Bought this during the sale, but it was the "Ultimate Edition" that comes with a shitload of DLC including new starting equipment. Would it be advisable to completely ignore/possibly even uninstall all this stuff or does it not detract from the experience for a first time player?
Bought this during the sale...
Just ignore them until you find Benny
It's just fancy starting gear, you'll be fine dumping it.
I ignored it because I don't like to use stuff I didn't earn. It feels cheap
shit didn't read the OP well, my advice for your staring gear OP is to choose which equipment suits you best for the build you go for and just sell the others
They're all fucking weak as shit so it's hardly worth it anyway, should've given you a Holorifle or something not a fucking machete and a 10mm
Keep the main dlcs installed and maybe just pick one weapon pack to start with if you don't want to be overpowered early.
That's what I'm worried about. Is it overpowered?
no the weapons are very weak fun collectibles tho
I see.
None of it's OP stuff that'll shoot you ahead or anything, so you can use it or sell it or dump it as you want.
The grenade launcher and the armor are the most questionable parts. Maybe the shotgun. After that it's just stuff you'll pick up in the area anyway, albeit at full repair level.
There is no reason to play New Vegas without mods, ever.
armors ok but you'll find better armor almost immediately. has a unique look to if your into that sort of thing.
*armors are ok
Damn nigga that's some good reading comprehension
There are thousands of mods that disable the DLC starting equipment while still offering it at a later point in the game.
I'd use Jsawyer
install jsawyer, it distributes the items around the game so it's not completely retarded
I personally pick a set that matches my backstory in mind for my character, and drop the rest. After all, it's not like Benny would have taken all of your stuff. He just wanted the Chip.
Of all the minor factions in FNV which one had the biggest potential to grow into a powerhouse?
Is it the Boomers?
There's a mod that hides them in reasonable locations instead of dumping them on you at the start.
stop shilling this garbo wiki
Boomers are too autistic and also reliant upon their massive, but limited weapon stockpiles. They would slowly waste missles on fiends and raiders while being generally disliked by everyone they come in contact with.
Minor faction with the most potential is Jacobstown, albeit unwittingly.
I just started playing this and, does the character ever fucking gain the ability to move faster? Jesus fucking christ. Walking from place to place is a fucking nightmare.
I just leave the starting town after killing the powder gangers or whatever, and some military guy tells me to talk to their leader, and I can't fucking find him anywhere. What the fuck. Takes me ages just to walk around and find nothing.
Great Khans, in one of the endings they head north-east and are joined by the Followers. There they carve their own empire
Also, is there a place to store all my shit?
Posts by a hopeless casual
sell everything but the leather armor and machete, vault 13 suit and pistol & canteen
everything else in that pack is useless trash
>grenade rifle
Care to elaborate on that? Because unless Doc Henry goes miles above his own optimism; Jacobstown is a quagmire. It already failed before on Black Mountain just because of the schism between a Nightkin and the 1st gen leaders. Unless effective treatment is made, sustainably produced, and forcibly regimented to the Nightkin, which will be its own problem but also a problem when a Nightkin flips out and does something to draw the attention of the enraged populous.
Not that I think the Boomers are sustainable; but "running out of stockpile" can be managed.
its a waste to use on the trash mobs around goodsprings and nigh useless against the deathclaws/giant radscorpions
you'd get better value from selling it + its ammo
only by 10% and wearing light armor
level 4 and 45 survival, perks called travel light
i find it more fun to just jump everywhere
it gives the illusion of moving faster
you haven't unlocked the motorcycle?
thinking of going a super heated fist, light armor run
am i doomed to rely on chems?
Right after the bandits try to kill you (that turn after Nipton) theres a farm, I forget what its called but the containers there don't respawn I think.
Otherwise, wait till you get to new vegas
get the chemist perk and day tripper perk and then make a ton of rushing water
Boomers will go the way of the Brotherhood. They'll run out of resources and since they are so detached from the main population and don't attempt to make any allies, other than some trading partners, they'll eventually run out of ammo and get raped by raiders or annexed by the NCR/Legion. Most factions in New Vegas won't last. The BoS is a dead end, at least the mojave chapter. Novac gets BTFO by the battle of Hoover Dam and even though it can remain independent, there's no way it will flourish. Goodsprings can have small boom depending on the ending, but it's essentially a hick town for old people, so it won't go anywhere. Primm is Primm. The powder gangers and fiends are just raiders. North Vegas and Freeside depend too much on Vegas to branch out and become powerhouses. The followers are dependent on the NCR or other factions to be useful. Jacobstown might boom if Doc Henry completes the cure and it manages to unite all the mutants in the area, while maintaining good relations with humans, but that's a big if. The khans have the most potential going by that ending that literally says they create a powerful empire after moving out of the mojave. The dead horses/sorrows can become powerful if they join up and receive enough education to quit being shitty tribals and wipe out the 80's, turning Zion into their haven, but that would take too long and it's not happening before the NCR or someone else gets there and colonizes them.
Get the room at Novac, has a safe and a footlocker
Jeez user..... we're NOT together.... *blush*
Can someone tell me why aiming in this game is so retarded? I have my target perfectly in the bolt action rifle ironsights and still miss.
do you have yup instealled? iron sights are off center / bugged in vanilla.
Weapons in this game are affected by your skills and strength. It tells you in the pip-boy when you highlight a weapon what you need.
JSawyer mod changes the way you get all the starting stuff, its scattered around the world instead of handed to you all at once becoming a god
Difficulty is completely overhauled too and a lot more enjoyable imo
Nah it's pretty non-intrusive IMO. I like having the DLC to play when I'm halfway through the story.
Makes no difference, makes the game a lil easier at the beginning namely the 10mm weathered pistol, but is quickly superseded unless you take pistol perks
As someone who sided with the PGs a lot, i think a lot of people underestimate them as raiders. They can actually hold up towns and land unlike the chem addicted fiends. They remind me of unique bandits in M&B, because left unchecked they can be something fierce
Good for selling for pennies.
>Metal armor
I still use it to this day. But all the armor looks fucking gay
>Grenade rifle
Good against nightkin, but maybe not even them. Sold it once I got Annabelle.
>Caravan Shotgun
Lever action shotgun B this TFO
They aren't very tough though. They got lucky against the NCR incompetence but a bunch of well organized settlers can take them on.
BoS in the west now idolizes Maxson from FO4 and adopted his policies on stuff. They have the potential to be a major force with new recruits.
Thread theme
how buggy is tale of two wastelands?
Install a sprinting mod they didn't have a spring feature in the game
I think I'm nearing the conclusion of the main storyline, what are some good mods I should use for the DLC and a new game later on?
They're starting weapons. They don't do much aside from getting replaced or sold. OR you can be a hoarder and keep them as collection.
>and here we have this shitty pistol that for some reason I kept
>Ribbons on sleeves.
>Vietnam ribbon in an AU where 'Nam never happened.