Is it good?

This is my first time playing it; I don't want to waste my time if it isn't.

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Play it for two hours and then come back here and answer your own question.

>Is it good?

>I don't want to waste my time
Then don't play it. All the games made after 2005 aren't really worth playing in any case.

It holds up but it's simple.
It's not a masterpiece by any means. It was hugely overrated by critics because it had a larger amount of cutscenes/dialogue than most games.

But it's still good.

2 = 3 = V > 1 = PW > PO > 4

I'm going to snap your neck, faggot


I have a busy schedule, I just want to know before I perform the massive fucking time-sink of a game during my break

>It was hugely overrated by critics because it had a larger amount of cutscenes/dialogue than most games.

I heard the story was great. Does it still hold up in the gameplay department?

>2 = 3 = V > 1 = PW > PO > 4

Most people told me to stay away from 2 though...

4 def not last

One of the best games on the PlayStation.

It's good, I beat it yesterday. Simplistic map though. Also you can kill enemies with strangling by pressing "square" in unarmed mode. The game doesn't tell you that unless you read the manual.

>Metal Gear Solid
>Made after 2005
This has to be bait, but I'm not sure what exactly you're baiting.

I played it 3 years ago as well as the rest of the main series in 1 week and it was definitely worth my time.
Took me a very long time to get used to it at first but after that I couldn't sleep till I finished the game.

>One of the best games on the PlayStation.
>not pic related

I actually started playing through the series for the first time recently, and the first game is your average 8+ hour game. Beat within a week of free time. MGS1 shouldn't be much of an issue.
I think I'm almost done with MGS2 and about to finish up the Big Shell segment, and that's at 10 hours now. The series as a whole might be a bit of a sink, from the looks of it. Some really cheesy fun though

He's saying none of the MGS games after 2005 are good.

Def last. It's a fanservice game that shits all over the previous games. Also the game part effectively ends halfway through.

1's better story-wise but 2's better gameplay-wise

honestly don't really enjoy any other game in the series, not even 3

All the games are relatively short. I literally just beat Metal Gear Solid today. Also, don't listen to people who say not to play a certain game. Play all the games if you want to get into the series. If you skip over any, you'll be fucked.

Nothing is wrong with 2. That's just people crying about Raiden. It has some of the best gameplay and story in the series.

Which is dumb. Both MGSV and Peace Walker are definitely good games.

you have shit taste

Meant for

I liked Peace Walker and Chapter 1 of MGSV, but I can't really call Phantom Pain a good game with the state its in.

Superb argument. Go fuck yourself.

What state? The "wah it's not what I wanted so I'll call it severely unfinished despite only one mission being cut" state?


Almost. Switch 2 and V story-wise.

From what I'm gathering, Play all of the Metal Gears. Yet I can't tell whether people who say 4 and Phantom Pain are bad, are they shitposting or legitimately disappointed ?

It's great.

sorry you're a manchild who has shit opinions


Even with that mission the game doesn't make much sense. The game just awkwardly drops the first mission on you again with a new ending and the game's just over. Zero is only present in the tapes and the whole "Big Boss vs Zero" thing they've been building up this whole time ended in a total anticlimax where Zero did nothing wrong.

I personally love those 2. I find 4 to be my favorite, in terms of story and gameplay. The ending made me cry. I fucking love Metal Gear. It is a series that I find near perfect, with both gameplay and story.
People dislike V because the story isn't straight up in their face.

4 is fine, faggots complain about "muh fanservice" when it works well as a finale for the series.
Peace Walker is really grindy but I thought it was alright. It takes way too long to unlock the true ending.

4 is a great way to end the series. Each MGS tries something new, and some people can't adapt to the change.
TPP is just something shat out by the husk that remained of Konami. It's not a terrible game, but it's neither fantastic like the rest of the series nor a metal gear game

no. V takes the premise of 2 and expands on it tenfold.

>ranks 4 higher than actual games
>calls others manchildren
The irony.

You mean by not fleshing it out at all? The whole Venom thing was confined to 1 or 2 cutscenes, it felt totally pointless. It especially doesn't work as a way to fill the "plot hole" between MG1 and 2 when there wasn't one to begin with.

4 is a middle finger from Kojima to everyone who didn't like what he tried to do with MGS2.

>best gameplay of the series
>Story telling aspect hasn't reached the stupid tape shit yet
>thinking it is a worse game then some unfinished empty freeroam game and a couple PSP games.
All MGS games are good, People who think 4 is shit, or that V is great, are autistic meme kiddies.

