Okay guys, so, a while back I was excommunicated from an online group I had been a part of for about five years...

Okay guys, so, a while back I was excommunicated from an online group I had been a part of for about five years. There were six of us, and the shit really hit the fan over a messy dispute between me, and one of the members of the group that I knew irl. I'm not gonna go into it because I'm not here for pity or to demonize someone that none of you know.
But, since this all happened, I haven't found a group that I'm comfortable in at all, at least to the same degree. So, I figured I would try my luck here with like-minded people. Discord server invites, Steam friend requests, all are acceptable. I just really need a new set of friends to bullshit and play vidya with when I'm at home, since I lost the only "main" group I ever had.

Other urls found in this thread:


what country though

Amerifat region lmao

nice blog faggot



Don't dox me

>561 games

Well, I'm not gonna have to struggle to find games you have lmao

Play some games and make friends. You sound like a huge faggot and you'll only get invites from other faggots so have fun with that.

Your info. Wtf is all that shit.

A combination of random shit taken from comment sections and stuff peoe have said in response to me. Good times.

I might be able to hook you up for in a discord I'm in. Question is do you play Red Orchestra 2 or Rising Storm 2?

I have Red Orchestra 2 but I'm fucking trash at it because I don't frequently play it.

Ah, I thought it was just your autistic ramblings. Some cringy shit you amassed.

lol, I wish I was autismo enough to type all of that out

Show me your penis and I'll consider being your online friend.

oh daddy, i might have to take you up on that

Consider suicide

Not vidya

I know that feel, user
>join a fresh new mmo
>having fun with new friends
>new friends start being critical of one guy because he's lazy/noobish
>bullying gets more intense
>thats not my thing so I try to help the guy out
>drama, cracks, etc happen
>fast forward a few years
>more new people join the game
>they start hanging out with those guys because telling others to kys and being an ass to people outside of your circle is the cool thing to do now
>"welp, that pool is poisoned. at least, i still have some friends"
>us election comes up
>remaining friends are trump supporters
>I'm not


That's so ass lmao

I hate losing friend groups over trivial shit, especially like that.

you sound like a fag lol

hes looking for people to play vidya with. Seems vidya to me.

I don't really have a squad right now either, but it's fun to get drunk and go on comms every now and then with some people who arent total strangers

t. Polfag

>remaining friends are trump supporters
>I'm not
I'd really like to know who'd unfriend over that shit.
I myself haven't found a decent group in about a year, Everything is so dead now.
>ArmA Mods
>Rainbow Six
No one speaks
>Dark Souls 3
Add one guy and never play again
>Rising storm 2
Everyone takes it too seriously.

>remaining friends are trump supporters
>I'm not
I don't see why this has to matter.

just when i thought this thread couldn't get any gayer.

I'd add you and let you play with my group of friends, but Sup Forums is full of a bunch of weird and dysfunctional fags.


Seems reasonable enough.

If you ever change your mind,


It is really hard to find new groups. I really like playing Payday but I hate matching with randoms because a good 75% of them have no earthly clue what the holy fuck they're doing.

Hey bro you got a ps4? Imsend me your psn ill invite you to party chat bro

Because both sides view the other as being composed only of morons/evil incarnate. And frankly, they're both right.

I'm not on my PS4 at the moment but yeah, my PSN is Kyoto431.

>with like-minded people.
user, Sup Forums doesn't play video games.

Oh, you dun goofed

Anyone who's against the God Emperor isn't worth friending anyway, you sound like a fag.

did you act like an alt right retard white boy OP?

Sorry OP, I'd give it a shot but I'm so shit at talking to new people I'd just spill my spaghetti everywhere and never respond again.

Good luck on finding a new group though.

No but I did get someone locked up for molestation.

No he didn''t.
I'll save you user!

I'm the same way to be honest with you lmao
My charisma's extent basically ends at the keyboard. Don't be afraid to add me.

Keep the normie out!

What's going on in this thread?

Wow that's very tumblreddit form of justice there

Fuck off Popeye. Nobody asked you.

I'll add you on PSN user. I can only msg tho, since I already have a party group. Hope you find a group.

Your guard is down!

OP literally did nothing wrong. Hope all Child molesters or any type of molesters get the noose.

You'd like that wouldn't ya?

>This thread

Wrong he did wrong by doing. He should've let the natural forces of the universe take hold and let it be.

So what, you're ?

showed em your power level, Sup Forums?

I'll let the natural order of the universe guide my foot up your ass.

Ain't no-one mess with Popeye.
There was nothing in that post to suggest he's against Popeye.

Now you're getting it

I don't own a huge no. of online games, but you can add me if you'd like and if we get along I'd imagine you'd got on well with my group of friends who I play video games and shoot-the-shit with.


Also, don't mind the fact that I'm a bong. The group I'm talking about is almost entirely American.


We listen to videogame music and bullshit, mostly Europeans, a couple of Americans.

My focus was always on you.

Joined your group, this seems like it'll be fun.


Cool. Send me a message whenever you feel like playing something I own and hopefully I'll be available.


>online friends
way too much pressure

How? You can cut them off from your life at any time with next to no repercussions.

>Tfw you leave behind an online friend group of 10 years

Clearly they were fine enough for him until he found out who they were voting for.

Don't add me I probably won't accept your invite


Recently pushed away a group I've been playing games with just about everyday for about a year, I feel you OP

Nice blog faggot welcome to the family you're here forever

>1 of my friends from college and Discord has gotten pissy with me for a reason I can't figure out
>Pretty sure he has me on mute or low volume because he'll talk over and ignore everything I say
>Instead of addressing this I just keep joining because I can just tell how much it pisses him off and I've been taking shit from him for years
I'm hoping for him to get mad in front of everyone else to the point where they take my side and realise he's a faggot. I didn't think it would come to this just from doing WoW raids but thats vidya fir you.