Who's fapping to /tanned squids and you can do nothing about it/ here?
Mmmmm, mmm OP, I sure do loved grilled calamari.
>first vidya makes white men into social outcasts in their child years
>then it makes them into NEET losers who will never reproduce in their adult years
>those that didn't become NEETs either turn into traps or get hooked on nonwhite women
Well played, Jews.
Anything to avoid liking a 'nigger' right Sup Forums?
You know she's an octoling, right? Not an inkling.
>thin lips
>narrow nose
first there are no real black octupussies, they can change their color as they like. second she doesn't have the typical black facial features
yeah now they're just doing it on purpose
>devs go full SJW
>Sup Forums fights back and brings Kotaku, Anita, and the whole industry down on their knees
>devs go full SJW again
>Sup Forums claps and makes porn
What the fuck happened?
>Sup Forums fights back and brings Kotaku, Anita, and the whole industry down on their knee
The other bait pasta worked much better, user. Consider using that other one.
>>Sup Forums fights back and brings Kotaku, Anita, and the whole industry down on their knees
That's rich. Next you'll tell me Sup Forums is why TORTanic happened and that Sup Forums TOTALLY has power in this world.
1. That's a black Octo.
2. I want to mating press her pussy.
3. Fuck false flaggers and baiters let me fuck this octopus.
>we bankrupt Kotaku and Gawker
>hurr durr no power
Fuck off
>Quickly googled Kotaku
Websites still up dipshit. Not even supporting that shitty place, but you did nothing. But hey, I can't say anything to tell you otherwise, so go on and continue your subversion of reality so you can flex your power beyond the confines of this shit board.
We elected Trump.
>cute brown grill in a vidya
neck yourself Sup Forumsfag
>Sup Forums singlehandedly election Trump
>Not the thousands of Americans in fly-over states tired of 8 years of nothing really happening and general people tired of identity politics, along side wanting a more transparent government.
>Nope, Trump won because of Nazi larpers.
You did the equivalent of riding on someone's coattails. Let me tell you right now Sup Forums (outside of Trumpgen, if that's still around) dropped him the moment he didn't start rounding up blacks and Mexicans for deportation.
Combined with spending half of his first year doing nothing but shitposting on twitter and organizing a terrible $100 Billion deal to give Saudi Arabia guns (guess where those are gonna end up), and all you have is a living meme that triggers liberals for you.
>Best girl isn't even a squid
Inklings with their 5heads were a mistake. Splatoon 3 better be about the Octarians
Hulk Hogan did that you dirty smark
Shes black
Gonna eat some this weekend.
Japanese people don't know Black facial features. Every time they do see a black person they turn their head away and walk as fast as they can.
>people actually think Sup Forums has any power over anything
Before you go and spout "but muh meme magic muh trump in office" that's just salty lefty democrats making up scapegoats to fool themselves.
that's called Negroid, user
>>first vidya makes white men into social outcasts in their child years
men play vidya because they're social outcasts, not the other way around
>that nose