Now that the dust has settled, what's the Sup Forumsverdict? What went right and what went wrong? Thoughts?

Now that the dust has settled, what's the Sup Forumsverdict? What went right and what went wrong? Thoughts?

The dust hasn't settled yet.

This. The cloud of gay is still clouding all the gay.

Nice but extremely empty


How isn't this game deader than Lily Bermango?

Dead on arrival. This is the first arms thread I've seen in weeks and it's only gotten 4 posts in 10 minutes.

no shit go to the general

>370 posts in 3 days for a fairly new game
Thanks for proving my point senpai

I played it a few times in my buddy's switch. As for someone who hasn't spent a lot of time with it, something that bugged me was the surprising lack of characters. There's only like 10 characters, which sort of makes the game feel not as big as I thought it would be.

Everyone does the same fucking thing. I went back to Blazblue on the 3DS

If I got a switch there's no way in hell I'd ever buy ARMS unless it was about £20, it reeks of being a budget game with shallow content and yet they're selling it for full price.

Decided to play a Ranked Match after seeing the thread. I managed to get one after only a few seconds, so it looks like online is still fine for now.

Right now Splatoon 2 is devouring all the hype, so probably after that wears down it'll have some more time to breath.

Not enough content

Dead on arrival.

It's basically the same situation as pokken, where it had basically zero content and people stopped giving a shit, except pokken at least had enough competitive depth to keep a scene running.

ARMS doesn't even have that going for it.

>no content
>have to grind to get more arms
>snake park has a terribad gimmick to the point where it should be classified under minigames but it isn't

Similar to splatoon, it's lacking in content, but it does have more multiplayer options than Splatoon did at launch

It's a game that will slowly get better with more updates and content otherwise the world itself is fucking great

Because the characters themselves are only a 3rd of the actual customization

You have the weapons themselves, and the elements they contain, it's not a normal fighting game, the Arms are the bigger factor, around 20ish, with the addition of 1 in 10 characters as well as the element and addtion of another Arm if you don't doubles

>implying Arms doesnt have competitive depth

It's only been 2 weeks user, and don't ignore what happened at the Arms Open Invitational

In two weeks Melee was able to cement itself as one of the greatest fighting games ever made, and that appeal has lasted since.

If Arms was good people would have realized by now. The dust HAS settled, and no one cares.

Big rosters aren't a good thing and are a meme thanks to Marvel vs Crapcom and Mortal Kombat Armageddon. Before then, fighting games always had relatively small rosters. Smaller is better for balance.

>In two weeks Melee was able to cement itself as one of the greatest fighting games ever made
Source: Your ass.

Sure, two weeks in terms of a competitve meta is fucking nothing, but based on what I have seen and heard there's just not even a basic amount of depth there to begin with. You wouldn't need to wait a few months to know the new lisecsnsed naruto game isn't competitvely viable.

>In two weeks Melee was able to cement itself as one of the greatest fighting games ever made, and that appeal has lasted since.


I'd agree with that.
I would have liked more single player content.
Especially seeing as Splatoon 2 will probably kill the game completely.

It's literally ok if Nintendo does it

>meleefags actually believe this


>What went right

>and what went wrong

I don't think the game needs a dedicated story mode, but a personalized story for each character in the GP mode would be great. Have a little intro to set up their motivation and why they fight, then maybe a rival battle before the final bosses, then a little prologue.

Oh, you mean Grab-Dodge-Grab the game? Cool meta

Oh the real though.
Should I get it? I bought a Switch for Spla2n so now I'm just waiting for it to drop.

Should I get ARMs?

T. Ninjara player


Nintendo didn't invest enough in to figure out how to make Arms competitively viable. It's too obvious that Rush charge and countering is unbeatable, and they should have released an update to nerf it.
But they're going to be very slow to update regardless, despite Arms being a 1st party exclusive. I mean we're getting Max Brass as is on Wednesday with no real change to his character, almost a month after the game came out with him already in.

