It's 3 in the morning Sup Forums. I've lost control of my life.
It's 3 in the morning Sup Forums. I've lost control of my life
cool its 8 am here *waves*
9:10 here
I was just about to lose control of my life, but I got my shit together and keep going
You're an hour early, newfag
>Having a time playing games that I minorly enjoy
>Play and finish a game that I love
>Don't feel like playing anything anymore
Well fuck me
Also you're an hour early, OP.
its 515 pm here
>he never watched Rugrats
To be fair it's 4 in the morning in some places that don't matter as much as we do.
i miss stu-posting.
>live in Eastern Yuro
>4 am general always hit me at 10 am while at work
>comfiest thread all day
I don't think I can make it to 4. Pls no bully.
Do these threads still pop up every night? I havent been on that late nearly as much since this last year at uni.
Try coffee. And pudding.
are you new?
0825 here, I'm drinking my morning coffee before work. Half-day today, then an afternoon of vidya before an evening with some bros. Life is bretty gud.
Not really. Even the jay has been weak on their lan game the past couple years
they haven't been a thing for over a year or more now.
I never was in control
this is what happens when redditors try to play along.
my best friend slept over yesterday
we played sonic 06
Only 12 on Best Coast.
Last night I did Psychedelics/Disassociatives last night alone. DXM
Tonight it's Tequilla. Been playing a bit of Mafia 3. It's okay if you're just looking for a repetitive thing to mindlessly do while watching TV or listening to a podcast. Might play some Modded porn Oblivion or run a DUST survival modded New Vegas
>12 am
>doing escort security
>I/M is dieing
>should be paying attention to people around me
> phone shitpost on Sup Forums instead
Sounds about as gay as can be.
well you're certainly doing a good job at it
I think I never had control of my life to begin with. There's no time that I can point to and say, "This is where it all went wrong." It's just been a gradual decline from "mostly shitty, but just manageable" to "please kill me already." I honestly wish I'd been born a century or more ago, I probably never would've made it to adulthood but that's kinder than what I've gone through.
>birthday is coming up and no friends to celebrate with again
Fucking gottem
Happy birthd- psyche.
i've been working graveyard shift for 2 years now
My birthday is close to my sister in laws, I just piggy back on hers for parties
>built up minor beginning thesis research into something I've become scared of
I want to complete this tomorrow as I should have had it done over a month ago. Wew me and summertime. I am meeting two friends at the library in the morning for harmonious communal studying. I will leave the blogging at that.
Overall, as usual, I am ready to die but not ready to commit suicide.
there's literally nothing homosexual about sleeping over as long as you're not spooning
>I am ready to die but not ready to commit suicide.
welcome to the phantom pain user
Sometimes I worry I'll be single my whole life. Not that I couldn't handle it, but it would be a shame to miss out on something as fundamentally human as being in a relationship.
I accepted the very real possibility. It'd be a shame, but I'm way too sad and broken for a relationship to work. It'd be cool if it happens, but I'm not counting on it
>Not that I couldn't handle it
>but it would be a shame to miss out on something as fundamentally human as being in a relationship
I think I have skin cancer
rip me
Me too m8. I'm about to eat some mushrooms and play some Elite: Dangerous
Ew gross angst white boy general
It's 5am in Argentina. I was watching Starship Troopers and Dr. House at the same time and I had diarrhea.
Only 2am here but I decided to call it early. Got a kitten today and I think she would have attempted to pull an all nighter with me if I didn't retire to bed.
What I mean by that is I've always been very comfortable with my self and my alone time, more so than any of my friends. I enjoy doing activities by myself and living by myself but like any human I desire companionship. I think I could live a long life on my own better than most but if I would still be a little disappointed if that were the case.
I don't normally care for animals, but that is an extremely cute kitty, post more of her please.
You british?
story behind the pic?
I love her so much that I won't kill myself for the next 16+ years.
Believe me companionship is worth it. Even in a relationship you will still long for your solitude if you're that kind of person, but knowing what its like to be truly alone sets you straight
I beat Black Flag last night and had an uplifting time being a pirate. Not sure what to finish on my backlog next.
What did you name him? ib4 Darkness
I've been bored as fuck lately, so I started up another playthrough of Witcher 3 with the intention to learn Gwent and actually do all of the quests tied to it. I've never been into card games, but it reviatalized my enjoyment of that game quite I bit.
Running around collecting uniqe cards and building up my deck is pretty fun
Chani, Dune is my favourite series of novels. She had deep blue eyes, but they radically changed to hazel over the last week or so.
The story? The 2012-13 Lakers with Dwight Howard....are just too good. Why bother getting emotionally invested in anything when we're talking about a team with 4 hall of famers in the starting line up? Is there any other front court in basketball that can handle Howard and Gosal at once? Not to mention Nash on the pick and roll. Oh, and then guess who's wide open for a jumper if you choose to double any of those guys?? Kobe fucking Bryant.