The hardest choice of your life
Nope, made the choice to stop caring about weebshit when i was 12
second girl with white hair
wow that was easy
So last year then.
What he said.
>the tallest one is 164 cm
that's short AF, still I pick her, the other ones are just too short
Not hard at all. 2nd to right.
You mean just the right height
Ah yes, a fellow mature gamer. *nods respectfully towards you*
I'll take the second from the left and third from the right. Not that hard.
1 3 4 5 6
130cm 124cm 114cm, all day baby
Is there a version of this chart in American?
>those release dates
How the fuck am I supposed to play these games 50 years from now?
I know nothing about this game but girls in pantsuits are god tier so ill pick that one.
I like a woman in a business suit, and everything right of 148 will you get you about 10-20.
130cm master race
Either 160 or 158, easy.
10-20 home baked cookes?
My waifu is twice as tall as shortest one.
Post her
130cm - 114cm
>114 cm
that's size of a 3 years old
I'd pick 124 if she wasn't two and a half feet shorter than I am. I'm not interested in the rest they're all generic as fuck.
124 cm
5'3? 5 foot fucking 3 is the tallest there?
I'm not into shortstack. Pass.
I like the 4 girls from the left but I can't decide who is the best girl. I need some therapy session from Sup Forums
All these bitches are short. Even the tallest one is 5' 3". WOMANLETS, WHEN WILL THEY LEARN!?
Isn't this getting localized with all the porn stripped out?
158, I suppose; but most of them are children, so it doesn't really give me any choice.
Anyway, when's this coming out? I'm always down for more eroge.
Don't you mean easy? 114cm is the obvious choice.
I'll take the nazi, thanks
>No ass
all shit-tier
t. retarded American who can't into cm.
>Sup Forumsfags are pedos
Color me surprised.
WTF I love Sup Forums now.
actually they confirmed 18+ recently
How is this hard?
124cm has the best design by far.
148, 143, 130 for me
I don't usually like redheads, but 148 and 130.
Man Sekai Project are such fucking sell outs, first Train Lolis now Teaching Feeling. Shouldn't really expect any less from the sell outs the killed fan translations I guess.
we will play it in a couple of years
I don't think you should play it cause its 98% hot loli sex and you don't seem into that
Literally fact.
Fuck sekai project though.
Yeah true, I just want a good eroge to play; I dig the long stories.
Any good ones that came out recently that aren't about loli sex?
Pack it up boys, we're done here
Fact: lolis with extremely long hair are the best
The real question is,
Any good ones that came out recently?
the answer is probably not a single one
Only if it's fluffy
for what? they're bringing 18+ maitetsu completely for free from torrent sites, with the ironic weeb money they will earn from steam
>not in english
I'm still learning my kanji damnit reeeeee
What did they do?
Just Kanji?
What about your grammar? And counters?
ara ara~ on the left.
Pantsuit on the right of her is alright, but seems super high maintenance.
The rest are underageb& and you should be ashamed of yourselves for even considering it.
>I'm still learning my kanji
you'll never make it. Kanji is equal to vocabulary, and learning vocabulary in any language is a life long process.
All of them, bro. They all need love.
I think I've got most of those down, I took a course and it was pretty much all kana, grammar, and counters
Right now it's mostly learning vocab and kanji, and what hurts the most is not having a class with a set routine, or a teacher to fall back on
I'm learning using 3 different apps simultaneously right now but man it's really tough
What are you doing on this website then, mister edge
Except the ones on the left clearly past their prime.
Which one is the cutest?
all fine
I can't believe that game has dynamic animations in the H scenes.
This is the correct choice.
>the right
>not kiss cunny
148cm, easy
She's your little sister.
If there is a route for her I'd probably still choose it
I lost count how many times I fapped to red hair's CG. The young one though not the cowtit.
Even better.
Wait a sec, so the tallest is your mom?
Guess you didn't play their last game, huh?
She's your older sister
Guess you didn't play their last game, huh?
I did. It's much better than this garbage
164 cm for Japanese women\girl is actually on the tall side, like 172 or plus for European. The average is 158 cm or less.
Even better.
I'll take 158cm
I like short haired girls and Alice Margatroid is my waifu, so 3rd girl from left
Wait, I'm a ginger in this game?
>That delusion
Manlets should just consider suicide
Both my little sisters are over 175 cm
Fucking womanlets, when will you learn?
Short women are attractive. Nobody wants to date a freak (tall) woman.
Having a cute daughter will get you more ladies.
Because they know you know how to treat a girl.
Plenty of people do. I have a friend who is over 2 meters tall, and his fetish is taller women. Being him must be suffering.
You're a literal braindead faggot nigger if you'd rather fuck a goblin midget than an amazonian goddess.
Hey man, goblins are great.