
Hi, I'm the ultimate culmination of my creator's decade long downward spiral when it comes to the representation of women, I literally can't talk or wear clothing or else i'll fucking die, btw, I will literally strip what little clothing I have and pose for you like a fucking animal with dead eyes if you take me with on your missions, please pay no attention to my rape scenes or the fact that I literally spend large chunks of the game inside a cage:


>Hi, I'm a racist stereotype where turning evil literally turns my skin dark, gives me tribal tattoos, and increases my breast size, I literally turned evil because the hero who i've never met won't love me:

Are people ironically quoting PedoGAF or are all their resident cretins having to come over here?

>Worst Female Character Design in Gaming?

so basically collection of hottest vidya girls? thanks for the link OP, haven't fapped yet today

That entire thread is the worst thing I have ever read on the internet

Why are these "people" so utterly petrified of female breasts?

>Kojima the Hack makes up a shitty lore excuse for making a half naked character so people are less ofended
>Yoko Taro said that 2B looks like she does because he likes girls
You can clearly tell which one is better.

The responses are so hilariously over the top. Beardy beta males posting pictures of cute girls with comments like 'repulsive', 'actually disgusted', 'garbage belongs in the trash. the west has been making progress but shitty Japan just dosen't care' and 'cancelled my pre-order (over xenoblade chronicles 2)'

Because they are beta orbiters for people like Zoe Quinn and hope they will get attention by white knighting and repeating their bullshit.

>being this much of a beta male that females even in a videogame scare you

what did neogaf mean by this


Kojima and his team dont care if they offend you

It will be hilarious if Kojima embraces social justice in his next game, almost everyone will turn on him.

That's fine, but is Quiet a good video game girlfriend?

And he even fucked THAT up by giving her a horse-face and basing her mo-cap on a Z-list Japanese celebrity.


so in the end she just walks away?

what happened to meryl leaving it all behind with snake? sorry, im out of loop in the series.

she isn't a women
she's a terrorist


damn didnt realize she was this thick


>progress in videogames is now measured in the amount of politics per gameplay

Really makes you think about people's views on entertainment. We're transitioning into a society of ultra pussies who quite literally "REEE DON'T LIKE THINGS I DON'T LIKE!!"
and massive amounts of doublethink.

It's fucking sad and pathetic.

No, she got a nice boyfriend and made him love her then just left him all alone

they did a pretty good job modeling her

There people in that thread complaining about Paulines boobs

What in the actual fuck are these people

Those are some nice fire grenades.

Any ex-/JoostThread/ brahs around here?

So this is the power of the Netherlands?

What's the problem with wanting sexy women in my fiction?

It's misogynistic and ultimately pointless aside from to appease to the male dominant culture of gaming.

It pleases my dick, women only exist to be fap material.

go back to tumblr

My dick is misogynistic I guess then.

Joosten = Cute
Quit = Ugly

Life is misogynistic
and that's okay

fucking weirdo girl fetishists


Not even that hot, looked better in concept art when she wasn't modeled after some celebrity for some reason.

Joost is not a celebrity, she's a 2-bit catalog model that somehow managed to get her hamster face in the biggest game of 2015. They could have put any literal who in that role and it would have looked better.

Do you think the Joost get jealous of her younger sister?

>those yoga pants look like they were painted on


What's with all the SJWs plaguing Sup Forums today?

>tfw ywn give joost the juice

Quiet is the only one that they're right about. She's an awful character who adds nothing to MGS.

I don't care much for Islam but I really think they may be on to something with that whole subjugation of women thing.

Please don't post links to a paedophile website on Sup Forums, than you

post all the joosts

I wish there was no controversy around Quiet so Sup Forums would have this contrarian attitude where they feel the need to like garbage characters because SJW don't like them.

They're both ugly.

I love it when people post about other forums.

school's out

Lol wtf i stopped playing before i unlocked her, is this vanilla mgsV?

This is the reason I stopped using Quiet as a buddy. She is fucking obnoxious and only a retard like Venom who also doesn't speak could fall in love with her.

So I know lots of people in the industry browse Gaf. How much influence does Gaf have on them? Is Gaf the reason we have so much censoring in games these days?

no, no one takes them seriously

>lots of people
lots of part timers and temp workers, where do you think all the leaking comes from

>So I know lots of people in the industry browse Gaf.
They don't

NeoGAF is a paedophile joint and a far-left shithole.

Twitter witch hunts and gaming "journalists" have way more impact.

How come quiet has to be superskimpy while the end wore clothing?

It was kojima's plan to get free joost sfm porn right?

Is it really? I always see people on there making accusations of pedophilia with games that sexualize women and have an anime aesthetic. Though I also notice it's usually with fully-developed women characters that could just as likely be 18 or older.

