>yfw when PUBG is the best seller of the decade
Yfw when PUBG is the best seller of the decade
>the company that made this
>made this mmo before it
best selling new IPs:
#1 Overwatch
#2 The Division
#3 Watch Dogs
best selling established IPs are COD and GTA
Battlegrounds are nowhere near of any of those you humongous faggot
Amazed there were no titty monsters in player unknown desu
I will never understand this. It's like people never learn. At least DayZ was free (not entirely free, but you got Arma 2 with it). This game will die in a few months, people have wasted their money.
This and overwatch are the best games I have ever played!!
Get some chicken dinner LOL!!
>$30 for a few months' enjoyment
That's not a bad deal in the slightest.
Minecraft was last gen
not yet, but soon, it hasn't even got ported to consoles for fucks sake
we had 24h of no pubg shilling. enjoyed it while it lasted. go fuck yourself cancer op
>This game will die in a few months
Check steam db. Type in games shilled by v, type in early access games. Look at the "percent played in last 2 weeks". Realise they often last for ages
>watch dogs, the division
This is why we can't have nice things
>yfw shills got bashed so hard yesterday they took a 24h break for the mood to settle before going back to shilling
>and now they are back shilling like the jews they are
how many threads will you create today, op?
>Comments section full of people saying "i'm here because of pewdiepie xD"
>this game will die in a few months
>game has the bare minimum content
>third most played game on steam for months and still growing
>devs continue to add more content
>this game will die in a few months
>game is complete garbage
>lets talk about how well it sells on Sup Forums all day creating a fake argument prolonged by shill replies and dumb normies falling for the bait
uh flavor of the month twitchbait early access lmao im totally not mad
stop bumping
shills get out
>peer pressure: the game
same shit as overshill
never fall for the ice jew
>shills will periodically bump this cancer every time its about to go past page 4
Not yet, but I fucking love it. More power to them especially since the way they handle the development process, updates and community interaction are all top notch.
>inb4 shill muh flavor of the month
i was watching a friend play it. its nothing but camping and searching for shit. stupid fucking game 0/10. and the shooting look like an afterthought like its a unity game or something
shills stop bumping with your fake arguments
agree, my favorite part is the non-existent anti cheat tbqh familia
I like the idea, but both this and the H1Z1 variant are just early access garbage that lack quality. Maybe an actual developer will come along and make something that doesn't look like it's from 2004.
>as he bumps the thread
you can leave anytime
But Overwatch is quite fun, I bet you're playing games that are a lot shittier than it
>doesnt know how Sup Forums works
multiple replies of the same person wont bump the thread.
shills gtfo
How do I get chicken dinnerz? Installed the game last night, got multiple top 10, even a couple top 3, but never the chicken
Why animate the finger to do that if it just looks like she's trying to dig an embedded worm out of her thigh? What model did that animation work on? Why bother to put that little bit in at all if it just clipped? Fuck me.
heres how
>You get cancer and die
damn user, aren't you a hardcore son of a gun
*rolls eyes*
Summer is in full effect it seems
Wanna know how I know you're new?
>stop talking about something I don't like!
again, you can fuck off anytime now
>keeping the same fake discussion "haha people say its fotm look at sales its totally not fotm" alive all day to divert from how shit the game is
>no discussion at all just autistic off topic shill replies like
let me know when the talking starts
or better yet, just sotp periodically reviving this shill thread and let it die instead because its painfully obvious that there is no discussion
"stop liking things i don't like" - the thread
Stay fucking mad while I have fun in my dacia.
>hurrr game is fucking great so much fun
>and it sells a lot! its not fotm guys!
>making shilling this obvious
are you gonna stop? the last 24h were so good without this crap.
watch how this thread will reach page 4-6, about to be forgotten, only for some autistic fuck to reply with some "haha ppl say its fotm its not fotm guys" to bump it again
>Actual discussion about the game
Stop fucking derailing the thread then we talk. Yet again fuck off if you don't like it
What makes you say its garbage?
its the best battle royale shootie pointie game ever.
The gunplay is amazing, every gun feels different, lots of tactical decision and very intense firefights.
Whats not to love? Maybe its not your favourite playable novel with lolis. Because it seems that is what most people here play religiously.
Mixture of luck and a good position in the later circles most of the time.
Also having a shotgun or a completly decked out UMP or Vector for close quarter fights is very good too.
But most of all its awareness and a good position.
So what will be the next of the game to replace it? Battleground culling?
