
The Ghost Leviathan has been added to Experimental Mode. It's in the Lost River Bones Field. And the one there is just a youngster. The devs are going to put several in other areas, each one getting bigger and bigger until the full-sized adult is what spawns in the Void as a deterrence to going there. One of the confirmed locations is the Grand Reef.

Also, the Giant Cove Tree with all the Ghostrays around it? The things in its branches are Ghost Leviathan eggs. They hatch there and migrate out into the world as they grow. There's going to be a newborn baby Ghost Leviathan in the Giant Tree Cove, then the larger one in the Bones Field, then the larger one in the Grand Reef, likely one in the Dunes or Mountains or Sea Treader's Path, and then the gigantic adult in the Void

Size comparison between the one that spawn naturally and the one you can spawn with the console. As you can see there is a noticeable difference. The console-spawned one will likely be the size of the one in the Grand Reef.

And holy shit the sounds it makes are fucking terrifying.

>Just went to the mountain island and found the quarantine-enforcer gun and saw the Sunbeam get shot down
>Fucking around making power cells to prepare myself for my first trip to the Aurora
>Subtitle with a musical note appears
>What the f-

First the ayylmao artifacts, then this ghostly shit, I saw a goddamn Reaper Leviathan hanging around maybe 150m from my base, and you're telling me that areas that I assume never had this Ghost Leviathan in before, are soon gonna have this motherfucker in?

Prepare your anus

If they do end up putting one in the tree cove then that area will lose the spooky yet comfy ambience that it once had. I would rather they just put some near the blood kelp areas and then some around the void.

>finally after hours find a path that leads deep underground
>this path just keeps going
>stumble on some giant fossils and precursor structures
>don't save because I don't want to be stuck down here. Used tons of energy just trying to get the cyclops here
>find paths that keep going deeper
>FINALLY find a path that leads to a lava area that has kyanite, something I spent the last few days searching for
>take my time mining as much of it as possible
>see cute leech things but pay them no mind
>ready to leave
>notice power is much lower than it should be. It's visibly decreasing
>put 2 and 2 together - the fucking leeches are eating my power reserves
>try to gtfo of there
>get creature attacked to death by hell rays or whatever they are
>remember my last save was an hour ago

still was fun

nice blog mr dev guy

The one there will be the smallest of the bunch and likely not aggressive, being a newborn and all. At least that's what I'm hoping.

The one in the Ghost Forest has a specific location it spawns at, where the gigantic skull is at the opening to the tunnel that leads from the Deep Grand Reef entrance and has the Precursor Cache in it. So if you come from the DGR you're guaranteed to run into it.

The rays are passive, you got swarmed by either Lava Lizards or River Prowlers.

hey does this game have ways to use a ranged attack on hostile creatures? like a gun or something

>stop talking about video game stuff I don't like on the video game board waaaaah

>The one there will be the smallest of the bunch and likely not aggressive, being a newborn and all.

I certainly hope so. Having to deal with two leviathans so close together would be annoying.

I would suggest getting the thermal reactor for the cyclops before you try to spend any significant time in the lava zone. You can cheese the power drain using the thermal reactor for the prawn but it's time consuming.


>the lost river isn't comfy and safe anymore
>my comfy tree base is home to a bajillon monsters

launch mushrooms or exploding shit at sea creatures and they'll fuck off

>no vital meters

Piss off, easy mode fag

He's baiting you.

i require more webm

He's really aggressive, too. Sat inside the tunnel entrance and pinged the sonar and he came at me like a freight train. After that he did the "swim around for a bit then turn and attack" behavior the Reaper does.

It's Experimental Mode, dipshit.

Thinking about picking this game up. What the fuck is the void?

Just finished 100% the Aurora.
Jesus Christ I was not ready for all these batteries and power cells.
Can't drop the gym bags inside your base though, lame as fuck, made lugging them around totally pointless.

So, now what? I think I need a moon pool to progress further, so I guess I'll try to find those, but I'm pretty sure they aren't around the aurora since I spent like 6 in-game days cruising around just trying to find the fucking entrances to the Aurora.

It's the edge of the map where the playable area ends, and the seafloor drops straight down along a cliff to a dark abyss.

That sounds like a lot of fun.

The Void is the off-the-game-map area that has nothing in it but water. The devs are putting everything that can destroy the Cyclops submarine in there to keep people from leaving the game area.

