i dont see this game come up very much and it kinda makes me sad its a really under rated game... also what good under rated games do you know
I dont see this game come up very much and it kinda makes me sad its a really under rated game...
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I want to replay this one day.
I bought it when it came out but dont remember shit about it besides it having good atmosphere and being able to destroy the environment.
Also takes place on mars I think or some shit
I stopped playing near the boss escort section. You have to go through 2 million enemies with no additional ammo and then escort him back. It was retarded.
you mean when you have to escort griffin that part was easy as shit man just kill all the guys up ahead yea the ai is dumb as fuck but hey just save a lot and youll be ok
I think the game was glitched and he wouldn't move or something. or they'd be infinite enemies and I had no ammo. I really liked the game though, it gave a lot of impressions that it was based off a movie.
It was breddy good, played it for the first few months back
Too bad the story completely drops the ball after the start and the "stealth" parts in the middle and basically the whole zoo section were kinda shit
so guys tell me some under rated or unknown games
have you played the sequel?
Just finished Guerrilla. It does not, under any circumstance, deserve the reputation it has.
Had some interesting weapons, and the geomod was great fun to play around with. Shame it wasn't used enough in the game, but I guess that can be chalked up to the computers and the time, and the lack of real physics.
Sequel was shit though except for multi. That was MUCH improved.
I could see Red Faction (as an FPS) having a second shot in modern times with a new and improved Geo mod engine. Hell, let us see how Crackdown 3 does.
Fusion Rocket Launcher best weapon in the entire series.
I remember there being a complete conversion mod for UT2k4 that modded in the whole campaign for this.
>it was aight
yea ive played all the red faction games, read the comic books and watched the movie, so yea i have
>The movie
That was so stupid it hurts. Remember when Saints Row was supposed to take place in the same universe as this game?
It's great in multiplayer
Single player was kind of boring unless you did things like tunnel to the level exit with the C4.
Also to this day I don't know how I completed the bomb disarm sequence at the end on the first try.
yea it did suck but at least i saw it
SAME HERE BRO i always fuck that up on the first try
im kinda a fucking weirdo but to this day i still love the fusion rocket launcher reload sound
>Remember I want to play this game again
>""""""stealth""""" sections where you lose all your guns
>The Mining mech will not FUCKING STAND ON THE POINT
>Dr Kapek's boss fight
>Air ship sequence
>Submarine sequence
>Jeep sequence
You know, I love this game to bits it is full of "those" levels.
I remember when I first died to that falling elevator, you know the one. I forgot to save and had to start over.
Also Rail Gun Mercs with aimbot was a pain
This franchise was a weird enigma. First game was a pretty good shooter with cool setting and ideas, second was a horrible shitty game that had absolutely nothing to do with the first one ruining the first person shooter game. Third game is a third person open world with cool destruction environments back on mars continuing from the first game, was pretty good. Fourth game is a horrible piece of shit in third person that killed the franchise.
C4 glitch made the game fun as fuck yo. There were some areas in the game that were seperated by a missing bridge so I'd just carve a walk way all around the cliffside until I got to the other side of the bridge.
>Youre now hearing the miner dying noises
This was the most shitty thing about Red Faction to me, the very few allies you get along the way drop like fucking flies. You were always by yourself because the other miners were made out of fucking wet tissue paper.
>get pic related
>game becomes ez mode
Precision Rifle is so underrated. Shit one or two hits almost every human enemy in the game with perfect accuracy and you can spam it all day long since it fires so fast and nearly every group of mercs drops at least one of the things.
>It does not, under any circumstance, deserve the reputation it has.
It has a reputation? I thought everyone just forgot it aside from the 5 minutes the multiplayer lasted.
I feel like I'm the only one who likes both RF1 and RF2 but hates 3 and 4 with a passion.
>D-don't do it, please!!!
