I personally really love the Squid girl its refreshing and not stereotypical in anyway.
Who did the Black Character better?
They're both pretty gud. I'm bi so I'll fap to them both.
For me Marina. They dropped the ball with doomfist not being terry crews voice
the girl, fuck that nigerian bastard
Why blacks though? There are so many different kinds of people to choose from but they pick niggers. Why?
AS a pajeet I feel this comment a lot also in fucking oversjw why dont they have a fucking Indian guy?
They do, his name is symmetra
Why anything other than white at that point?
Maybe because blacks make up the second highest(going off memory) percent of players.
Doomfist is black.
Marina is just a dark skin Octoling, she's not even human nor is of any ethnicity.
>blue eyes
she's not black. she's not based on real world black people. real world black people are shit.
she's the fictional brownfu. a race that doesn't actually exist in reality. unfortunately.
Right: sexualized brown girl
Left: character created so cucks can fantasize about their wifes getting the BBC
Your choice.
Give me one game that features a prominent Sub-Saharan African character.
Doomfist has nothing unique about him, he's just a big, bald black guy with a robot arm, pretty much all of Overwatch's cast has unique flair in their design that sets them apart, you cut his fucking arm off and he's just an angry black man.
Die vurr suh tea
Blue eyes are a trait in certain Africans just not African Americans
How triggered would you be if they threw up a mudslime?
Marina is Ganguro, not Black.
Because they already have the other races you obsess over.
>Indian male Overwatch character
I'd play the fuck out of an over-the-top Bollywood action star kinda character.
Why is everyone pushing black people into video games now?
>she's not even human nor is of any ethnicity.
>many here instinctively call her a "nigger" unironically.
>blue eyes are exclusive to whites
99% of babies are ugly as shit, user, no matter what race they're from.
this kid is qt as fuck
Who's pushing anything? They made a character like developers usually do when making games
>implying you wouldn't smash
Every E3 game that was shown showcased black people.
There are plenty of beautiful black women out there, but that is not one of them.
>nose ring
[citation needed]
They always existed but not in the way devs are pushing it now. Every game shown at E3 went full WE DIVERSE N SHEIT NOW BOYS
So business as usual?
Nintendo has been catering to minorities before it was cool
She's an octopus, you fucking assmonkey.
Don't think it's possible to get more "diverse" than Street Fighter. The difference is that now people have meltdowns over it.
Bottom right is hawt
OK? still not seeing an issue with it...outside of the 70 afro look maybe
It's more like they're doing it to cater to SJWs, before it used to be normal but not now.
It makes sense for Overwatch though. It's a global community of heroes coming from every nation.
Nintendo has been putting minorities and advertisements in their games since the dawn of time.
Damn black women were more unique back then
Because that's not black. Both have dark white skin.
Does that squid have boobs
As a German, I would be happy
There has always been diverse games. See SF, World Heroes, etc. Again what's the problem?
With the exception of Beyond Good and Evil 2, aren't all of the other games set in the 60's / 70's? The big afro strong black woman thing is a cliche, sure, but there's a common link between the theme of those games
Your misery is everyone's misery, eh?
You keep being a SJW while using the same image. You need more reaction images, you turd
I don't get why people lump BGE2 in with the rest. Jade was basically black already.
Dammit, sometimes I hate this site. Before I came here I would have just accepted whatever protag-wise. Now I wonder every time I see a black protagonist if the devs are pandering. And I'm black. Why can't I go back to the good old days where a game was just a game and not a political statement, at least in my head?
>Every game shown at E3
>God of War
>that game with the shoutcaster fag
>the furry platformer
>Days Gone
>all of Sony's VR games
>etc etc
Mafia 3 came out last year.
Clearly thére's too much of it now.
How, realistically, can you discern the motive unless the developer flat-out admits to one?
You can thank Sup Forums for acting like retards for shits and giggles, thus attracting a swarm of real retards who then proceed to infest other boards.