No, its not. Its Kojima making a fun game but going a bit off the rails with tryimg to wrap up the story.

Stupid question guys but what is the name of that really epic theme that seems to play in most metal gear games. I'm sure you know what I am talking about, when I say the epic one. Idk how to describe it.

>is it good?

Of course the original MGS is good you colossal retard. It was revolutionary at the time and will always be a good game regardless of edgy morons saying they don't like it. People not liking a game doesn't make it bad, and anyone with even moderate knowledge on video games can tell the difference between a good game and a bad one.

Thinking too hard there m8, might want to stop looking for things that aren't there.

Search Metal gear solid 2 theme on Youtube.

Its called "ripped off" Because Kojima is a hack.

Kojima made comments constantly pre-release and after that made it seem like it was Kojima throwing a fit he was 'forced' by fans to make another game. MGS4 has a lot of great concepts. Old Snake for example is a fantastic idea and is one of the best executed things in the game but overall it's a messy game. From nano machine cop outs, B&B Unit having almost zero baring on the story, the Wisemen being addressed by a literal throwaway line.

t. brainlet

Putting v above any of the numbered entries invalidates this post.

Patrician taste: 3 > 1 > 2 > 4 > V > PW


Kojima has made comments about moving on from Metal Gear since MGS2. However that does not mean that the game was a big fuck you from him. That was some turbo-autist's theory because he was pissed off that his hero Kojima didn't make the greatest game of all time. 4 Had great gameplay, but you're right that Kojima stumbled with wrapping it up. Not because he didn't care or because he was mad at fans, but because the story was convoluted and he was trying to tie it all up at once.

>patrician taste
naw b. that is some true pleb taste, right there. particularly where 4 and 1 are placed.

explaining vamp away with "muh nanomachines" is the #1 sign that kojima didnt give a shit when he made the game. stop defending this piece of shit cash grab.

No, you're just analpained because Kojima didn't do what you wanted, get over it. Kojima didn't purposefully try and crash a blockbustee game that wrapped a series of games he had dedicated a large portion of his life to. He isn't that retarded/petty.

It's the best in the series. Don't let MGS3 babies lie to you.

No. The controls are bullshit and the story is complete bullshit.

>He isn't that retarded/petty.
No, he's smart. How is it retarded to give the middle finger to people who rejected your message? Kojima has the perfect personality to do something like that.

>That was some turbo-autist's theory
I assume you mean the breakdowns. They lists all their sources. It's not boundless claims.

2 is the best game


no, this is a fantasy that people like you have created for yourselves to reconcile how, in your mind, Kojima is an unmatched genius, and yet he could make a mistake wrapping up the series.

You have two possibilities. 1, Kojima made a very good game that tried to close the series out by wrapping everything up, but due to the size and scope of the story it didn't come out as well as people hoped

or 2, Kojima is a petty child who threw a temper tantrum because some people didn't like his ruse from previous years, so despite this being a wrap to a series he has been working hard on, he decides to ruin it on purpose.

Unless you have proof of 2, you're an autist who is just crying because 4 didn't live up to the hype. That's ok though, because only other autists agree with you.

You truly must be quite simple minded friend. Did you not see the drop in depth from 2 to 3? 4 was just a clusterfuck, its quite obvious that what happened is that Kojima finished the series with 2, then was roped into 3, but he still had some positive feelings for the series. Then when people started screaming for more, even though he intended for 2 to be the end, he made 4 SPECIFICALLY for codfags. How you dont understand this is proof you cant think.

Follow their sources, I've read the entire thing, it is boundless claims. It is the perfect example of some guy who started with a conclusion, that Kojima purposefully botched the game, then proceeded to search for "evidence" that supported his belief. It is a prime example of confirmation bias.

4 is a great finale to the series, V is literally unfinished and medicore.

thats harry gregson-williams too.

>this is proof
no, this is confirmation bias. Just because 3 didn't have the same type of atory does not make it worse. MGS had a less complex story then 2, however this was not a problem im any way. Any person could simply argue that 2 was a more experimental story and thay 3 was simply a return to tradition.

Everything else you plugged in, about Kojima being bitter over fan reaction and 4 attempting to be cod and awful is shit you are inserting yourself. That is not proof, that's shit you made up.

>tfw thinking MGS2 had a great OST
>look into it further
>all the tracks I enjoyed were by norihiko hibino and not the hollywood hack

>confirmation bias
dunno where you got that one, everything i'm saying kojima put everywhere in the game, about how everything is becoming more about making war "humane" and "fair" and shit like that, the obvious lack of care for the true depth of the story is obvious if you aren't blinded by idiocy.

