Why would any prefer physical media over digital?
It doesnt break or get dirty.
Why would any prefer physical media over digital?
0/10 would not fuck
If I lose my account I no longer have the game(s).
I like looking at my collection and complaining that I have nothing to play.
I can't sell a digital license that could be revoked anytime.
>rubs game right on shirt
The material of that cloth would make the disc even write than it was before she did that.
And who the fuck puts a cup on top of a 360?
Thats an air freshener dip
Just put a brown paper bag over her head and it'll solve most problems
>tfw still have a BluRay+DVD+CD+Player/Burner on my PC
>rubbing disc on abbrasive cloth
>circular motions
Nice, OP.
>WEBM plays
I've seen enough...
A deals a deal?
Keking really hard when reading this in Smeagle's voice
Give me the source
I hope she just did it for lewdness and people don't actually ruin CD's this way
What's wrong with circular motions? Aren't the grooves going around the disc?
Leanne Crow
You could list every single object in this .webm and it has been arranged in some absolutely disgusting manner.
What triggers me the most however is
>letting your pet rat sit on the couch
>combining a carpet and pet rats
>putting their bowls on this same carpet
That room probably smells like sweat and dogshit.
Bitch could be a 10/10 in looks but I'd not touch her with a 10 foot pole if I got paid for it.
How often does that even happen
Even normies dont have this problem buying digital games for phones and tablets
I had to pawn my Xbone for some rent money and when I got it back I forgot the login information. Took me a day and some change to get support to reset my account.
More like Leanne Cow lmao
>people don't actually ruin CD's this way
That's not a CD, user.
fuck off
it's Circular
it's a Disk
it's a CD
it doesn't need special snowflake names just because it only plays on a certain device
Because once the service is over you lost it forever.
Not even when the company goes bankrupt. In most cases, when the generation is over, they pretend there is no way to pull up their 20kb database of digital purchases to carry over.
I constantly replay, or even play for the first time older titles. I cannot do that the way digital works right now, 20 years down the line. If you're a child you will think this is a non-issue because you were never in a situation where you wanted to play your 20 years old game, but once you get old you start valuing the durability of things.
I know that saying this on Sup Forums is pointless because 95% of the userbase is 16 autistic children still drinking momma's milk, but physical is objectively the best until we sort out some laws to preserve digital media/rights through time.
>boring ecchi shit where nothing happens
Why do people watch and fap to this? It's a stupid as fapping to girls streaming vidya.
nice b8
>that wallpaper
>Because once the service is over you lost it forever.
that's what pirates are for, the internet will never be over, and a game getting repacked by a group of crackers is literally the only way it will become truly eternal
Damn! Her fucking tits are in her lap.
>doesn't know what a CD is
>lowercase, no punctuation
When you say "Disk" or "Circular", what exactly do you mean?
Some people don't need to see women get impaled by mega cocks to get turned on. Some can just fap to girls alone due to not being porn addicts.
that's probably bait, but CD means compact disc