This is what happens when you design games by committee. It's not an artist's vision, it's a group of executives looking at what is popular/trending and choosing that because it is the most likely to have a productive outcome.
Why get vanilla ice cream when there's chocolate right next to it? Sure there's a whole lot of flavors and maybe you're not feeling so adventurous, but chocolate at least HAS flavor. Vanilla is boring. It's stale. It's been played out. Vanilla ice cream doesn't even taste like actual vanilla, it just taste like... cold milk. It has no place in a modern and flavorful world.
>It's more like they're doing it to cater to SJWs, before it used to be normal but not now.
I don't understand, they did it before and it was considered normal, but now because there's SJWs running amok, it's forced diversity?
Also prove that these characters were made to cater to SJWs.
The white one will ride the black cock, get knocked up, ending up as a single mom and the brown one will live a secure live, marrying a white dude. Weird how it works
Marina ain't black
she's mint chocolate
GoW, Detroit, Days Gone had black people
>historical accuracy is catering to SJWs
I thought these antifa shitters didn't like real historical narratives
Because of the SJW insanity and white guilt spreading in Western World? White people became weak.
Source for your claim? How can you claim to know the true motive? How do you know Capcom wasn't pandering to certain demographics when they made SF2 as well?
Marina feels like she's an actual thought out character with a personality who just happens to have "black" skin.
Doomfist is your generic "black for the sake of diversity" who's whole fucking character is built from his "we wuz kangz" and "he dindu nuffin" attitude. His being black is what literally defines him. Fuck, if they went with the meme fans wanted with making doomfist a badass with Terry Crews voicing him, the fact of him being black would be treated no differently then how people are treating Marina. If anything we'd be seeing half of Sup Forums shit themselves over Blizzard delivering and the other half bitching about memes.
>Dark white skin
>Freaking Tribal African
What's next Sup Forums, Central Africans aren't black because they can use a gun right?
But they weren't necessarily made to pander to SJWs, if you make a game that's set in a certain time period then you'll have characters that reflect it. Having a black woman with an afro doesn't make it SJW pandering - their actions in the game and characterization might, but the mere inclusion doesn't.
This gent explains it well This
Three of those happen to be set in the 70s when afros were by far the most ubiquitous hairstyle among Black Americans. Beyond Good and Evil... eh. It's a game that's been in development hell for 15 years I don't give a shit what the protag looks like I just want one to exist.
>who's whole fucking character is built from his "we wuz kangz" and "he dindu nuffin" attitude.
>Might makes right = Demanding a free pass
Billy Clem, stop. You'd immediately agree if it were Armstrong.
My nigga
Drebin was the best black charavter ever
That's exactly what I'm saying.
Marina is not black.
She is an octarian that just so happens to have brown skin but lacks any sort of characteristics commonly found in black people.
>dindu nuffin
You didn't read shit about his actual backstory and you know it. You're only saying that one feels like a "well thought out character" because it's female.
>chicks from the 60's have 60's fros
who knew
Vanilla goes with better with every combination of flavors than chocolate does.
Checkmate, ice cream pleb. Go back to the cacao plantations while I feast on this pistache.
That doesn't explain shit, that has nothing to do with my post at all.
You got me there but that's still nowhere near "every game".
It's pathetic that Sup Forums is the one bitching about muh race, meanwhile, everwhere else, no one cares.
Gold medal for those mental gymnastics, user.
>we wuz kangz
Isn't he literally from Africa though?
The industry changed and sales are harder to achieve nowadays. Every year there's always a trend in E3 that every dev follows. Remember when catering to indies was cool? It's the exact same thing but now since SJWs are everywhere they're pushing black people all over the place and giving them the spotlight even thought they're not even the main protag in those games.
You're a fucking retard who probably doesn't even eat ice cream. You're stretching it for a stupid political point. I've fucked black chicks, and I wouldn't mind if I end up having kids with anybody(except a SE asian or a jew). You're anti racism is clouding your ice cream judgement. Chocolate is for retards and fat women. Vanilla GOAT