30 years old here, haven't played the Sup Forumsidya in forever. What are some good games I can get into these days?
30 yr old, coming back to the Sup Forumsidya scene
risk of rain
None they're all shit
as a primer, you could play everything in the valve orange box
What was the last game you played? Also what genres did you like?
>valve orange box
Yes, I played that thoroughly, really enjoyed Half Life I and II, but I liked Half Life I more desu
>Remember seeing a thread just like this years ago
>Listened to this advice
>Worst thing ever
Don't listen to this window-licking sperg burger.
Rocket League
Horizon Zero Down
Stardew Valley
All of them are meme games, avoid those.
Dark Souls
I'll bite with serious responses.
New Super Mario Bros U
Splatoon or Splatoon 2
The Wolf Among Us
play God Hand of you're a man
0 BotW 100%
1 Dark Souls 1-3
2 Bloodborne
3 Trine 1-3
4 Witcher 3
5 Nioh
6 Divinity OS
7 Wasteland 2
8 Grim Dawn
9 Darkest Dungeon
>What was the last game you played? Also what genres did you like?
You're gonna hate me on this, but it was Minecraft. Don't judge because all my friends were in our mid to late 20s and we played the crap outta this game.
Genres, pretty much anything, I really loved Starcraft I back in the days though.
Dark Souls.
Don't use a guide, don't summon unless twinks are pushing your shit in or if you're on the verge of quitting. If you like it, play Demon's Souls or move on to DS2 and just don't think about soul memory and enjoy your run. Then play DS3 or Bloodborne.
What's your opinion on the Nintendo Switch? I try getting my hands on one of those critters but they're always sold out, how much longer do you think this will continue?
Life Is Strange
You will wish you were young and a girl again.
Keep checking local stores. Walmart is your best bet.
keep an eye on the walmart brickseek page. you should get one within a week if you check frequently. otherwise don't expect regularly available stock for another year.
As a fellow old man, you're looking in the wrong place. Nobody here likes video games.
The sad truth is that Skyrim is probably one he should play. It's fucking awful in context, but it's representative of the general gaming mentalities these days and it's possible to have a good time with t if you're not constantly thinking of how it's been done better.
Titanfall 2 is the best fps on the market these days as far as I'm concerned.
PUBG is fun with friends.
Judging from the pepe. Are you a virgin?
Now hold the fuck on, Stardew and Rocket League are actually good.
Stardew is just western Harvest Moon and Rocket League actually has a lot of depth and skill to it.
Dota2 is the only game there is now. You better get gud.
>recommends a game you know he won't enjoy
why even bother
stop roleplaying as a fucking frog
If there's any game to 'get into', it's this really. It's a real game. Find friends to play with and you're set.
Thank you.
Yes, I have attained wizardhood.
I have seen many of my friends ruin their lives over DotA and MMORPG-like games.
Metal Gear Rising
Breath of the Wild
Dark Souls
Dragon's Dogma
Hollow Knight
Shovel Knight
I feel most of the games I listed appeal to everyone. If you're willing to play more Japanese style games, than I recommend Persona 5, Nier Automata, and Xenoblade Chronicles and Xenoblade Chronicles X.
Aw sweet dude, I have something around 6 years before wizardhood, how is it?
that's because half-life 1 is a better game
HL2 is a meme machine :/
you eat any japanese shit they poop out huh
>Titanfall 2 is the best fps on the market these days as far as I'm concerned.
>he doesnt play reflex, ut4, quake chumps, xonotic, toxikk, or doombringer, eagerly awaiting diabotical
don't listen to this asshole op, go buy WRACK or STRAFE and party like it's 1996 epic win bro!
Last 3 are dogshit, get Rogue Legacy of you want a good autistic indie game.
Undertale. Play it blind.
I thought women would never look twice at me. I work a job and I'm going to college but its typical wage slaving for wally world. Take care of my mother who is disabled and live with her. So double loser points, low paying job, living with parents etc. However the older I get the more women hit on me. Some are older, some are younger but a ton of women flirt with me. The weirdest fucking thing is I don't even give a fuck anymore. I don't even want to pursue them anymore, I don't even care about getting laid.
I just want a small farm and sit the world out.
At least it's flavored shit.
props for taking care of your mom
but try to not deny yourself all fun mate, you only got one life
Don't think of yourself as a loser if she's disabled and you're taking care of her. I find that admirable. I have a 32 year old coworker who's parents are perfectly fine and still lives with them, that guy I'd define as a loser.
Not to mention he only dates women with kids, making him a cuck too.
Live free, play hard
Sometimes i swear im fucking psychic
that shit is so vague. you gotta narrow the constraints some, boyo.
that said
cossacks 3
new prey
should hold you over for a short time.
>maga hat
>works at walmart
Are you sure these people are flirting with you user?
When women ask you a question of where to find something in the store that is not flirting.
Thank you kind user.
>Are you sure these people are flirting with you user?
Whered you get the pepe muppet?
This is a surprisingly civil thread.
Anyway, OP you should get a ps4, it has the best games of the generation on it.
