Hiro said that we are allowed to have a metathread per board, so don't go deleting this, mods

Hiro said that we are allowed to have a metathread per board, so don't go deleting this, mods.

Sup Forums is supposed to be a board for videogames enthusiasts and hardcore gamers, and yet at any given time it is possible to see multiple threads about Nintendo, a company infamous in the sector for being the one that most widely caters to the taste of casual and occasional gamers.

Now, I don't see any threads on Sup Forums about series like Modern Family or Grey's Anatomy, despite both being some of the most popular TV series airing, and that's because the userbase is mature enough to either not watch those programs clearly aimed at a completely different audience than the film enthusiasts who browse it, or to realize that discussing them is out of place in a site dedicated to enthusiasts of particular interests like Sup Forums is.

On the other hand, Nintendo threads plague Sup Forums constantly, and are some of the worst threads on the board in the matter of quality of posts. This, of course reflects the immature and non-internet-savy nature of the average Nintendo fan, which is not and could ever not be a videogames enthusiasts, so these threads pose an actual nuisance to the actual hardcore gamers that wished to discuss their hobby with likeminded individuals on Sup Forums. They are also known falseflagggers, shitposters and general console warriors, further decreasing the quality of content on the board.

My proposal to solve this issue, which is arguably one of the root causes for the current state of Sup Forums, is to ban any user that mentions anything related to Nintendo, be it games, consoles or IPs. I'm sure that the quality of the board would increase tremendously, as the moderation makes clear that Nintendo fans are not welcome on Sup Forums, driving them away from the userbase in a permanent manner, thus removing the main source of bad content on the board.

Feel free to discuss how long the ban should be, I advocate a 3 days ban for first offenders and then a permanent ban for repeat offenders.

Other urls found in this thread:



Saving this for future shitposting in meta threads.

>Hiro said that we are allowed to have a metathread per board

Link, or you're the faggot who can't accept he has to go to either /qa/ or IRC.

And dont post the screencap one that says "47 minutes ago" that was taken like a year and a half ago you've been spamming for the last month and a half.

They arent allowed. That's why they keep getting deleted.

I had to look up tiger tail ice cream, and what the fuck

That's exactly what I'm saying, Nintendo fans are unable to understand that people have different opinions and don't want to discuss their non-gamers pandering garbage on a board for hardcore gamers and videogames enthusiasts.
Explain how the fact that it was said a year ago changes anything, do you need to get a monthly notice to know what you can and can't do on this site?


Glad i have options when threads like this come up.

Also might be due to the fact this is breaking two rules as well.

>Nintendo, a company infamous in the sector for being the one that most widely caters to the taste of casual

The time when the threads were allowed on OTHER BOARDS is now over. You may still have your threads on the APPROPRIATE BOARD.

Thats why they keep getting deleted. Mods are in the right.

>tfw no grey's anatomy general on Sup Forums

Season 11 was kino.

>The time when the threads were allowed on OTHER BOARDS is now over
[citation needed]

Nintendo isn't by any means the most popular. By OP's logic Sony threads shouldn't be seen on Sup Forums because it's mainstream trash popular among normies, like The Big Bang Theory.

>Sup Forums is supposed to be a board for videogames enthusiasts and hardcore gamers
Sup Forums is supposed to be for discussion of videogames, not only for elitist, hardcore, tryhard autists
I dont like nintendo, but their shit does belong here

Your citation is in the form of your multiple bans on Sup Forums for being off-topic, whereas when Hiro was ACTUALLY asking for feedback, the threads weren't deleted.

>ban nintendo
Sure but while we are at it lets ban Sony and Microsoft as well.
Im so fucking sick of seeing these console war hardware sales threads that post the same chart over and over again.

Video Games Nintendo
A containment board for all Nintenbros would make Sup Forums actually habitable

Nintendo not being popular doesn't mean that they don't only pander to the lowest common denominator and actual children aged 8 or less. It's not a matter of being "mainstream", it's a matter of Nintendo being the equivalent of discussing Play-doh on /toy/.
Mods being immature Nintendo fans does not invalidate the fact that Hiro said that we are allowed to have meta discussion as long as it's kept to a single thread.

Comfy Super Mario Sunshine thread?
Comfy Super Mario Sunshine thread.

>would make Sup Forums actually habitable
except for the
>e-cleb threads
>porn threads and or ass threads
>console war trash
>the constant kino or ludo threads
>meta threads that are off topic

But Sonyroaches are the ones who make most of those so he'd be okay with those.

