San Andreas

Why does this game look uglier than Vice City?

Other urls found in this thread:

Because LA is uglier than Miami

Less colors.

Also game world is bigger.

Because it had far more content.

VC is fucking tiny. SA has the most content packed into one GTA and was built on PS2.

It doesn't.

>Comparing PC SA to PS2 VC screenshots
PC GTA3/VC/SA is missing all the sweet lighting and filter effects from the PS2 release.
It also misses the cool rain effect from Xbox (which itself misses all the PS2 lighting and filters)

There are mods to make the PC version good, google is your friend.

Because you're imagining it.

Because you're gay


What the hell kinda toaster are you running that on?

The rain in VC is comfy af, the rain in SA is fucking ugly and sounds like shit. Also unlike VC the wet ground reflection was removed for some reason.


They also toned down the swaying of trees and brushes, and police being able to do some animation shit as if they had access to cover mechanics
I think it's all intended, something about the art style pertaining to the period
That, or Rockstar believes niggers can't notice trees swaying


its supposed too, have you seen LA? It's a gigantic concrete jungle, an urban tumor

Vice City is Florida in the 80's, everything is bright, neon, colorful and stylized

San Andreas is LA in the 90's, all the cities are supposed to be dull and ugly, Las Venturas is pretty nice though and the desert areas look nice

The retro 80's aesthetic is more glamourous than the retro 90's

Rockstar is the Mike Judge of gaming, always riding the peak of trends with perfect timing


San Andreas is more comfy, sorry

I disagree

>t. nibba

I literally wipe my ass with that opinion

Do ya shower in doodoo?


The interiors in SA were hot garbage

They made more of them but they're all ugly and most of them are useless

I will bury you mang


No, bigger world, nicer atmosphere, and more replay value than Vice. Being an adventurous type of guy, SA takes the cake for me.

Yeah, ur right. There's a ton more shit to do in SA. In VC the map is so fuckibg small

To be fair there's barely anything to do outside of the cities

The narrative of VC is stronger though, it puts you in a more individual role of a scarface/carlito character. SA you are just another gangbanger, rising to the top is a consequence of grove street rising whereas Tommy plans to be the kingpin. The replay of SA reinforces that with the boring as fuck turfwar stuff I prefer killing an individual and taking his shit than killing infinite nameless goons. Either way they're both great games and like anything it's about where you were when you experienced it.

Go to California sometime, it's shit and the game perfectly represents that.

It doesn't, they're running on the same fucking engine, they look as bad as each other.

It's mostly due to the fact that San Andreas is literally inferior to Vice City in every way imaginable.

*Macintosh plus starts playing*


>don't you got reading classes or something

I never actually played this, is it any good?