Are there any arguments against inclusiveness in video games that aren't "Hurr durr I'm a fucking racist/muh white genocide" or "muh sjw pandering"? What's wrong with seeing groups that aren't generally represented much in media in a video game?
Are there any arguments against inclusiveness in video games that aren't "Hurr durr I'm a fucking racist/muh white...
We just got a robot centaur created by a super scientist from tribal Africa.
Why did doomfist also have to be from the same place when every other character revealed wasn't from the same place as previous reveals?
Because one was created specifically because the other exists?
>It's another thread about diversity in video games because there's a new character in a game and he is black
This is all just so tiring.
Stop making overcuck threads
No what it really boils down to is that some white folk just really hate niggers. They hate on asians and hispanics sometimes too, but something about the black man just triggers whitey into insanity. This also applies to homosexuals and trannies being put into games too.
Yes and they all just get labeled "Hurr durr I'm a fucking racist/muh white genocide" or "muh sjw pandering"
I hope you're enjoying beta testing the least finished PTR hero.
Why is it only a problem if it's a new hero matching an old hero? The game launched with three Americans, two Japanese people, and (sort of) two Australians.
Because if a character is designed specifically to meet a "quota," he/she generally lacks the qualities that make them a well-rounded character
I'm fine with black and female characters, but those qualities should not be front and center. I don't describe Samus Aran as a "female badass," I describe her as a "badass."
>who is Ana
He doesn't look cool at all. He looks bland and stupid.
Except white genocide is real and liberals are despicably and unequivocally evil.
> white people get forced to include blacks in their hobbies and media
> white people get laughed at for not having culture
You can't make this shit up!
Doomfist was always going to be black.
Doomfist is really racist if you think about is, as he is pretty much "African warlord" incarnate.
Honestly I just wanted to see them add a male character who wasn't 35+.
>Are there any arguments against inclusiveness in video games
only where the "diversity" is clearly shoe-horned and inconsistent with the source material, such that it undermine the product as a whole -- e.g., a black, female U.S. Civil War general
there are far worse problems in games that racial diversity, however...
>no gender slider in character creation options
>circa current year
I'm sorry you were born with an incredibly severe case of the dumbass, user.
Not really as long as it's not blatant historical revisionist propaganda
Ana was the first New character. She gets a free pass because the prior character reveal was the entire base cast of Overwatch.
Well yeah. I'm not saying he wasn't going to be. Why did he have to be ooga-booga I eat mud pies tribal black though?
> i'm fine with black characters
Stop being fine with it.
South Africa is what happens when you give blacks an inch. They will not return your altruism. They'll torture you to death.
Why couldn't he be Harlem black. Or for some Dudley fans British?
>We're not racist, we just get unironically triggered every time we see a black character in a video game
Say it with me, President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump.
You're on the wrong side of history, you evil piece of shit.
Shouldn't really be a problem since they made the black guy an antagonist.
I just wanted muh terry voice and punhcing shit but ah well.
or scottish
Blacks have been in vidya since the 80's, get that slippery slope horseshit outta here
>We aren't racist, see? We added a black "tribal" man who "savagely" punches people in a shooter and is "anti-establishment" by joining talon.
Shaqfu got added to overwatch. I hope he dunks the basketball in the dropship.
>can have topless niggers
>cant have sexy skins for the girl heroes
this never actually occurred to me. shit wtf blizzard
I just wish they made him from an actual African country like Nigeria.
We already have a Numbani rep
You're trying to hard user
they aren't making inspired characters just forcing an agenda which leads to "YO I'M BLACK" being a guys main defining trait.
What are those arguments?
Are you retarded?
Have you seen widowmaker and most of the females arses?
People creamed over witch mercy
Look at dvas skins every new one she has had her legs deliberately covered up.
>they aren't making inspired characters just forcing an agenda which leads to "YO I'M BLACK" being a guys main defining trait.
oh yes, because a poorly written white character (read: 99% of vidya characters) is SO much better
stop pretending to give a shit about black people
>Game literally about an international team of heros
anti-sjws and alt righties are fucking retarded
Is there any good argument against Spiderman dumping Mary Jane Watson for a black midget?
>Look at dvas skins every new one she has had her legs deliberately covered up.
This board is filled with fucking retarded teenagers.
Get out tumblr
I'm going to be tortured to death... By a video game character?
no, shortstacks are godtier
I don't give a fuck that he's black but his character design is inexcusably shitty and boring for such a hyped/foreshadowed character.
Marvel is sick of money
So what if her legs are covered up? 3 of her skins show off her delicious tummy, that's way more important.
why did you come here then, to let people know youre tired?
not an argument kiddo
Why have you been posting this on every board?
Tribal niggers and afro women are already overrepresented in video games compared to the audience. Spics and Asians are vastly underrepresented and nobody gives a fuck. It's just dumb niggers with an inferiority complex and virtue signalling redditors crying for more blacks
all of her skins
Creepy thing is libs have been writing the farm murder tortures into games.
Woflenstein new order has a graphic description of this for no reason.
video games don't care about you and your "muh marginalised white bois :(((" victimisation boner
keep crying about it lol
get fucked
soldier is pretty racist if you think about it
"white american soldier"
So what though? All of Mei's skins cover up her legs, same with Widow. Nobody complains about either of those.
>women wear pants like men!
Are you lost?
Shit, I just remembered Widow's stupid bird dancer garbage skin does show off some of her legs.
>thinks user is a white male for wanting sexy skins
Everything about him lacks polish. He feels better than pharah when it comes to flying though, which is odd.
Genji and Hanzo. Junkrat and McCree. McCree, Soldier, and Reaper. You are fucking retarded.
Kill yourself.
Well for one typically games or movies tend to put a glowing neon sign over said characters saying "HELLO MY NAME IS NIGNOG." The ones that don't do this and try to treat these people as a human and not just a thing to put in to call yourself progressive? That's fine, I don't care. But having a Nignog in your game, whether they be Christian, Jewish, transexual, gay, bigender, ect just to say you have it is arguably more racist than not having it at all. Especially when it's their one character trait.
stop making obvious strawmen. also black people can care about themselves.
I don't understand your mental gymnastics you're making yourself go through to allow yourself to say that something which has happened a few times already, hasn't happened until now.
>they aren't making inspired characters
This is the actual issue. All the "agenda" conspiracy bullshit misses the bigger picture.
>Look at dvas skins every new one she has had her legs deliberately covered up.
literally fucking lying
>first added was just a recolour of bodysuit
>second added was literally her bare legs
>third added were skinny jeans that emphasize her curves
fucking retards and their persecution complexes
>It's a neo-v defends diversity in videogames episode
God didn't intend us to live amongst eachother. It's just the way it fucking is and I'm so glad we have someone in power who's trying to show that.
Aww, poor user identified with the cringey anti social cuck in the trailer. That's really cute.
>Junkrat and McCree
Maybe I'm misunderstanding the argument here, but Junkrat is Australian and McCree is American. How are they from the same place?
Sombra is pretty racist if you think about it.
Hispanic Mexican.
that's not what he meant
>it's a "Sup Forums was always secretly /new/" newfag episode
>first skin is a long skirt
>second skin could have had a policewomans skirt has pants
>third skin could have had daisy dukes has long pants
>"you're lying"
>We also have a genius child who redesigned a robot so that her hometown can be protected from villains like Doomfist.
Junkrat and Roadhog* Fuck