I won't, because it's entertaining watching people going mental over a bait thread related to a game you don't like just because it's popular.
>hurrr game is fucking great so much fun
Aaaand what's wrong with saying that if it actually is? For me at least. Granted, somehow I didn't play any battle royale mods/games before so it's a fresh concept for me, but it somehow did manage to suck me in. Does it have issues? Sure, a metric fuckton of them but I haven't played a single game this much since bloodborne, I think.
>inb4 fun doesn't count, it's bad anyway
The thing is none of the battle royale games before had this pubg feeling to them
I played dayz, I played h1z1(which i played a total of 4 times before i decided its a shit game) and the culling which is way too arcade and flimsy.
Pubg has the perfect battle royale feel to it. It has the "Inventor" of the mode as head designer.
They are adding a lot of content now.
This game is gonna be even bigger, one of the first early access game i have some hope in because its already more fun than 99% of similar games out there.
YOu have to like the genre of course.
Also I have to add as someone with 10 chicken dinners.
A completly decked out vector beats any close range gun by a longshot, that thing is a fucking beast.
What makes me say that? are you serious now?
>movement like on iceskates
>hitreg like a russian f2p - enjoy getting killed behind cover etc
>3rd person stale camping prefiring gameplay
it could be a much better game with a few adjustments. as is, its a shitty casual trash game and 90% of these threads are shills.
we had 24h of not a single pubg thread and the first thing that pops up? the typical shill "is this goty" cancer.
Why would they try to shill a game thats been selling better than anything else for months now?
Hundreds of thousands of players enjoy the game, why are you all such bitter little shits ? dont like the game? dont play it and dont post in threads about it. there, problem solved.
But thats not what this is about i think, its just that you fat fucks only want to bitch and bicker about anything possible to delude yourself to a sense of superiority "you see i played gatakan shinidomsu 2 in original language and didnt die once" this other game is clearly shit.
If youre lucky to get one, I got one out of a supply drop yesterday only to be teamkilled by my slavish 3 stack squad who didnt like that i was the fastest at teh crate :/
cry more faggot, pubg is popular deal with it
>50 replies
>lists one posts praising PU as discussion
point proven
is this the new five nights at freddys?
>24h of not a single pubg thread
>the only thread that suddenly pops up is shilling
britney spears was popular too. kill yourself, shill cuck
Wha does PUBG have that Day Z/ H1Z1/ other battle royale games doesn't? What new gameplay mechanics? They all look the same to me.
Reminder that the scar can spray people down at ridiculous ranges.
Don't be that guy trying to tap tap tap someone with an m16, he will turn around and melt you with a scar.
It feels a lot different and more "real" i guess.
i fucking despised h1z1 but I cant stop playing pubg. cant put my finger on it.
got it like 3 weeks back and have 80 hours in it (granted a lot of that is idle)
>ignoring my arguments
>justifying retarded "this game is not fotw or fotm! it sold a lot and its very popular! probably game of the year!" and "is this goty" shill threads
just end yourself faggots
>pretending you are not a jewish PU shill cuck
>asking people to explain what makes the game so great so other people buy into it
please, die already.
>just slav things
playing on EU is a pain, there's nothing but kurwas and cyka blyats
You have serious mental problems little buddy why are you still posting here?
if you are a shitter maybe. AK > M16 > anything else.
True or extremly autistic german kids.
Im german myself but most germans are the blight of my online life.
I queue random squad on NA, lot more nicer players there for me at least.
Solo is queue EU and scream profanities in all speak when i fight a guy. Last night a guy hid in a building and i sneaked around the house blasting the jaws theme on all speak.
He was scared shitless and begged me to leave.(he did kill me tho because i got impatient and was too busy laughing)
>Play it
>It's ok
Probably a little overpriced but it's pretty addictive, tense and satisfying
Learn to spray the scar and then come back and beg for forgiveness
This, I probably wouldnt have bought it if I didnt just sell a stat track cs go skinf or 28 euros.
Feeling like i spend only 2 euros on this game makes it even better for me. (i got that skin out of the only crate i ever opened in cs)
Not that guy, but:
1) I don't exactly know what you mean. The move/stop delay? If so, constant speed and instant response movement is fine for fast shooters, but in here I kinda doubt it would work. Positioning plays a huge role and implementing movement that way would pretty much nullify that to a huge degree as it would be way easier to rush.
2) Probably you're right. I haven't had many issues, as I blame my aim most of the time, but I heard this numerous times.
