ITT: Worst game of their respective series

Post them

>gears 4
>not judgement

you had one fucking job op

Mainline, fag. I'd still argue it's worse than judgement though

>Forgetting Judgement exists
Or are you just really new to videogames?

Dead Space 3

Overall it wasn't -too- bad its just fuckin EA wanted Visceral to action up everything. Also the universal ammo thing sort of took away from weapon management, something that was kinda nice to have in the first 2 games.

>Misuses its characters and story is meh, but still plays like a gears game

>Shittest characters yet, main man is Nathan Drake
>Refines the shooting but enemies are trash
>"Story" is garbage
>Difficulty non-existant

It's almost like you haven't played Insane mode

>dude open world lmao

Halo 3 > 2 > 1 > Reach > 4 >>>>>>> 5

This might be retarded to ask but does anyone have a spare digital code for sale? Can do it on paypal

Mah nigga. All my friends liked reach more, I say the power ups like jetpacks and shit ruined it.


Peace Walker, Portable Ops and TPP say hi.

That's not judgement.

those had decent stories and a non shitty player character

>FFXV not 13-3
>DMC5 not DMC2
>Pokemon Ruby not X/Y
>MGS2 not 4 or 5
>AC3 not Unity
>DA:I not DA2

This list looks like it was made by someone who got into games 5 years ago

>not devil may cry 2

>Legendia gets removed for Zestiria

legendianon would be proud.

Halo 3 > Reach > 1 > 2 > ODST > 4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5

>Calling DmC DMC5

0/10. Entire post is bait

that's because Zesteria was a complete fucking mess. The whole Rose hijacks Alisha's role mess didn't help it at all

>TPP had a decent story
Story aside, MGS 2 mechanics-wise is a straight up update from MGS 1. I don't understand the hate it gets

>MGS 2 mechanics-wise is a straight up update from MGS 1

my first MGS was Twin Snakes so I was not blown away by the "upgrades"

>tales of zestiria
I thought that one DS Tales game was supposed to be the worst.

my point still stands though

It's now considered a spin off and not tied to the mainline titles anymore. That said, I personally enjoyed Tempest more than Zestiria.

MGS2 is still a bad game.

The level design is worse and the story goes off the rails to try and make some "deep" themes that MGS4 would eventually throw out the window

You are dead wrong about the Mario & Luigi game with Paper Jam being out now.

I played Paper Jam. It's alright

mgs2 is the best in the series you pleb
4, PW and 5 are trash compared to the first 3

I thought it was utter dog shit.

>mgs2 is the best in the series you pleb

it wasn't even good

fuck off Judgement was fun at least based on the sole fact that it finally added a regular FFA

I agree. It's alright, meh and possibly okay i guess.

of course you think that if you're one of those fags still butthurt over not being snake

eve if Raiden did not replace Snake, he was still a shit character

There are a few that are just wrong. Not only based off critical reviews but clearly proving this list is made by a person/people that listen to troll-types and didn't play the games in said series.

>Not only based off critical reviews

when you take things at face value yeah.
maybe if you pay attention to the game you'll get
more out of it than "oh hes whiney and gay"

>maybe if you pay attention to the game
it's hard to pay attention to that mess of a game when it's a boring sequel and the new guy is a whiny bitch

inb4 you say "replay MGS2"
MGS4 takes everything from MSG2 and throws it out the window. Why bother?

Shitty bait thread, 4's multiplayer perfected the GoW formula. It's as good as it can get.

mgs4 doesn't matter, just because its shit it doesn't take away from the first 3 if you view them as their own, or even if you dont

>Gears 4's multiplayer perfected the GoW formula.

>no wall running

>>dude hipsters in Sup Forums lmao

My biggest problem with Gears for is that it's just forgettable as all hell. I beat the game, and I couldn't tell you much of anything that happened. It's also pretty in the graphics department (might also be because it's the first game I played in 4K), but most of the game takes place at night. The most impressive part of the game was the E-Day flashback, but all that did was make me want to play 1-3 again.

Also, I didn't get the main villains in the game at all. From what I gathered, when Adam Fenix's magical plot resolution machine went off at the end of 3, it didn't actually kill the Locusts, it just made them go dormant and evolve for a couple of decades. What confuses me is that I seem to recall the Locust and Lambent being vaporized at the end of 3, not just falling over dead.

Old fags hate reach casuals loved it

>not revelations

is this Sup Forums's DULLEST FRANCHISE?

>difficulty non-existent

Insane is ridiculous, that turret section in act 3 almost made me hemorrhage.

>worst maps
>only need for cover is to bounce off
>Microtransactions up the ass with beloved characters stuck behind horrible RNG or paywall
>Region filtering non-existent putting hordes of mexicans and south americans up against west coast players

The coalition can go die in a fucking fire.