Try the Mountains wrecks, the Jelly Shroom Cave Degasi Base, and the Grand Reef wrecks.

>tfw grand reef isn't safe anymore

I'm going to have to come up with a convoluted plan to kill all of these fuckers, aren't I?

Apologies for the quality, the webm converter I have isn't the greatest.

so there's literally nothing there? why would they put a deterrant if there's no reason to go there anyways?

Time to start breeding those crash fish, user

I wonder how many crash fish I would need to take down the baby leviathan.

Because you know how gamers are, they'll try to explore and break everything.

Did this game finally add actual weapons like harpoons, explosive torpedoes or plasma cutters? If not fuck off with your anti-sandy hook meme game garbage.

>Finally head towards the Aurora
>Well this isn't so bad
>See Reaper Leviathan fuck off into the murky distance
>Well this isn't so bad
>Suddenly hear roaring really fucking close and the screen starts shaking heavily
>Post on Sup Forums

I thought I could use this game to help conquer my oddly specific fear of vidya oceans but these big boys are fucking me up.

That wasn't the Reaper Leviathan. That was the Aurora shaking and rumbling.

If you're lying user I will come back here and slap you.

Can this game be played using a flight stick as the controller for the sub?

>Attempt to approach the Aurora's fore section
>Reaper appears
>Okay, I can dodge one...
>Another Reaper
>Nope. Fuck that, I'm out.

Alright, it was just the Aurora.

Now how the fuck do I get inside this big slut of a ship?

He's not. Was just about to say the same. Still be careful on the starboard side. Entrance is at the bow

seeAlso you'll want the propulsion canon, laser cutter, repair tool, and flashlight won't hurt

>tfw I'm at the starboard side

Poor guy was lonely, so I introduced him to another pal of mine.

Do they fight each other?

Oh jesus.

Not actively, but if they run into each other they'll damage each other.


Jesus christ that's horrifying. I really thought this would be a comfy game until I started going deeper

Actually it still runs at 60fps on my comp even with all of them there.

Every new area is horrifying given you don't know what's lurking in the depths. The bioluminescence makes things less awful, but until you get a handle on an area, exploring is quite spooky.

In case any anons are still wondering what the void looks like here's a webm I just made. It just keeps going and going and going

>tfw too lazy to relocate my base so I just made a long ass power line

The fuck do you need thermal power for at 152m? Just slap a dozen solar panels on your roof.

>power fluctuates every now and then as a creature wanders into the beam and gets roasted


You can never have too much power

Finding quartz is the true secret endgame in Subnautica. Spending all of that overly abundant gold on power relays is better than fighting the lowered efficiency at that depth.

even in experimental mode you have vital meters


I'm stuck in the fucking stuck in the active/inactive lava zone with my prawn.I entered through this pit in the lost river but can't seem to find the exit. Everywhere I go seems to have a ceiling. Shit is getting annoying. I wonder if one of the recent updates sealed it off.

It's the place where they've hidden all the gubbins. People lie to you to keep you out so they can heard the treasure.

Maybe you should ask the devs to put guns in the game so you'll be able to kill it.

>Survive trip to the Aurora without encountering a single Reaper
>Seamothing my way back home
>Cell loading, game hitches for a few seconds
>Reaper maybe 30m away from me
>Near on fucking shit myself in fear and book it into a nearby trench until it goes away
>Make it home and gorge on lantern fruit for comfort

Pure terror.

Imagine orks in submarines.


>build a base in the mountains next to a reaper
>build a base in the ALZ next to a dragon
>ghosts get added
I've found my next base location lads.

Well if it's got a similar patrolling path to a Reaper, it'll only stay in it's bit. The Grand Reef is deceptively huge so if there's only one you should be able to avoid it pretty easily.

Is it true the developer of this game is a communist, or just another anti-gun cuck?
I've heard both, but I need to know before I try to pira- I mean "redistribute the wealth" to myself.

>muh meaningless timers for food and water xd

Tbf the guy did bring a lot of attention to Subnautica. Not unusual for indie-devs to include shout-outs to youtubers for helping push their product.