How do they approach you user?
What is their body language while speaking to you?
Where does the flirting take place?
Titanfall 2 and DOOM (2016) are great shooters with good singleplayers if that's your thing. titanfall 2 has a good fun multiplayer.
>doesn't play vidya
>attempts to bridge the gap with redditfrog
facebook was mistake
>confidence and relationship improvement guide
God help you user, and I mean it
>play a mediocre 10 year old game made up of ports of even older games
You must be 18 years old or something
Yeah you're right, I'm too much of an autist so I'm hallucinating. Just shoot me execution-style already.
You're not wrong user I was born in 99, I hope I'm never in your position.
And I don't mean that in a "ha, look at that loser" way either.
The only time I have ever gone to one of those guides was when I was going through my autistic phase at 13.
What a coincidence, I'm 30 too.
The vidya I spend most time with now is work, changing diapers and not committing suicide.
Nier automata is really good, I picked it on the summer sale.
>I hope I'm never in your position.
Ah, that explains it. I hope all the best for you young man!
Although, my mom has explicitly told me to take her to a place where they do assisted suicides if she ever becomes disabled. I think it's real nice of you to take care of your ma.
I told you I'm not making fun of you, you seem like a sad good person.
Tomb Raider reboot
The Last of Us
Zelda BOTW
I don't even play vidya anymore but I have to say that pepe doll is very cute
Nier Automata
>This creepy ass motherfucker
Thanks, I should try out JRPGs, never gave them a chance growing up.
I really hope for the best of you man, don't end up like me.
>Zelda BOTW
Yeah, I'm dying to get this game. Played even the first Zelda on the NES (remember those gold cartridges?). However, haven't played since Windwaker so I think I missed out on a lot.
>says the guy posting 2d chicks
Half Life 3
You just missed the Steam sale too.
Oh no, what will I do without all those cheesy indie games...
the only japanese shit i eat is hideo kojima
the only japanese thing i eat is sushi, miso soup, and sometimes tagoyaki omelette
Heroes III
i said shit not food
Heroes of the Storm?
Heroes of Might and Magic
2017 has been a pretty darn good year for vidya so you chose the right time to jump back in.
If turn based interests you then give Persona 5 a look, it basically mastered the turn based JRPG genre.
>skill based games are bad
>implying they aren't
new stuff is all shit
go back to sleep
Titanfall 2 is great fun
Rocket League
new DooM
Just got back into gaming after a loooooooong break and enjoying these a whole ton
Realms of Arkania and Darklands.
>30 yo
>Dumb frogposter
Fellow fresh wizard here
You can try Witcher 3, it's not talked about 24/7 despite being 2 years old for no reason.
Also the Dark Souls series is nice if you like some multiplayer melee combat without the competitive kid scene that usually comes with it. People that take it seriously exist but they usually stay among themselves and use passwords.
Note that you can refund Steam games you buy if you play them for less than 2 hours so I'd buy some of the recommended games and refund them if they're actually garbage
play Botanicula it's a comfy point-and-click
Demon's Souls
Dark Souls
Dark Souls II
Dark Souls III
DOOM (2016)
The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild (trust me, I know Zelda has been garbage ever since the Gamecube, but this game actually is arguably the best game of the year, it's fucking amazing and made Zelda awesome again)
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Grand Theft Auto V (this is the perfect game for people who hated IV but liked the PS2 games, they really fixed everything wrong with that piece of shit game)
>30 yo
>posting frogs
end yourself
>pic has Sup Forums filename
>thinking its op's oc
HOW fucking new?
If your parents take care of you, you're a loser. But if you're the one taking care of your parents, you're a real man. There ain't no shame in that, it just shows you're a good person that loves your parents like all normal people should.
If you're coming back into video games from nothing then just about all the popular suggestions should do fine. One big thing though, I find watching gameplay footage on youtube to be a really good indicator of what a game is like before I decide to buy/play it. It's not like it was all those years ago where all my gaming impressions came from shitty magazines that can doll up even the worst game with some imaginative words.
Nigga it was full of good games on sale.
you sir have trash taste
Dark Souls/Bloodborne, Nier: Automata, Vanquish, Wonderful 101, Splatoon, DK:TF, Nioh, Persona 5, Super Mario Galaxy 1&2, Metroid Prime Trilogy.
Thief: The Dark Project
If you like action RPGs then Witcher 3 and Horizon Zero Dawn are both really good.
> 30 yr old,
too old mister
Metroid Prime 4 is coming if that's your thing. Bannerlord is coming, sequel to Mount & Blade. Otherwise Splatoon 2, Breath of the Wild, Super Mario Odyssey. There's also lots of weeb games on PC nowadays.
2 best games I've played this year are Horizon and BOTW.
RE7 was fun too.
How is that? You eat shit, but bad taste have another people.
Don't worry about women, having sex and getting married is the original meme.
Just do what makes you happy and do whatever it takes to achieve that, don't let anything distract you.
I have a wife and an annoying job, it's not worth it man, it's not worth it.