Fuck off with this cartoon garbage.
NeoGAF mods get off to real, ACTUAL fucking children

>I literally can't talk or wear clothing
>her character defining moment i an extended monologue
>going out of your way to use her nets you a nonsexual outfit for her

the sexist here...IS YOU

Because Quiet's lungs got burnt so she couldn't use them so she HAD to breath through her skin. The End's lungs worked so he wasn't required to breath through his skin

no because joost is in death stranding

>turning evil literally turns my skin dark, gives me tribal tattoos, and increases my breast size

my kind of tags

Fucking chill out.

That's not how you pronounce joost user

Wait, is this just a joke or is there actual validity to these claims? If this is true, it's kind of hilarious that they all have such a holier than thou attitude.

she goes off and kills herself by lighting herself on fire

Why does the female form scare these people so much? Do they not see that women are walking around these days in similar outfits?

Hi, my game had a controversy where people found imagery featuring a white man gunning down Africans to be at best, incredibly egregious, so they added me to alleviate the fears that the game will be in anyway racist, please pay no attention to this alternate costume

lol intel team nice timing

I still love how Tabata and company literally laughed when the topic was brought up that Cidney was inappropriately dressed.

They're not wrong.
Japanese writers make 1 dimensional dolls for characters, and then give them perhaps one shallow moment where they appear human, and weebs eat it up.

>appease to the male dominant culture of gaming.
Yea. So the fuck are you doing here? Gaming was never intended to be women focused.
They forcing their way into gaming for attention is what is killing it. Look gamerg8

It's real user. Recently one of their mods was arrested for CP.
They are bunch of fucking hypocrites.
>almost every anti-GG, white knight or pro-SJW person turned to be a criminal or took part in some shady fucking shit
really makes you think

>games are art!
>games must be democratic and respectful!
Which one is it? Fucking neofag

It's almost as if they're trying to compensate for something when they're virtue-signaling

Never trust SJWs

That's so funny it sounds made up.

More like
>Games are art!
>Ew, your artistic vision is pretty poor.

Cool story bud, what else have you written on Fanfic.net?

Right, because Venom didn't care about her.

You guys sound so dumb. Imagine if one of Sup Forums's mods got arrested for CP. And then Neogaf pointed at the *entirety* of Sup Forums, and said we're all pedos. That's how you sound right now.

What does that have to do with anything. You know whats killing gaming? Big budgets that create games which must guarantee returns of investments and therefore are as inoffensive and mediocre as possible.

Thats why we have this diversity shit everywhere these days. Its a very cheap way to look like you are producing something worthwhile, when in reality its a AAA game #50117 that boils down to the same shit we´ve played a million times already. But this time, you are a black woman, yay!

Except Sup Forums is actually diverse in it's users and their opinions. Existence of this thread is enough to prove that. On your NeoFAG you are banned for contrarian opinions and not repeating leftist agenda. You all claim to have moral high ground when in reality you are fucking pedophile hivemind.

>pedos' site

And why do those games are like that? Because gaming is mainstream now. When gaming is mainstream all those shitty journalists and SJWs shove their agenda into them and threaten developers.
Zoe Quinn did more harm to whole gaming than all those shitty Triple A cashgrab titles combined.

>diversity shit
No, you have that shit because american culture dominate most of the gaming world (America and Western Europe)

>people waste time with this

You can't be fucking serious.
>Implying I'm Neogaf
Oh I see. I'm talking to a tinfoil user. By saying something that isn't 100% against Neogaf, you got the idea that I must be Neogaf myself. And thus, any opposing opinion I present, you readily dismiss. While espousing how much more open and fairminded Sup Forums is.


Except that's true though. They literally try to hide the fact they are pedos and other mods ban threads in which users want to discuss recent arrest.
Really activates your almonds.

Even your accusations prove you wrong. If users want to discuss arrests, then that proves they're not all pedos. Come on, man. You're generalizing. You made one claim against one mod, and now somehow the whole site is a pedo ring?

It confirms what i said before. Other mods cover this up and other users defend the guy. If anyone tries to have a discussion he is quickly banned.

>Why are these "people" so utterly petrified of female breasts?
Now now user, they are just well behaved cuc- i mean feminist allies who believe that women are super- i mean equal to men in every regard!

You should also aspire to be like that, user. Take for example this numale on the left. Notice how he covers his eyes when there is a clear breach of feminist law on his screen, namely a piece of media tailored for the male gaze. That is filth and should be eradicated from the face of the earth. He is well trained in protecting his masculinity from becoming too toxic! Pay attention and learn user!

>It confirms what i said before.
But you're only choosing to observe the piece of the situation that suits your belief. You claim this one mod is representative of the whole community. That's silly. Just because mods delete threads, then that means they support his actions? Mods here will delete pedo discussions as well. Does that mean mods here support CP?
Have you given any thought as to why their mods are deleting the threads? Or are you just going with the kneejerk response of "THEY MUST HAVE SOMETHING TO HIDE".

>Poor ritter white girr

alpha mail

I don't know wtf is going on in this thread, but I'm upset that I don't have any popcorn in the house at the moment.

This thread is bate man

Also she gave me boners so i dont really give a fuck how women were potrayed in the game.