see the original Spyro trilogy as well.
It's good to remember that back then the people at Insomniac and Naughty Dog were making games because they loved video games. They saw it as boring just to make the exact same game over and over so they would add a bunch of extra stuff to each sequel as a way to experiment and for their own enjoyment before the idea of another sequel seemed too dull for ND and Insomniac they start a new series and do the same thing.
I get that, but it still sucks. It feels like they sat around saying things like "you know what's super cool? Jetpacks." And then they put a slow, awful jet pack level in the game
What gimmicks? I can only of the jetpack levels being something new that's shit.
The surfboard, more riding levels, stuff like that. Doesn't help that the final boss is a jetpack level.
There are literally only 2 jetpack levels in the entire game and they are by far the worst part. Everything else about the game is a huge improvement over 1 in every way.
I like the riding levels in 2
If your playing the N. Sane Trilogy, the games all get progressively worse, especially when Crash 2 seems to have the least polish out of the trilogy
Out of the PS1 originals, nigger Crash 2 is where the series hits its stride, it actually takes some advantage of the 3D perspective, and removes most of the bullshit from Crash 1, however I do agree that some more hardcore platforming would be better, but thats what the secret levels are for
Original Trilogy
2 > 3 > 1
N-Sane Trilogy
2 > 1 > 3
All great games though.
get better
I would say two is the best because it was the easiest, had the best story, and introduced Coco.
Crash 1 is hard and no analog stick, but I think 2 was also only D-pad as well.
Crash 3 while fun had sorta a stupid story and was harder than 2. Its shitty for it to be revealed that Uka Uka was controlling and ordering Cortex all along.
Crash 2 makes up what it lacks in challenge (compared to 1) with its secrets. It's my favorite in the trilogy to 100% because of the secret routes and hidden level entrances.
Not having fun with 1. I can't beat Native Fortress. Skipped ahead to 2 and now I can't go without the slide jump.
What are you on about? 3 is easier than 2 because of the special moves you unlock throughout the game
I remember good things of Crash 1; having played Crash 3, then 2 and last one being 1, I can tell 1 isn't as bad.
>3 is harder than 2
They give you a fucking double jump and the tornado spin, you have to be a literal retard to die in that game once you get either of those abilities.
You can even make the argument that there's zero challenge once you get the bazooka too because you can just get rid of any threats from a distance but I don't think anyone unironically used it that way.
Going through this trilogy, I've gotta say that
1 > 3 > 2
The remakes fixed Crash 1's worst problems and while the physics are a bit wonky the core platforming remains about as solid as it ever was. Crash 3 feels more or less the same as it ever did, abundance of gimmick levels and all. But I'll take 3's gimmick levels over 2's anyday, not to mention some of its bonus stages and gem paths are just flat-out annoying. They're all good but 2 gets on my nerves the most.
I feel the opposite of you, the only remotely bad Crash 2 levels are the jetpack ones and these are still waaaaay better than the fucking awful jetski, underwater, or motorcycle ones, and the Polar levels are better than the Pura ones
The secret/challenge routes in Crash 2 felt really fun and challenging without feeling bullshit too
2 felt better to play
Sliding spinning and slide jumping were the differences between casual play and advance play
It felt good to do all the shit easy like with Crash's control being vastly improved over his control in 1
1 is a great game on the remaster, but 2 had better control, better level design, and allowed the player to go at their own pace rather than just stop and jump for every level like in 1
The secret routes generally are a nice challenge but the thing with Crash 2 for me is how annoying its annoying parts are, like the Cold Hard Crash/Piston It Away gems or Totally Bear's "let's have a bear level but in near total darkness so you can't see what's up ahead" bullshit. It's mostly fine but Crash 2's stupid parts got under my skin way more than anything in 1, even levels like High Road or Slippery Climb. The only part of 1 I can think of that really pissed me off was the stupid alcove jumps in Fumbling In The Dark.
my only issue with the trilogy is the fucking slippery edges. so many times i think i have the jump when in reality i touched the edge and i instantly fall off. lost city was a real cunt because of this.