I never said 3's story was bad, i said it lacked the depth 2's did. What happened with three was Kojima giving Big Boss some more character for people who didnt play the first two metal gear games, and he felt it a fitting end, with raiden choosing to reject control of the player and choosing his own path.

Finally, 4 directly contradicts the events of 2 in several places, whereas the first 5 metal gear games are all in sync. Everything I've just told you can be found if you simply paid attention to literally anything that was happening in the mgs storyline.

not that user but
>4 attempting to be cod
there is some basis for this though, look at the e3 reveal for it. it was a bit of a joke, but also not really. there was a huge focus on guns (which only got even more focused in V). it's just a lot easier to go shooting your way through. mgs games before 4 didnt let you go in guns blazing on the higher difficulties.

Personally, I'd like to see a game based on the MGS idea of tactical espionage action but with a fully new universe so it doesn't have to deal with the existing story.
Hell you could use one of the existing engines but just steer clear of trying to tie it to any existing canon.

confirmation bias means that you are reading into things that aren't there because you want them to be there, that way it rpoves your point. There is no actual hard evidence that Kojima purposefully messed up 4. All it is is shit that YOU see, because you believe that is the case and now your adding meaning where this is none so it supports you

That is an example of what I have been describing earlier. Basically Kojima added in the ability to then move around and shoot more like an FPS. That is what actually happened. At the E3 they did say that while yes you could play the whole game like this, it is difficult and not intendes to be like this.

Now people who think Kojima was fuxking up 4 point to this as "proof" they are correct and Kojima wanted to make a worse game. This of course ignores the evolution of MGS' gameplay throughout the series, allowing players to use the firat peraon controls to aim and shoot, and now move around and do so easily. So suddenly their proof is no longer proof.

You give a peraon enough time and they can find and twist a ton of evidence to fit their viewpoint, thats what happened here.

I know what it means, but its funny that you just ignore everything that doesn't support your point and you claim i'm the one with confirmation bias. You're seriously going to ignore that 4 directly contradicts 2?

AND, that 4 AND 2 were meant to be the end of the series?

AND that the first 5 games weave a tight story while mgs4 shits all over it?

I'm not ignoring it at all, I already admitted that Kojima messed up trying to wrap the entire story up all at once in 4. However, this shit happens pretty often in media. You're assuming that Kojima is simply too much of a genius to either have made a retcon or to simply have made a mistake, so therefore this must have not only been intentional, but malicious toward the fans because you didn't like it.

Its Occams Razer, either Kojima retconned some of the story/simply made a small mistake, or this is all part of some grand conspiracy by him to make a bad game. Nobody has given any real evidence toward the latter.

Play 1-4 at least. Like a few people have said already 4 ends the series well.

5 is great but it's not nearly as essential to the overall story as the others. It's kind of its own thing.

What kind of autistic point are you trying to make, that Kojima had stated he was bored of MGS after two and wanted to do something new. Yet after making 3, he suddenly got sick of it and mad at the fans who liked 3, tried to secretly ruin the entire game and series, then for some reason stuck around to help oversee a portable game, make a second portable game and make yet another major installment, only leaving when he was eventually fired.

Or is V another grand conspiracy from the genius that is Kojima to piss off not only fans but also Konami so that he could leave with a final fuck you?

You're delusional

>occams razor
a retarded thought experiment. sometimes the simplest is not the most accurate. kojima himself expressed his dislike for being made to continue work on his series.

How is it even a grand conspiracy if it's blatantly obvious when you scrutinize the stories, the gameplay, and the creator's attitude towards his work? MGSV is literally a walking simulator so im not sure why you bring that up. Depth doesn't sell, but kojima likes depth. therefore he gave up on making good games and made thinly veiled cod games.

>MGSV is literally a walking simulator
i mean, it does simulate walking. i guess doom is a walking sim too, then.

All you do in mgs5 is walk/run to the next 1000m away objective. its easily the most empty mgs game, and makes the normiefication of the mgs series even more apparent than mgs4 did.

You have no proof, none of you conspiracy theorists ever did have proof on this, only your confirmation bias. I'm going to bed now, If you secretly have some sort of interview showing that Kojima purposefully ruined MGS4 to spite his fans then post it, I'll see it tomorrow, but I know you won't. You people never have, and you never will.

Motherfucker, i bet you think all conspiracy theories are completely shit. You need to stop thinking the JFK government coverup that attacked all conspiracy theorists is true, and start using your fucking brain.