How the fuck was I supposed to know to jump into the paintings?
How the fuck was I supposed to know to jump into the paintings?
childlike curiosity
also if you run up to the wall the painting jiggles
>Walk up to painting
>It jiggles
Okay? What about that makes you think you should jump into it?
One of the fucking toads tell you as well.
the painting goes 'mario is stupid'
then he does the funny jump
How the fuck was I supposed to know that I should talk to a mushroom?
Are you retarded? How you managed to survive long enough to use a PC?
Because it's the one of the first things you find unless you're a fucking autist
Nobody looks at a mushroom, and thinks "Maybe I should talk to it."
It obviously isn't supposed to do that and the only way to interact with it is to touch it aka fuckin jump at the son of a bitch
But everybody talks to someone who looks like a human and who moves like a human, even when he's wearing a mushroom cap.
this. It's called good game design
>tfw it's been 20 years and it's the first time you see this
epic thread
You weren't. That's why it isn't necessary to complete the game.
How did someone find out about this without the internet?
When the game came out the commercials probably showed Mario jumping into the paintings. From then on, it was word of mouth. Go to your friend's house, he has mario 64, you play it, and he tells you to jump into the paintings.
back then devs put shit in for strategy guides and strategy guides only
now everyone knows everything via youtube/data mining so the magic is gone sorry
Can you remember back to 1996 when you were 6 years old playing this for the first time?
My dad and I were in absolute shock and I couldn't control Mario for shit
I had a hard time controlling Mario around and got stuck in a tree near the waterfall; handed the controller to my dad and he made Mario jump into the moat and we were stuck there for almost 5 minutes until we swam out to the lake
Finally got inside the castle, saw Toad, talked to him, went up the small set of stairs into the room with the giant bomb-omb painting
I didn't really know what to do and my dad had lost interest by that point so I had to figure it out on my own
If you walk towards the wall where the painting is, it starts to shimmer so I punched the wall and nothing happened
I started to get bored so I practiced triple jumping since it was in the manual and starting from the door, I executed a perfect triple jump and landed right inside the painting, thinking I could walljump off
that and people taking apart game files and finding every little crack and crevice loaded with goodies
>game starts
>peach in the sky tells you to get cake
>game starts
How the fuck where you supposed to know that you had to use the joystick without the game telling you?
how were you supposed to figure out how to get to the green levels?
I played the game for 10 years and didnt know
this isn't even the most hidden 1 up in the game
this is why games nowadays are dumbed down that much.
>herp derp
>I'm a millennial I can't do anything
>that's also why I like "story" games
>aka non-games, where you primarily watch cutscenes
Back then, you actually had a physical manuel.
Oh, and remember arcade sticks?
Red markers show the level has more than one exit. See the lake in Doughnut Plains? There you go.
I also figured that shit out when I was 12. I think it's even in the manual.
Jumping is one of the few actions you can perform. You go into a game assuming that things happen for a reason and the game world is meant to be interacted with.
Green kevels?
Because your buddies at school told you, duh.
>blue level dots
>purple switch palace
wait a fucking minute
user he is meming, this entire threads point is a jab at how games tell you do every little thing now, and if they don't theres a button that shows you a red line to the objective.
I will admit I always stand still at the start of games now to see if it will tell me how to MOVE after a minute or two
>TFW my Mom told me about secret levels and star road and shit because she actually played the shit out of SNES games when I was a kid and it took me years to surpass her
I learned so much shit from her. I couldn't do shit in LttP without her help.
She doesn't give a shit about video games anymore but I'll never forget how she got me started.
This post says the word shit a lot.
you read the fucking manual
how was i supposed to know how to read?
How were you supposed to know? This star took me quite a few tries to figure out.
awww the games talking to me again I wanna go back to shooting REEEEEEE. Fuck off
No you fuck off.
he's talking about the green levels dipshit, not the red ones
That one took me fucking ages when I was a kid to figure out.
honestly, I didnt know there was a 4th switch palace. But my friend showed me how to get there a few years ago and i was stunned
You weren't, Zhang. Get back to work. Those tennis shoes aren't making themselves.
you get the manual for reading read to you
kek, glad I read the A presses part first.
You are an idiot
Hahaha hahahaha hahahaha ha
Wow I feel really stupid now. Guess Mario 64 was a more nuanced game than I thought.
This is giving me serious nostalgia.
Are you me? Did your mom also turn into a drug addict who is now homeless living inside what's left of a burnt down house?
Howe did they discover it? Do they have employees just playing these games all day an running into walls/paintins
ok you have a point with all of these but how the h*ck where you supposed to figure out that bell puzzle with the card in bioshock?
Yeah they get autistic chinese kids to find glitches. Although I guess it was autistic taiwanese and mexican kids back in the 90s.
Wait, is this actually real?
don't need to
the castle world is vast and the paintings are just side quests