3) Basically, that's the gameplay concept. You may or may not like it, but it doesn't make it a bad game. It goes for that model and does it quite well, since you're constantly placed in high risk situations due to the force field creeping up on you. You can't just stay in one place 99% of the time.
The 3rd person thing is controversial, but they're implementing a first person only mode anyway.
if they implement 1st person properly and make the movement a bit more responsive (it just feels clunky), it could be decent.
3rd person gameplay caters to the "slightly chubby, beardy, half bald, beer drinking casual console player" crowd.
still it seems pretty obvious people are attempting to shill it on Sup Forums. if you disagree, explain the always repeating "is this goty" and "fotw fotm foty haha nice try its actually very popular" memes.
>jaws theme when creeping up on someone
kek. I'm new to the game so I didn't know micspam is possible, is it easy to set up?
>280k player peak all day erry day
You've got brain problems dude
>haha ppl say its fotm its not fotm guys
i will quote it from you, so it's basically you being the one that bumped the thread.
get mad, kid
>constantly mentioning just how popular the game is
>literally starting every thread pointing this up
>literally talking about nothing else
>still pretending you are not a shill
I think you got brain problems, not me
>constantly going into a thread about a game you clearly don't like
>constantly shitposting in said thread claiming shills shilling 24/7
>people bring up the game is popular so they want to talk about it
>"REEEE SALES NUMBERS ALL THE TIME WITH YOU SHILL!!" he says while disrupting any game discussion with his shitposting
You REALLY need to get that brain of yours checked m8
you need to get your brain checked, nigger.
why commit so many times shitposting while you are not enjoying it at all?
>get 100+ hours of fun out of a game
>"it'll die in a few months so you wasted your entire $30 you nigger fagtron plebeian enjoy not owning an extra pair of pants you fuck"
how to filter these negative shitposters who have nothing better in their neet lives to do than go into threads for games they hate for no reason?
>literally no discussion wahtsoever, just OP and his alt accounts mentioning about how much the game sold like it mattered to their life or anything
>every day 20 "is this goty" and "this game is not fotm haha its actually very popular!!!" threads
no discussion here to be disrupted, get a brain transplant you jew cuck shill
think about what you wrote and what information you quoted before pressing that submit button you fucking troll
got the jew cuck shills to stop for 24h (not a single shill thread has been created), lets see if we can repeat that success.
>you will never live a life as sad as this
Jesus user, do you have ANYTHING going for you at all at this point? Is this your goal for today?
will they ever add a free for all respawn mode?
>is cornered with no arguments
>y-you fucking troll we are not shilling the game
>btw the game is not fotw or fotm, its actually very popular. I feel the need to point this out despite noone claiming the contrary. I am totally not a jew cuck shill.
I have seen 100 threads saying the game is not FOTM, I have yet to see a SINGLE person saying it actually is fotw/m/whatever.
Shut the fuck up you jew cuck.
for what purpose? isn't the thrill of the game to become the last man standing?
the battle royale mod by PU is still better than PUBG in its current state, it's kind of sad.
>lets see if we can repeat that success
>this nigger literally only browse a taiwanese cartoon board and think it's the entire world
at least have the decency to use a trip
The fingers look really fucking long and weird.
They should do something about optimization already, it's awful.
how many "is this goty" threads are we gonna create today, my little jew cuck friend?
>"is this goty"
PC games do not have "gens" you mongoloid.
1000+ hours of arma 3 battle royale, which is just the prototype for pubg, got about 20 hours in pubg with 12 wins. loot in the outskirts of the zone, move inward, pay attention so you don't fall behind the zone, shoot people in the back. you'll get top 10 every game unless you get extremely unlucky.
>Anti-Shills advertise the game better than the actual shills do
Sup Forums really is the best place to advertise a product.
if I wouldnt bump the thread some jew cucks would circlejerk themselves with
>pubg is not flavour of the week its actually very popular! :DDDDDD
continously, so the only difference I make is to make sure everyone is reminded of the truth.
Thought this was just a meme game, but I was wrong Sup Forums. The moment to moment is intense as hell. Moving from cover to cover, trying to salvage what you can so you have a chance in the top 10. Fun game.
Please suggest a way of countering self-bumping shills other than exposing their exploits, wise one.
some people don't want to play shit that encourages careful gameplay/campy shit.
just report the thread, same as with the ff14 shill
Same with me. Dragged in 4 of my friends into this cyka blyat hell in a matter of 3 days and they never looked back since.