Roblox is offline right now.
This means that all games have a player count of 0.
If a hundred of us all joined the same game as soon as Roblox comes back online, we could get it on the front page.
Anyone up to get something inappropriate on the front page?
Roblox is offline right now
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Not your personal army
if you care so much, find a game for us to play. even people bored enough to play roblox aren't bored enough to do your work for you.
also dump more awoos
I have my own, but it'd feel like shilling to suggest it.
My long-distance girlfriend imagines me as awoo for some reason
i wish someone imagined me as awoo
find us some bad roblox games OP
Roblox went back online and instantly all the popular games got hundreds of players.
Might as well shill my own stuff
Not your personal army
Difference between a personal army request and a raid suggestion:
>Personal army request
>"Hey here's this person I hate, fuck them up"
>Raid suggestion
>"Hey here's this weakness of a site that would be great to exploit"
if you are going to roleplay like a faggot at least use her real name you nu/pol/ scum
I don't even roleplay as Boobpuppy
thanks for the awoo
Stop appropriating Touhou culture thank you. Her name is Momiji Inubashiri not "awoo".
No one?
This game is pretty fun with 6 players.
this is actually kinda neat
How old are you?
>Roblox is the new, fresh meme game
What the fuck happened?
Roblox hasn't been popular in a decade, I swear it was competing with Blockland at one point. Why'd kids decide to pick it up now?
The roblox death sound became a meme for some reason and now ironic meme shitters flock towards roblox because it's so cringe ecks dee
play with us this game is incredible
Me and one other person have done this much damage so far.
Should have tried to revive an actually fun game you faggot
OP's game is fun
>tfw it will never be popular because no one looks any further than front page, and you need thousands of players to make it to front page
it turns out weapon fire rate doesn't matter because you can just unequip and reequip it and it will be charged again
I'm fixing that right now.
Roblox isn't all bad.
Sometimes it's cool.
This reminds me a lot of a certain Insane Clown Posse song that never got formally released.
how do i search for audio?
>can i drown in this
hey he was here
im bored now
The new version of LASER DRILLER BATTLE ROYALE just got published.
It fixes a few things.
>Putting away your drill no longer resets cooldown or hides blasts
>Lava melts things more slow and dramatically
>Enemy blasts will no longer block beams
>Beams and blasts will no longer be targeted when your mouse is over them (this could cause shots to go off at funny angles, especially with rapid fire drills)