What went right
>Mechanics are simple to grasp, but have depth in terms of movement and mind games
>Character designs are fucking tight
>Music is great, if a little repetitive
>Free updates

What went wrong
>Price. It's a fun game, but I'd say it's more worth $30 than $60 in its current state
>Some stages are terrible. I don't know who thought the mechanic of Kid Cobra's stage would be fun, but they should be sacked. Remove the fucking spinners (or remove it from ranked) and we'll be fine
>Not enough fighters
>Online community is fucking terrible. They only seem to be going by the meta (Kid Cobra/Min Min with double Hydras), so there's no variety in any game mode
>Party Mode. It's slick as fuck, don't get me wrong, but it seems to have a high preference for 3 player FFAs in my experience (the WORST game mode), and the handicap shouldn't be a thing outside of 1v1 matches

If I had to give it a rating so far, I'd say a solid 8/10. It's a very fun game at its core, but it simply needs more and some aspects need to be changed/balanced.

I'll probably be playing it until Splatoon 2 comes out in a couple of weeks, and then drop it completely, to be honest. I might check it out again after all the updates are done.

Most revolutionary fighting game ever since SF2

Who /mastermummy/ here?

Black/red alt color a best.

He moves way too fucking slow for my tastes, but I have massive respect for the MMs I've met online who play him well.

Same applies for the 1 or 2 actually good Helix players I came across. Most people who play Helix are just terrible, but good ones are fucking scary.

Damn. I was super hyped back when the release came out and didn't have a switch, but now that I do I'm conflicted.

Meleefags are the fucking worst.

Fuck helix users
>can't hit him once because he's too low

Five bucks says they do the Drip Feed of free content like they did with Splatoon.

played some pvp today with friends
its pretty good. i would like for a larger roster, but thr three fist type swapping makes me ot to fussed. all in all a good gaimu

Good character designs
Literally everything else

You're a bit fucking late on that front, home skillet.

They already announced that the game is getting the same free update system as Splatoon.

The question is, how long? They said they plan to do so for "as long as the game is popular", but with the game already dying, and Splatoon 2 probably destroying any more potential sales, I can't see the game being popular for much longer at all.

The character designs and the music are really good.

It's a game you play 5 times then think about 3 years later to play once and realize it's shit and why did you even bother buying it. That's empty, literally so shallow of a game that it ends up in that pile.

But that's wrong.

Too simple mechanically for meta, too barren for fun otherwise. Verdict: not good, mediocre. I like the game, and Arms 2 has potential, but this one does not fare well long term.



But it's not. Desperate Nintendo fans will suck dick for a new IP, just like splatoon and delusional faggotry saying it could be a new competitive fps. Then die a year in the water with no fanbase. Smash has only kept it's fanbase really from dedication to melee and branches from there, FGC has told them to fuck off multiple times, because Nintendo doesn't support them at all. What Nintendo does well is that they preach one thing and practice business first and foremost while isolating fans. Nintendo is sort of EA lite now. When you won't suck dick for another FIFA you damn well for another Zelda and Mario.

Don't you need to eat those dicks and crows?

>just like splatoon and delusional faggotry saying it could be a new competitive fps. Then die a year in the water with no fanbase
That didn't happen though

Most of the game is good. It just needs a bit more content that the updates will hopefully deliver, and they need to nerf rushes by removing the counter upon activation and making weight still affect the arms.

tripfag, archives exist and arms will just join the congo line of embarrassing mistakes swept under the rug. Like the DK drums.

I'm not talking about ARMs.
I'm talking about Splatoon.

Melee took YEARS to be good competitively
I'm a Meleefag to the core but if you actually think that you're right just kys

It REALLY needs a singleplayer story mode

I really like it when they stretch their arms

I think that the game is pretty good but I hope that they'll add this with next updates :

>Local Tourney Mode
Forces players to either use base ARMS or All ARMS (with + versions toggleable), play on given stages, ...
>More chars and (small) stages
>Proper training mode
A mode where you can, in the middle of the training, change the opponent's behaviour, change ARMS, stage, super jauge, ...
>Remappable controls
Because, even though I like the default "no-motions" controls, it would be perfect if you can have those but with motions only for punches for instance

Oh look, a free iPad!

>in two weeks
Bullshit, it took until Brawl to figure out that Melee was better.

I have a Switch. The game looks solid but $60 is too much for a poor man like me. I'd rather save that money for Odyssey or XC2.

I don't care what you say mvc2 is still fun as fuck to pick your favorites and play with friends.

But there is depth. Git Gud

In weeks? Then you must not have been here during my hours then. There was one just yesterday, not sure how long it lasted.

It's a pretty good game.

>implying Donkey Kong Jungle Beat wasn't fucking awesome
Sup Forums really does hate video games

You could easily get 60 hours out of arms, but I get the argument. I think arms is great but I pretty much only pay $60 for Nintendo titles now.

