What's your favorite pokemon?

What's your favorite pokemon?

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Apparently, it's schyter


my favorite pokemon is the communities least popular one yea that one

Empoleon,Arcanine or Heracross


Also this guy, Marowak, and Luxray. I can't just choose one pokemon from my dream team over the other. Might as well just post your dream teams.

The true ghost Pmon

>ywn own a real life gengar to fuck around and shoot the shit with all day



Electric spider


What the fuck....




scarf chinchilla

Honestly love it

The beetle boy.

What in someones right mind commands them to make something like this?


>tfw no Drowzee to sit around and watch TV with and not have to talk all the time
>tfw no Drowzee to eat junk food with
>tfw no Drowzee to hypnotize delivery man into not asking for tip
>tfw no Drowzee to help me fall asleep


This guy right here.
Shame that the mega evolution looks like shit.

Gen 1: Scyther
Gen 2: Tyranitar/Heracross
Gen 3: Armaldo/Aggron


i hate millenialls

I think it's okay. Definitely a step down from its perfect base design, but I appreciated it a bit more over time when I realized they were trying to go for a pseudo-mecha thing.

the quilava because its a fire weasel

>all these comments
>all these fartloving furfags with Pokemon avatars
It's entertaining and unsettling at the same time.

This nigga


>modern Pokemon fans

That's not even the worst.

Dis nigga

What the fuck. Empoleon got a mega evo or something?

Are we here just to suffer?

best milf

All 151 of them

Foxes are best.

I think you're better off asking me what my favourite type is.

It's Bug.