Platforming game has "double jump"

>Platforming game has "double jump"

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is double jumping possible in life?



>he can't double jump

you can double jump on a wall if that counts.

Yeah but we don't have the gravity to do it unless you use science to have something on your back to give you the boost

Yes, athletes in ancient greece (or rome or both?) used to drop weightss during the jump to gain extra height. It's just pointless, because thei lost the extra height gained in the first place beause they jumped with added weight.

You have to unlock it after you reach a high enough level in life, AKA normiedom, if you get a girlfriend and have sex it's an auto-unlock.


Who was in the wrong here?
Who says Accusing when they're trying to prove something?

Guys, you don't have to defend your PS2 era mediocre platformers, just accept that mid-air double jumps are fucking terrible both in terms of logic and gameplay. It's the result of developers who don't have the balls to make a game where players are expected perform precise jumps so they don't have to correct it with a second jump.

>shooting game has hitscan

Of course it is. How else would I be able to get back to safety every time I jump from a cliff. Try it.

>This is why Smash Bros is not a fighter.

>2D Platforming game has fall damage

>fighting game has supers and ultras

please tell me someone has the full thing of this image

the one with the soldier that airdropped in the wrong place or whatever

>Metal gear game has good story and boring gameplay

>Platforming game
>Cant manipulate the jump arc in midair

>enemy gets two doublejumps

It has neither.

>fighting game has supers and ultras off wakeup

Prince of Persia is good though.

>Exploration game
>No platforming

Glide > Hover > Attack that keeps you in the Air > Nothing > Double Jump

>The latest soul caliber has combos consisting of more than 3 hits.

It's not what that game was supposed to be about.

>games where you can't double jump at any point during your jump, just during the apex


>character outruns camera in 2d game


What do you have against Castlevania

We get it, you hate Crash 3, OP.

>Ability lets you stay in the air for 1 more second
how useful is it?

Casualizes platforming.
Casualizes platforming.
Eh, not terrible, but never really that satisfying or useful. Unless you mean like a pogo jump. In which case, that's fine.

>game has a fuel depletion system for aerial flight.

I only have this story attached. I'm not aware of any other images.

>every fucking enemy knocks you backward and off the stage
>your health meter is almost entirely pointless because everything is just going to knock you off a cliff anyway

as possible as getting a gf

hell i might just be thinking of that and came up with some sort of image in my head. thanks my dude

Considering he WAS actually cheating, and proving it wasn't even hard I'd say Chibi was in the wrong.

>platforming game has "jump"

God bless the USA

I feel like the powers in 3 were totally made for Time Trials. You cheese the levels so hard with them but they suddenly feel way more natural when you're hauling ass for Relics.

>game lets you use your "i win" combo off of safe wakeup

>Who says Accusing when they're trying to prove something?
Any English speaker?

>game has high jump
>can be used infinitely

>platforming game has platforms

Excessive amount of jumps for fun > single jump > double jump > single jump, when the game actually isn't good enough and a double jump would increase player control significantly.

A developer has to be able to admit defeat.

Phones over pc

goddammit jumping flash, it's so good but i just wanted to double jump right before hitting the ground

>Game provides movement upgrades from speed, to jumps
>watch TAS of it

>that kid in PE that didn't know how to double jump

I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if such an image exists. All I'm saying is that I don't have it if said image does.


choose wisely

The problem with double jumps is they make correcting your mistake way too easy. You can freely change your trajector before hitting the ground so you would have to fuck up twice to fail the jump.

The only use of a double jump I've seen is Super Ghosts and Goblins. Since you have 0 air control even with a second jump it's still a challenge to platform.

Than again this a board that discusses crash bandicoot and kirby instead of contra and GnG so people here do not care much about the challenge in their platforming games.

That depends, can you double jump before hitting the ground to cancel the damage?