Flamethrower was fucking great but goddamn it chewed up ammo like a motherfucker
What do you like about Red Faction 2? Honestly, I can't stand it except for a few enemy designs and the multiplayer.
i like all the games i understand 3 and 4 wasnt as good as 1 but hey i liked them all 2 was ok but i liked the multiplayer and the weapons
It's a good thing cheat commands exist user, only way I could have beaten the game. Seriously FUCK the aimbotting mercs, especially that airplane luggage hallway with the fusion rocket.
>tfw you couldn't save Hendrix
This game had some pretty gud music, really captured the 2000's video game feel.
>What do you like about Red Faction 2?
>Honestly, I can't stand it except for a few enemy designs and the multiplayer.
I honestly don't mind the campaign. It's not as good as Red Faction 1's but it works well enough for a 6th generation FPS developed primarily for console. The fact that it had both an autosave and a level select made it a whole lot more pleasant to replay on console than 1 too.
In terms of mission quality, 2 had a lot fewer in the way of shit missions. While the vehicle sections sucked ass, they were LOADS more fun than the all-but-forced stealth and escort sections in 1. While 2 had it bad with some shitty bits don't worry (shooting gallery after Quill's bossfight comes to mind), I thought the lows of 2 were higher than the lows of 1. Plus, the enemy variety (both in visual design and gameplay variety) blows 1 out of the water. Enemies are much more varied than in 1 (which had soldiers, zombies, 1 or 2 varieties of alien, and that's about it). While 2 lacks the aliens of 1, it has a large variety of enemy vehicles to fight and many more varieties of zombie and soldier than 1 had.
2 also had a lot better (or at least more fun) weapons than 1 too in my opinion. While it was missing the C4, it added in a whole shit of new to replace it. Grenades being a button press instead of a weapon you had to select made them a lot more viable in combat too. Plus, the alt-fires in 2 were generally a whole lot more useful/fun than they were in 1. While I miss the fucking crazy auto shotgun from 1, all the alt fires in 2 made up for it.
The multiplayer was the best part though. I had too much fun with playing splitscreen with my friends. I kept spamming the Nano GL since explosives negate lolconsoleaiming and so they won't play with me anymore. Feels bad but I totally deserved it.
I wonder if I still have my old profile on my memory card. I wonder how many kills I have...
see pic
What do you do?
For me, the only good weapons in the campaign were all the nano weapons and the assault rifle that you get at the beginning of the game and in the middle. I for one just think that 1 showed off the potential of Geo mod while 2 made it a gimmick. And fuck the last few levels, all of the bosses sucked ass.
Shoot them, it wasn't fair the miners were treated like shit but these assholes got the normal job.
Man Red Faction Guerrillas multiplayer was so good. Aside from the really op stuff it had a layer of strategy and catharsis no other game besides Battlefield (before they went full retard) could do. I would reconstruct buildings with landmines stuck inside them, would strategically hit load bearing sections of buildings to get crush kills. Hell even knowing when someone was on the other side of a wall and just crashing through with your sledge hammer felt great.
Oh and the Red Faction being on Earth led by someone who isn't Parker or Eos.
Where was the EDF when Sopot was becoming this dictator?
>And fuck the last few levels, all of the bosses sucked ass.
Mhm. They were all pretty bad aside from the final level where you're climbing the statue. I actually like that one.
I gotta say though, it was fun turning on Rapid Rails and killing the final boss in like 3 seconds flat. Always put a smile on my face. The game has some fun cheats.
>mfw i went through that part near the end with the narrow paths of difficult ingame enemies by walking on fucking foot and save-scumming with almost no health because i didnt see the vehicle you were supposed to use for that section
later guys gotta go good night
endgame enemies*
>tfw I have like 5 or 6 profiles like this because I kept making new profiles whenever I got bored and wanted to reset my stats
I miss playing this game after school.
I've only played Guerrilla and the one after that. The one after i got bored of and never finished.
I love open world shit, so I did finish Guerrilla, but it was mostly mediocre.