I don't know how the hell this made it through testing since it's glaringly obvious if you play for more than five minutes, and it's especially bad when bouncing off boxes hanging over pits.
It's fucking bad when you have to panic and compensate in mid air when you see yourself landing on the edge of a crate and know you'll fall off in a bounce or two if you don't do anything.
I dont think you know what a gimmick is.
New and varied levels are not gimmicks. It is called trying new things and implementing them into the game.
People obvioulsy approved. Crash 1 is boring and bland compared to 2 and 3. There is a reason everyones fond memories are of the crash sequels.
>Crash 1 is boring and bland compared to 2 and 3.
Mechanically, yes. I think its level design is tighter due to that simplicity, mechanics like slide jumping, spin glides and bazookas aren't there to trivialize jumps and enemy placement. Crash 1 is primitive but firmly rooted in the fundamentals of tight platforming level design. Crash 2 & 3 certainly are as well but it's not quite the same either, there's a bit more leeway in those games. I don't think Crash 1 is more boring when the very act of making a jump is generally more perilous than in its sequels, it's just a different brand of interesting.
Totally Bear was really easy now that i played it on remake, i don't understand how i had difficults with it as a kid
Use the slippery edge on your originating platform to delay your jump. That gives you a boost to get to the far platform.
It was way scarier back then.
It has to suck owning a PS4. All they have are remasteres and they can't even hold onto that
Plat'd all 3 games. Feels good man
Speaking of 3 can anyone tell me why I only have 44 out of 45 gems? Do I need to beat cortex again to get the 45th or did the game glitch out on me. I looked through every warp section 1-6 and even redid the secret 2 stages but cant find anything i missed. Did my game glitch because I got the relic and gem at the same time in the secret yoshi stage
You got at least gold on all of them?
I'm not sure if I'll ever get around to 1 & 2's due to relics. I kind of hate speedrunning, but at least 3 was designed with time trials in mind and I did it as a kid so I could likely do it again just fine. 1 & 2, though? I dunno, I might.
Does getting all gold relics count as a gem? I have 4 sapphires
If you did everything, then a clear gem will be in the middle of the warp room next to the computer and when you pick it up, confetti drops. I was looking for that gem for awhile.
Both the PS4 and Vita are multiplat machines now. Vita even more so. But at the very least they arent xbox I guess
Not him but get at least all gold, then go to Coco's laptop in the Time Twister.
You need to gold it up to get the secret gem. It'll be in the warp room
2's relics are easier than 3's and 1 is just trial and error shit. Most stages in 1 are barebones platforming that are 1 to 2 minutes long. Very easy to do. I'd say it's about a 5/10 in difficulty.
But according to modern standards, if you can't 100% it without dying, then it's too difficult.
huh dont remember this, thanks guys
Don't bother with 2's Relics till you beat Cortex at least, since you get the Sprint Shoes from Crash 3 now (they also make getting some gems a lot easier as well, if you haven't gotten them all by that point).
Why'd they add sprint shoes in CB2 but not CB1? seems weird. It changes the game balance as you said.
I could get all sapphires just fine, the issue is looking at stages like Slippery Climb and going for the gold, and the trophies require golds. It just seems like it'd be a headache to me, especially with 1 with how start and stop levels are. Then again, I did do a few levels in 1 for shits and giggles and ended up with a few plats for runs that I prayed the game would give me a gold for so maybe I'm just being too much of a perfectionist about it.
Wouldn't help very much in 1 given the nature of the level design. Running faster doesn't really help much when most levels are primarily start/stop precision platforming.
It easier than you think, it just looks intimidating because you're a pussy. Most stages time out everything so you can continuously run and finish it up within 2 minutes. I got a Plat relic on the hardest stages. Funnest was Fumbling in the Dark
How the fuck do I get a plat relic on Generator Room? I've already plat'd all the levels before along with slippery climb and high road, but this level refuses to give me the plat. I'm always 1 second short.
There has to be some way you can shave off a few seconds that you aren't utilizing. There's almost always more you can do to be faster.
1 is the best platformer game.
2 is the best action game.