One of the 20 developers that works at the game studio went on a twitter crusade about how there are no guns in-game because of Sandy Hook
but there are torpedoes and punchy mechs now so the lack of guns isn't a big deal
I think its the type of game that benefits from having sparse lethal weaponry early on, makes you feel more exposed and vulnerable

the fact that i DID encounter it in a daylight, not giving a single fuck about it, and STILL GOT MY PANTS SHAT when it got me in a seamoth, is more embarrassing

woah there, mr. edgelord

>the guy did bring a lot of attention to Subnautica

>15 minute videos of screaming and yelling, not actually progressing significantly in anything before he claims his time is up.

he's just the usual youtube clickbaiter, without any actual content

He's still damn popular. Which is the point.

There is no shame in daytime surprise spoops. We've all had them. If only because the Reapers are still bugged by being a short range spawn instead of long range like other large predators.

>I don't like him so no one else did

>tfw literally 8 hours into the game and haven't encountered a single reaper
>even went to the aurora and back like 2 times and still not a single one
>now I'm more nervous and paranoid because of the buildup

actually, it got me when it was night, 200m below sea level, 13 hours in - that was the most effective scare i got from a game in years, since the first Penumbra demo

Not bait

Is there any way to kill these spoopy sea creatures? What kind of weaponry do you have available to you?

most of the popular youtubers are just giant personalities with shitty content
that's why they're popular
I don't like him either, but he did bring the game to a lot of people

the personal sub has a shock defense system that can scare them off, and the PRAWN suit was intended to have grappling hook/fisticuffs mechanics for fighting big fish, but I haven't played since it got added

gotta swim fast (and then vent your frustration by throwing crabs into rocks with a gravity gun)

i didnt say i dont like him, i said he kinda lacks in the content department and overacts a lot. even more than 2 years ago when he still did long lets plays. he is just a burnt out borderline washed up youtube personality who realized he might have to consider suicide, or he will do this shit for the rest of his life

It just wanted to play.

I thought the same of pewdiepie but his content this year has all been pretty funny. There's always light at the end of the tunnel.

Markiplier is just stuck in child entertainer mode.

>every game needs to be a bloodbath
>I can't enjoy a game unless it's chock full of violence and gore
Underage or just shit taste?

sh-should i come back to this game or is it too scary now

Not even him but your making yourself look like an idiot.

>Exploring a potentially dangerous planet with hostile organisms
>Armed with only a knife and non lethal weaponry

yeah, okay

Question: are the devs implementing the color palette, attracting or scaring off certain creatures?

Say, you paing your Cyclops in Reaper colors, they'll be less prone to attack you, but in return you'll get more hassled with bigger beasts?

i want a fucking harpoon gun,
I'm sure it goes against whatever they're trying to make with this game,
but i got the cyclops and then kinda went.... What now?
I can see another Awesome game where you and two other guys are managing the Cyclops for deep salvaging runs. A guy working the engines, a guy on sonar and a guy piloting.
Then frantically trying to fire torpedoes at giant sea monsters.

Or you find a wreck and you have someone in the prawn suit cutting down bulkheads and lifting cargo,
Someone in a seamoth scouting the area or luring monsters away and someone in the cyclops maintaining video and radio with both, scanning sonar and standing by the punch it outta there.

I don't think I've ever seen any word on that, but once the Boneshark fixes currently implemented in experimental go through, the only thing that'll actively attack your Cyclops won't be anything smaller than Crabsquid/River Prowlers anyway.

I think you named your Seamoth wrong

The game even lists the cyclops as a three man vessel.

I can appreciate that the devs are staying true to making this game a single player experience. It does add a scarier, lonesome effect. But they are missing out on some really good coop potential with this


There has been some serious shilling of this game on Sup Forums lately. All the posts are always neatly made and informational like they are advertising specific parts of their game. Hmmmmmm must just be a concidence right.

right then - time to send feedback on that idea (cuz i think it would be fun and turn a purely cosmetic feature actually gameplay related)

Wait, why is Bonashark attacking cyclops is a bug again?
It's not like unheard of when a pack of smaller creatures attacking one big prey

Where do you get the fragments for the cyclops?

Subnautica is constantly pretty high on the steam charts.

The games has already sold like hot cakes. What more could they benefit?

Mushroom forest mostly.

Well played. I named it Putterer because it putters around all day.

Because they go insane and headbutt it until death. Compared to their aggression against you/Moth/PRAWN which is far less over the top and more territorial.

What if I just like talking about the game and helping new anons with their questions.

Fuck off shill.

>D*sney shill sees shills behind every post

Hmmm hmmmmmmmmmm

What is this game?

Cave diving simulator with friendly wildlife that wants to be your friend.

Open-world-survival-ea trash.