This fucking scene would've left a far bigger impact if Kojima hadn't shown it in the trailers already
This fucking scene would've left a far bigger impact if Kojima hadn't shown it in the trailers already
It would have left a bigger impact if I had given one shit about the Diamond Base staff.
By comparison I can STILL remember some of my Peace Walker staff BY NAME, occupation and bio blurb. I would be devastated if I had to personally put down Flying Fox, Mouse or Komodo Dragon.
But not these one in a literally thousand buzzcut sameface douche sacks that I can't even remember which of the hundread guard posts I kidnapped them from.
what was yfw you listened to the ground zero tapes?
Nobody wouldve played the game that fucking far if they didnt know it was there. It's probably the best scene in the game.
Part of the problem is it seems like you already beat the game and been playing 20 repeat missions before this scene randomly pops up.
This game blue balls you with liquid taking off in the Metal Gear. I kept doing stupid missions to see if there was more but it never happened. They didn't even fix it with DLC like most companies would have done. What a shitty way to end the game.
MGSV was just one big trailer.
this is truly the biggest fuck you a game has ever given me. Kojima truly is a misunderstood hack.
for the metal gear solid movie, starring kiefer sutherland?
>yfw Kojima cared more about the trailer than the game itself.
But now he's hangs with celebs!
Except for hours worth of reverse deporting niglets.
What was the point of the Venom Snake twist, even? It doesn't add much to the story at all. All the Skullface shit seems pointless.
Kojima trying to re-create MGS2 magic, and failing miserably.
It makes sense of MG1 and 2. Both games had a Big Boss and Snake killed both of them. Venom is the BB from the first game and the real one is in MG2. Kojima never planned out the whole series back then.
>he still thinks MGS is about a cohesive overall plot, and not several essays written by kojima transformed into hollywood summer blockbusters all written under one IP because kojima couldn't sell anything else
wew lad
I don't think I've ever had such a strange love/hate relationship with a game in my entire life.
I've always like the series, and had fun playing through TPP, the gameplay was extremely fucking solid, if not a little ridiculous later on when the guards just develop better eyesight and can see you crawling in the grass 3 miles off even when you're camouflaged.
But man the story was fucking rancid. Maybe it was because I didn't play Ground Zeroes, but I did not give a shit about any of the stuff I was doing. I didn't like Skull Face as a villain, I wasn't dead set on getting revenge like the game clearly wanted me to be, I thought it was stupid that Volgin was literally so pissed at snake he came back as a flaming corpse. Skull Face's grand evil plan was fucking dumb, to try and ethnically cleanse the world with a metric shitload of vague talk about languages for whatever stupid reason. I liked Kaz and Ocelot, that's about it, and they were already great characters before.
Sutherland did such a disappointing job at voicing Snake, talks like he's got mashed potatoes spilling out of his mouth, and even then he has like 20 lines in the entire fucking game so you barely hear it.
I'm on a similar boat as I didn't care about the base I was building up. They all look the fucking same. The only soldier I gave a fuck about was Flaming Buffalo, who was my top soldier for a long time and also an girl irl.
So I had little to no hangups about painting the DD staff all over the wall. The closest it got to an emotional impact was Huey guilt tripping you over the radio while you're exterminating your staff, but coming from him, the one who was most likely responsible for destroying the first mother base, it lacks an important shot of potency.
This is to say nothing of the fact that this scene is fucking locked away in "Chapter 2", and you've gotta trudge through a bunch of missions you've already done just to get the last little scraps of story.
It totally escapes me why they chose to do that. I would much rather have had Chapter 2 be only the missions that weren't repeats of earlier ones. It'd be extremely short, but at least it wouldn't be repeating itself.
It symbolizes all the MGS players creating the (impossibly) huge legends of Big Boss and Solid Snake together. Everyone who played the games did different thigns and had their own stories, which combined form the collective tale of the characters.
I'm not saying it's genius, I'm not saying it's super smart or deep, and I most definitely don't respect sacrificing the quality of your game just to make a quirky meta gimmick, but that's what I took away from it all.
This entire scene was fucking retarded.
>cremate all the dead soldiers
>gather everyone on base to give them a burial at sea
>about to do it
>here I go
>let me just rub this guy on my face
>get him all over
>this isn't creepy at all
>okay now for the rest of them
>holy shit there's more dead guys than I thought
>I don't want to smear fifty guys on my face
>uh let's just uh turn them into diamonds or something
>it's like symbolic and shit yeah why didn't we just do this from the start
I played a bit of MGS3 today for the first time in many years and i remembered that MGS is fucking dead
name one scene that wasn't already in trailers
The best scene
You're projecting. Kojima's a wannabe hollywood hack and glory hog.
you are carrying a knife and a handgun
you happen upon a bound and gagged soldier
a scan reveals
>Troublemaker (Harassment)
>Troublemaker (Unsanitary)
>Troublemaker (Violence)
what do you do?
leave him, he doesn't need to die for no reason. and if he's already bound and gagged he probably knows nobody likes him. It's not my place to pass judgement, i'll give him enough food and water to survive and loosen his bindings a little so he can escape eventually.
t. man who would die in fifteen minutes on the battlefield
In cried at this part
i cried when paz got gang raped
get the fuck out of this thread kaz.