Cool how you have to resort to calling the authority of the site immature when you are the one bringing a "year old coupon" then complaining when you get kicked out.

The mods will continue to delete your /qa/ threads, and I hope people continue to reprimand you for it.

You're mixing metaphors now. The shows mentioned in the OP are not for children, so it's not the equivalent of discussing Play-Doh on /toy/. You didn't say Sup Forums doesn't talk about Sesame Street, you said Sup Forums doesn't talk about Modern Family or Grey's Anatomy. Those are popular but average TV shows for adults that are looked down upon by people who are actually "into" TV. That's exactly Sony: the popular console for casual adults, but universally looked down upon in gaming enthusiast circles.

So you want a company to be banned from discussion, because you dont think they are hardcore enough? You are on the wrong mongolian moving cardboard story theater webportal, try reddit.

All that would be left are the boring pckeks

>They arent allowed. That's why they keep getting deleted.
>unpaid professionals are deleting threads because they are breaking the rules not because they are incompetent or under-informed
>their decisions cannot be questioned?

>don't post that one post that completely invalidates my entire paragraph of shit I just typed

This is the 5th time you post this thing, just stop, Nintendo is one of the least cancerous companies followed by Sup Forums if we had to exclude someone we'd start from MOBA players/Overwatch porn spammers

Funny guy.

Ask yourself:

If they were allowed, would they be getting deleted?


>waah muh mature games for mature gamers like me isn't saturating every single board and every single post, this offends me!
>waah baby needs his bottle
OP, you need to stop being a literal manchild and go change your diaper already, you are shitting up the board with the foul stench that is known as your life.

You can be sure that 99% of those threads are made by Nintendo fans


I can't tell if this thread is ironic or serious.

>their decisions cannot be questioned?

Just go to and get a Sup Forums pass while you're at it, faggot.

I suppose you haven't noticed this because you never leave your parents' house, but Nintendo hasn't been popular with casuals at all for about 8 years now. Casuals buy PS4s with games like pic related.

/qa/ is not the meta board, faggot


someone is THIS triggered at nintendo


Id rather have a board for every console hardware fanboy instead of having off topic threads like these and the whole reason for them is jap moot said they are allowed
>implying the mods listen to him in any way shape or form
Isolating each fandom would allow for more on topic discussion
I cant because im absolutely sure its just false flagging from both sides

>Sup Forums is supposed to be a board for videogames enthusiasts and hardcore gamers

Maybe 5 years ago but sure as shit not these days.

>universally looked down upon in gaming enthusiast circles

I don't like sony, but this is pushing it desu

what's your gamer fuel Sup Forums?
for me it's burgers

Cry about it where someone cares.

get fucking deleted

Abandon thread, everyone

We can take back our board from the Ninteηdrones, the mods just need to listen to OP

While we are at it lets kill all the Sonyroaches.

>trying to compromise Nintendo's condom size

What we should do is just have a separate board for each poster. Then everyone can just talk about what they want without anyone bothering them.

>Starts a thread with shitposting instead of simply stating an opinion, posting an image that is pure shitposting

It baffles me that you still don't learn the difference and still do the wrong thing

>Implying people didn't shitpost Nintendo's YouTube boogaloo

>Implying people didn't religiously shitpost the Wii U and especially the 3DS when it was first launched

>Implying people didn't shitpost the majority of 2015 and 2016 because Nintendo didn't know what the fuck to do

>Only now when people are having genuine Nintendo threads because they are doing actual good shit for once is Sup Forums Nintendo general

S-shut up...

You're being hysterical now. Stop

dumb phone poster stop speaking the truth

the crap about being a janitor on this site is not a joke
hiro is a fucking idiot
why do you want to be the boss of fucking Sup Forums
the fuck is your mental problem


you know what, i actually unironically love this

sit tight, i'm gonna try cooking up a vocaroo


why is Nintendo allowed to portray scenes about male rape?

I absolutely fucking love how Nintendo exists as an unfathomable enigma to the clueless kiddies of Sup Forums.

Watching the faces of the young, uneducated faggots here contort in anger, confusion and rage as Nintendo stand resolute as an unshakeable behemoth in the video game landscape, continually receiving an outpouring of adulation, respect and success. Watching you seeth with rage and incredulity fills me with an endless joy.


Brilliant, mate.

>being this ironic and desperate for (You)s

Reddit needs to stay in their containment website. Sup Forums is not your personal shitspace.

> the fellowship theme coming in at the perfect moment
You are a genius



Sure thing notOP

>Sup Forums is a board for video games
>Nintendo makes video games
uh... y... (You), too!