Next thing you're going to say is you're a virgin.


yes, but momentum remains intact

how ever well you can jump now is how much you could negate your velocity from falling

purple makes climbing a mountain easy, but descending it deadly

blue keeps climbing a mountain as difficult as it is, but you can get down by jumping and having a great time falling

A lot of times I see double jumps in games, the use is for height rather than averting fall deaths.

if the game isnt designed around the mechanic. spyro 1 had fantastic level design, especially the more hidden stuff, like blind gliding around a corner

>get down by jumping
walking off cliff edges*

forgot you cant jump anymore

can i climb ladders and shit with blue?

yes, you just can't jump

The game is going to contain vertical jumps at a certain point. Once that happens the jumps are going to get really fucking easy easy. If you realized you fucked up you can just change your trajectory. You can even completely jump back to the starting platform if you realized you fucked up before your first jump ends.

Essentially it dumbs down vertical jumping skill.

>game has double jumping
>can't change direction mid jump
>can't control each jump height
>platforming designed around this

He complained about them casualizing platforming. Spyro IS a casual platformer, the most casual 3D platformer I know of. The jumps arn't going to pose any challenge for you unless you are an infant. You're proving his fucking point.

>Platforming game has no jump.

Does it only work while I'm wearing the condom?

I'm not particularly talking about Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts. I mean just where I see the utility for double jumps in general, like Metroidvanias more than traditional platformers where pit deaths are unheard of but unreachable ledges come in droves.

>Platformer game has hookshot

some of the jumps really require a precise apex glide. i played this shit a month ago, on many glides theres little room for error. regardless, "casual platformer" sounds like a redundant term

VVVVVV is one of the best platformers out there.

So if i triple jump to the top of a box, then I don't take any damage?

correct. only a retard would choose the blue

>japanese girl
>red hair and blue eyes

yeah, like what the fuck, thats not even a competition. Basketball would be a blast, as you aren't gonna go high enough to hurt yourself, and you can dunk all day.
Or you just airjump before hitting the ground in you have to jump off a bridge therefore reducing almost all of the damage.

There's pitfalls in metroidvanias too (at least in the good ones). For instance spiked pits or lava that takes off some health.

The only time this was ever hard was when you either didn't have the double jump or when they made you have to dodge shit in the air after you jumped (clock tower in CoTM or any other similar place that has medusa heads+platforming).

Also don't forget that you have to do vertical jumps to avoid certain boss patterns and the multi-jumping REALLY let's you cheese that stuff.

You sound like someone that has never played a hardcore game in your life. You arn't even aware that there are challenging platformers.

Geeze reading your post was depressing. It's hard because there are one or two jumps where you sort of have to pay attention. Like if you were a child and had literally never played a 3D game before I'd understand (that's the genre Spyro marketed itself to). Like you sound like someone that isn't even capable of putting effort into your hobby.

How ever you land on top of the box will be 2x worse. So imagine the strain of landing from a regular jump being twice as much. but I'd imagine jumping on a box would be similr to the strain of a regular jump without the perk.

With your logic, being able to correct your trayectory during a jump is shit too, and most platformers does that.

Not him but there's degrees of trajectory correction. Too much IS bad preciously because it dumbs down the jump. How much is "too much" depends on the speed of the game. If it is a very fast paced game (say the later contra games) than full jump control can still provide a challenge. But if it is a slow paced game (say NES castlevania) any jump control would let you cheese it.

The statement "most platforms do this" is sheepish and does not address the issue at all. It's the type of thing someone with confidense or knowledge would say.

The thing is that he's taking "logic" into consideration. With that in mind, every form of correction would be a bad thing.

You're ignoring the subject entirly and nitpicking over some poorly chosen word.

Essentially you are taking the discussion out of the range of platforming theory entirly.

>hardcore game

>fps game has platforming

>Platformer has conservation of momentum

Both sound shitty, i pass.

god this pisses me off

>Platforming game has fixed jump arc


>platforming GAME has no game over

Might as well be a movie.

Dafuq did I just watch?

Blue. If Xenoblade has taught me anything its that you're rarely jumping and fall damage is a bitch.

what the fuck is that gif

>Implying gliding and hovering are bad

You sweet summer must see the light.

Super Ghouls and Ghosts is GOAT

Surprisingly early on in the thread, good work

maybe on the moon titan