Wait for a price drop to pick up arms.
After beating the grandprix there's literally nothing to do except battle randoms online

Can you post links/videos demonstrating it or explaining said depth? I've seen nothing to suggest it has more then any given casual, liscensed fighting game.

I want a Tenkaichi 2 tier tourney mode

I feel like ARMS goes into the category of first-party borderline shovelware games that are always present at Nintendo launches, like Excite Truck and Steel Diver. I mean, it's better than those, but is just as lacking in content and depth. I say that Splatoon kills it

I think its a missed opportunity that they didn't make a Luchador character.

Arms is a good first attempt. Hopefully they refine it more in the future.


This so fucking much

Would have been completely forgotten by now if it wasn't Nintendo's IP and Switch's first original game to boot

Either way, Splatoon 2 will sweep whatever's left of its online playerbase

I agree, but the thing is, they still make some of my favorite games ever, and they've been playing the business game really fucking good as of late (good for them, that is), so I kind of just assume the position so I can play some of the few good fucking games the industry produces anymore, even if I think Nintendo does a lot of vile anti-consumer shit. Unlike EA, they manage to spin it so they're mostly likable, which is a result of their very persuasive marketing. Nintendo is unstoppable, face it. Most of the anons who bitch about them will still be buying their games, the Switch is becoming a smash hit so Nintendo has the upper hand and they can get away with a lot of things.

>smash hit
>can't even outsell a 4years old console


I don't get why people keep saying this when they're completely different games. Personally I can easily see myself playing both over the weekends. Not saying Splatoon isn't gonna overshadow it, but realistically Splatoon 2 is gonna overshadow most games for the next few months

ARMS is fun and has a lot of depth as a fighting game but doesn't really have anything to keep you interested. There is no long story or loads of collectibles like Breath of the Wild. There is no "scene" that pushes you to git good like Smash or Splatoon. Once you're good enough to beat level 7 grand prix, the game is over.

It's a good game. It just needs more content. The gameplay is nice but the game just feels so empty.


>excite truck

Nigga that game is fucking lit.

I'm pretty sure most Nintendo fans agree with the 78 and think that it's pretty fair. Hell, I love Nintendo but I don't think I would score ARMS even that highly.

it got the same score as andromeda lmao

Andomeda = a shitty game from a well established IP
ARMS = a new IP with no content
sounds about equal to me. Andomeda gets an extra 15 points just for being Mass Effect

No, you don't get to use this "scores dont actually matter guise" argument anymore, not after how much you guys bragged about Zelda's scores

absolute shovelware, a wii boxing reskin

And Arms gets an extra 15 points just for being Nintendo

It's fun as fuck but suffers from the same problem as smash in that it's not really balanced but the people consistently playing it treat it like a fighting game.

It's fun as fuck to play party mode doing your thing until you realize nearly every opponent is a dual-hydra-only cobra or ribbon girl

Playing too seriously also leads to incredibly boring defensive games where throwing the first punch is basically never a good idea.

tl;dr - fun party game ruined by obsessive community

If Sup Forums doesn't know shit about fighters, what makes you think they'd know anything about pseudo fighters?

Fucking retards.

I don't know about Andromeda, because that game is just a mess, but the BotW and ARMS score are pretty accurate. BotW is a very, very good game and ARMS is waaay too barebones to be considered anything over 80

>Nintendogaf hypes this fucking garbage up for weeks
>game comes out
>it's fucking shallow garbage designed entirely around a shitty. shitty gimmick that peaked 2 generations ago.

Oh this is delicious.
Did you faggots seriously think this shit was going to be good?
It has some of the WORST character designs in gaming history which are a result of designing the aesthetics around a half-baked mechanic.
This is why you do not design your aesthetics around shit game play.

>tl;dr - fun party game ruined by obsessive community
u should build a game based on the audience,
not the other way around.
I'm serving up plate of shit,
it could be the greatest cuisine ever but ruined by human's taste buds

>they're completely different games
No shit. One is an established IP that made money off of waifufags and the other one that tried to make money off of waifufags but screwed itself.

I'm one of the few in the thread that actually bought Arms and it's fun as hell. My girlfriend even likes it. 2player online is the fucking best. Makes for a good drinking game too, take a drink for every coin you get. Winning streaks will get you fucked up fast, especially since most people still suck at the game