3 is just naughty dog going full retard with 3D technology.
Never understood the hate for jet pack levels, they're fast and fun, can be completed in less than 2 minutes, do people have issue with depth perception?
1 is a pure platformer
2 is action platformer
3 is action adventure
All 3 are good, but are essentially different genres.
3 is absolutely not an adventure game.
100% agree with you. Crash 2's platforming segments already lost the flow of Crash 1's levels, in which you can pretty much keep running non-stop.
I've always hated the controls in the jetpack levels personally. They seem designed to not be that hard regardless but fuck, do I hate actually playing them. I enjoy any gimmick level in 3 more, even if some of them are more bullshit.
>2 is the best action game.
Funny, considering it easily has the worst bosses. N. Gin is the only half-decent one in the lot and even he's not all that great.
Except Naughty Dog and Insomniac's modern games are lighyears better than these janky ancient platformers.
HD Remake CTR when?
Well it's not a platformer since most stages take place on the ground with you avoiding things that can hurt you. I guess you could consider it a hallway simulator.
Crash 1&2 had rather lame boss fights.
Cortex in 1 is better than any boss fight in 2, for whatever that's worth. Hell, Koala Kong and even N. Brio are better. There are some pretty bad ones like Papu Papu and Pinstripe, though.
Jetpacks are cool and the level design wasn't terrible. The controls and physics were just completely shit. Might have worked better if they implemented it into side-scrolling parts.
Original trilogy, 3>1>2
Nsane trilogy, 1>3>2
Do Crash games take place in Australia?
they added them in 2 so you don't have to kill your hands spamming slide. There's no slide in 1, therefore no reason for it.
slide jumping is still faster
1st one took place on an island off the coast of Oceania somewhere. 2nd I dont know where the warp room is but it sends you to different parts of the world. 3rd game's time warp room takes place on the wreck of cortex castle in the 1st game so "The Island" but sends you to different parts of the world from different times.
I was searching for a Crash thread so I could ask you guys something, but it took so long and I completely forgot what I was going to ask.
The first one does, and parts of the other two.
Funny how there's only one boss with an Australian accent. (Dingodile)
In an unnamed island near Australia, actually. Fun fact Tiny actually is a tasmanian tiger not an asian tiger.
Doesn't Crash 2 take place on the same islands as the first?
Judging by your image i suppose you're right? Dont know why there'd be a tropical island that snows but hey video games
RIP Taz tigers
You are right, that's why I bought a fucking overpriced wii U portable, all those delicious esclusive I can play. Oh, wait.
They're the same games wtf
Can't wait till DSP plays warped.
Shit bait
Not really. Crash 1 is far more of a basic run-and-jump platformer while Crash 3 has more tools but a higher percentage and variety of gimmick levels, with 2 somewhere in the middle, probably a little closer to 1.
CTR>Jak and Daxter>Crash 2>Crash 3> N Sane Trilogy> Crash > Jak 3> Jak 2>>>>>. Uncharted> Uncharted 2> Uncharted 3> Uncharted 4> Uncharted Vita>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>garbage>>>>>>>>>>>>Last of Us
He started last week. He's playing the remake version.
hes just finished it
Mind fucking blown. Shame there's not an higher res version.
What grade of relic do you need for platinum trophy?
its a platformer you dumb faggot
Only Uncharted I've played was the Vita one but if that's any indication of the franchise (and I'm not talking about the touch controls) then I'll take TLoU over that series - it's hardly any more cinematic and at least it has a vague survival horror flavor to it. But yeah, the Crash games are obviously better. Never spent much time with Jak, though.
Crash 3 confirmed walking simulator.
In the cutscenes where it shows where the islands are they're usually south of Tasmania, which itself holds a ton of virgin temperate rainforest. Pic, look familiar?
Literally Uncharted 1 environment
>tfw just got Plats in Totally Bear and Totally Flies
The polar bear levels do not detract from the fact this is a platforming game, because you're still platforming in those levels. The only gimmicks in 2 which detract from platforming are the jetpack levels (2 levels) and surfboard sequences (take up about 40% of 3 levels). Fucking autist.