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Are you ready for Pyro to get Gunboats?

why would the pyro get the fucking gunboats

tf2fags are hopeless

I dunno why would Solly?


damn he got me


When were you the most interested


That was the best Halloween event

oh boy can't wait to try out new pyro in the community servers!

delete this please

I wanna say 2008 but I think I have more hours from 2010 / 2011 for some reaosn.

Pro players and other "pillars of the community" have confirmed that TF team told them that they're working on rehauling the server browser to help people go back to repopulating community servers.

any links?

I miss when everyone was hyping up new engi constructables

I really wanted a dispenser alternative..

What do you suppose they add as an alt, some sort of mini-dispenser that has a faster output but is incredibly weak? (Pretty dumb idea but I'm just spit-balling)

for rocket jumping easier you dummy :)

What about a constructor pad that creates buildings that are easier to destroy but blow up when destroyed, dealing damage to enemies. The damage could vary depending on the building and other factors. Like for the Sentry it'll deal more explosive damage with more kills, the Dispenser with how much HP and ammo it's provided to the team, and teleporters with how many teleports they've had.

they should just add that to the gunslinger

Source or it's bullshit, I wouldn't trust the devs to do anything regarding community servers

Remember when people wanted new PDAs for the engineer? Remember when people started making skins for buildables to show off good ideas for new buildables? Remember when people wanted the pip-boy to be a PDA instead of a cosmetic?

So is this like a stationary auto-engie that acts as an automatic wrench-slapper? Or is it just a pad that can be any set building that builds itself with those destruction perks?

I feel like it's important to be able to fall back to a well-placed dispenser, whether you be a gunslinger engie or otherwise. I think if they added it, maybe it should be optional

The latter. Also, you can detonate your buildings with the self-destruct option you have. Because I don't think anyone ever uses that option much.

Can much be done about tweaking the pda? Restricting the types of buildings in favor of having the remaining ones being stronger sounds interesting but also seems overpowered

also why does blowing up your machines not do damage? If a spy is literally crouching right next to my sapped sentry and I blow it up, the spy should get fucked as well

It should do damage, not just to enemies but to you and your buildings. It would mix things up with the sentry nest mentality, for better or worse

That could work. Maybe have 2 PDAs, one that upgrades the Sentry and the Dispenser. Each one gets rid of the one of them to upgrade the other, granting them a Lv. 4. In the Sentry's case, maybe it can get more firepower or become more resistant to damage. And for the Sentry, it can give overheal to people or maybe even provide excess ammo.

Actually that's a terrible idea nvm

I could get behind that. I've never really been one for mind games with teleporter strategies

>we will never get a new building
feels bad man

>getting your hopes up for a tf2 update

i wish i had your optimism op

*tosses you a sandvich*

Have they explicitly stated that there will be new weapons? I could see it being just balance changes and community cosmetics.

I'm glad, honestly


For pyro at least. I doubt any other classes.

nothing wrong with friendly hoovys

The only guaranteed weapons are one for each slot for pyro. There'll undoubtedly be an "all class" melee weapon though.

Create the dumbest weapon possible. Bonus points if you would balance it like Valve does.

The Sapper Slapper (Wrench)
>+Destroys sappers in one swing
>+Damages spies when sapper is destroyed by the health of the sapper placed
>-Buildings receive a +10% damage by Sappers
>No random crits
>15% slower building speed

fempyro update when

reminder to turn off cosmetics

reminder to turn off a good deal of effects!eRQj3Yza!XXAfSpFKprnlmkvM5H5Qs60cwz25zKllmT08AGTfTCA

reminder to turn off weapon skins
>right click on tf2 in steam, then click properties, next set launch option, and finally paste -dxlevel 81
after you run it once, exit the game one more time, go back to properties, and then remove -dxlevel 81. it will remain directx 8 but for whatever reason be much more stable

please post more


>kills hoovies in community hightower server
>"oh man I'm such a pro"
>gets killed by a scout normally playing the game

I will never get these fags.


>throw game, pretend they dont care the outcome whatsoever
>throw a tantrum when someone kills them
t. Phlog pyro 2fort/level 3 hightower main

This. I will give them a Thanks! and move on. If they are doing the Kazotzky Kick I will join for a few seconds and then move on.

>dude it's just pubs you tryhard
>there's nothing wrong with capping on hightower

Truly pyro mains are many things

i think you underestimate how much joy they probably get from hearing friendlies screech into their microphones

*delays your update*

So what the fuck should happen tonight ? Haven't played this cancer of a game for couple years now, should I wait for this update or is this another memey shit ?

TF2 is all memes all the time

Hey Sup Forums


But there are good memes and bad memes
Which is this ?


post the montage



This one?

I don't even care that this guy copied dead furfag he's great.

Doctor Lalve is great

that was the funniest fucking thing i've seen this month thank you guys


>That basic ass gameplay
>those blood splatters
>that barf camera.
>someone actually took the time to make this and thought it was good enough to post on the internet.

I love that mad cunt, the swarm of fast dancing engies never fails to make me laugh

Heavy on the right is p cool

I'm just glad sfm was a fad and gmod is still king of funny tf2 animations.
There was a massive ban wave. I doubt it's coming this week, but I bet it's pretty close. Maybe next Tuesday.

figuratively random shit thrown together

>this is passed around by engiebabbies as impressive gameplay worth making a montage over

As always, engie "mains" never cease to embarrass themselves.

Don't act like you're not impressed.

8 tiers please leave

I really wish the whole montage was really only 20 seconds long

Post the one where he fires a pill and lightning strikes on the guy it hits


Nothing wrong with friendlies

Are we finally getting the long-needed Soldier nerfs?

Or will this patch be like every other one, and nerf every class but the Soldier, which gets significantly buffed?

>solider and demo
>getting nerfed

>ever needing any fix

Let me guess you're an engiefag

People would cry like faggots, especially comp retards.

They're called power classes for a reason, buddy. They're sorta the crux of the game's design. Next you'll be like "dude maybe the medic heals too much" or "the heavy has too much health y'know?"

>dude maybe the medic heals too much
Yeah, because medic totally isn't a 100% mandatory pick if you want a chance at winning the game.

When DDS forcesforces the other sniper to use it, that's ban material. But when medic forces the other team to use the class as well, that's perfectly fine, right?

Being artificially locked into using a loadout is much worse than just having a class that should be played at all times. Unless you're playing 6s you should have one of every class in play to begin with anyway.

how about a dispenser that spawns medium health/ammo.
would work great with slinger engie

Whatever it is, I think they should follow the minisentry design: fast unupgradeable buildings that need less maintenance so engi has more time to join his team with a shotgun.

The popular idea for teleporters is speedup panels. As for dispensers I don't know, some kind of weaker disposable dispensers I guess. But maybe with wider range so they have more use closer to the frontline.

I was literally just thinking of the exact same thing

>less healing
>bigger range

That'd work pretty well.

Speed panels sound perfect for 5CP's design. It's frustrating how useless teleporters are on 5CP maps.

any updated patch notes or is this a meme thread?

>meme mind.

what? someone please post it. I need to see it with my special eyes

The shortstop did not need that nerf

>that scout health buff
>demo getting even more swords
>righteous bison made OP

are they on crack?

>more Loose Cannon nerfs
Why are they ruining the last fun weapon in the game

Because MvM. Only because of that. with a buff banner or jarate it is nonstop crits all the fucking time