Who remembers this beaty?

who remembers this beaty?

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Its still my favorite UT and I play through the campaign once a year. I dont know why modern games cant do gore right anymore. UT is bloody as fuck compared to games these days. Where you might get some shitty gibs that disappear after about 5 seconds.

>Sup Forums actually playing competitive arena FPS on PC

lolno, this place is casual as fuck

>In 2291, in an attempt to control violence among deep space miners

Hard to forget.

I played that shit to death as a kid.

Still listen to the soundtrack sometimes.

>I just slaughtered that guy!

both sp and mp were pretty cool

>I'm sorry, did I blow your head apart?
Morpheus > other maps

Cut my teeth on this game, never found an FPS that can match it.

Does anyone remember the Andy's room custom map that was like Toy Story

Best FPS of all time imo. That instagib mode...

My nig! Played the hell outta of it as well when i was lil. Still have my unreal gold copy to this day! Never gonna forget the memories i made in this game, killing a lot of monsters in MH while chatting it up with the bros! Also my favorite track is mech 8. How about you guys?

I remember my dad bringing that home as a kid, guy he worked with had a hardcore gamer son and the dude lent us his disc... It's what got me into gaming

I liked the format of UT2004 more... You could actually build a team

>The Liandri mining corporation

>Too easy

This.. Morpheus was amazing.. I also loved hyper blast and facing worlds
And the assault map frigate

This and the original Unreal are still two of my top favorite games ever.


Tied between Razorback and Organic for me.

installed right there m8


>favorite track
Tough choice but I think Mechanism Eight too. Fucking loved that one.

Save Me was also great for getting me into an action-hungry mood.
And it was for one of my favorite stages.

>Played the hell outta of it as well when i was lil
TFW I was 10 and bought a PC Powerplay mag and it had the UT demo. Had never really played games before so it was a whole new experience. The demo kicked my ass and was hard as fuck but I eventually won the first match and it was such a rush. It pretty much got me into gaming and probably why I love tough games so much.

>favorite track is mech 8. How about you guys?
Probably Go Down or Foregone Dest but the entire soundtrack is great

TFW you discover you can mod the game, download a ton of customer characters, and find out all the console commands.

Wanna play some Overwatch? :^)

>>The Liandri mining corporation
It was actually "the New Earth Government legalized no-holds-barred fighting. The Liandri Mining Corporation, working with the NEG,"
established a series of leagues and bloody public exhibitions.

>an attempt to expose and deal with violence among working people turned into a worldwide-popular super-violent tournament
That always amused me.

Shit.. I completely fucked that up

That's a nice mutator you have there. It'd be a shame if someone got a hold of it...

Instagib was fun as fuck on small maps.

Bodyparts flying everywhere, blood all over the place, and you probably lived for maybe 30 seconds each time.

Kek I'm not sure if it's possible to beat loque in an instagib match... Never tried it anyway, I just reset if he's in.

Favorite shooter of all time. ZP instagib ctf is probably the best mod ever created in a videogames. Also.... those low grav dm maps made to look like huge rooms in a house. Bathroom was my favorite.

Facing Worlds was the GOAT map. You're a dumb dildo dick-nose tits if you think otherwise.

Coret Facility was better.


Only wrong if you're a camping pussy. No where to hide like a bitch on coret. That's why you always died like a bitch.

>camping on facing worlds
The play was grabbing the minigun and going ham to grab the flag. Or getting the nuke and shutting that down, alternatively.

Naw. Lots of pussies like yourself would just grab the snipe and camp in the tower. That's why instagib was the best. Campers always get turned into guts.

But, is anyone still playing UT99? I could see getting back in there if there's an active playerbase.

For a pseudo-undead chick, Visse looks pretty good.

my favorite game

Creepy girls are always the hottest.

theres a few people that play it

Reanimating nanomachines will do that to you.


why is there no game i can play that gives me the spark this did the soundtrack and maps were perfect i may have been only 5 when it came out but my dad had that day one and it was all i played on our windows 98

Yes, best UT.
I played it will into 2006, because of the decent linux port...

quick claim your weaponfu

TFW when you'll never go back to the golden age of online gaming
TFW when you were born to early to participate in a real UT

why live

greatest map of all time in any game ever

Forever and always.

I was just barely 1 yo when this came out o_O

>date] [Auto] 13

>ut99 turns 18 this year
video games are dead

nothing is made with as much effort thees days

could the new UT live up to the old ones?

Fuckface I was wondering why it wouldn't zoon im properly

Everybody remembers UT.

I remember reading a vidya magazine back in the day, I think it was an article about Halo 3 or something like that going crazy over "multiplayer allows up to 16 players" and I was like "but I've been playing in 32+ players maps for years now.

That's how I knew PC gaming was the way to go.


psh remembers, nigga its still sitting on my desktop

>tfw till the end of time you'll just be a flak monkey

You're god damn right I do. Rats maps on this game were the shit.

>main menu theme starts playing
>still nearly get goosebumps

Bow down.

>dudud-dunnnn, dudud-dunnnnnnn, dudud-dunnnnnnn, dudud-dunnnnnnn

>playing instagib as xan mark 2 without the dumb skull head
>spam xan taunts whenever u kill someone or win
>win pretty often, too
>"its that guy who always does the robot voice again"


This.. Also I cried when they removed the ripper in 2004

dm_deck16 was better. So was morpheus.

So is there any reliable way to actually download the retarded software these servers seem to have on UT99? Tried to join some sniper map server and I couldnt even fucking move due to all the proprietary bullshit.

My nigga, deck is always the best map in all UT games.

turbo casuals detected


i still hop into the multiplayer sometimes. one of my favourite games to zone out with some music


This. Morpheus and Facing Worlds are the two most cancerous maps of UT. Both appeal to sniper kids who want to sit in a corner and have an open shot at sitting ducks instead of actually playing the game. Low gravity is a mistake. No wonder Halo killed the genre.


>implying Thievery wasn't the best total conversion