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/vac/ wave general: INTENTIONAL edition
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Stop making fun of the banned. I never cheated in my life but now I have a bullshit ban on my profile. I play CSGO competitively and I'm probably going to get kicked off my team. Fuck you assholes for laughing at people's livelihoods being ruined.
>never cheated
>but I'm banned for cheating
>falling for the public cheats meme
>Especially on your main account
Yeah go solo it's the only way now and it's not even hard
Competitively? Like for money? Wow user, that sounds pretty intense. I think you could use the #vacation :^)
you livelihood is playing a cancerous shooter game which is made to profit off the stupid
friend told me i can ask to get ubanned here, is a valve admin here?
you can't make this shit up!!
I can't even fucking read this shit
oh now I get it.
>as I see banana overwatch little children
>That precious feeling when you manage to kill a cheating faggot even once and then taunt
>never murdered anyone
>spend years in prison for murder
Fuck off, retard. If professional lawyers and detectives can fuck up and wrongfully convict people then it shouldn't come to a shock that VAC wrongfully bans people.
Can someone give me the basic gesalt of what is going on?
39k accounts banned yesterday
40% of them were Turkish (no idea why)
Valve is in a VAC ban spree, focused on CSGO but also other games.
Because turks can't aim for shit
VAC found a new way to detect cheats I presume, or a new cheat program previously undetected just got detected.
What did he mean by this?
>40% of them were Turkish (no idea why)
Internet cafes. One guy installs hacks and plays CS, doesn't bother uninstalling the hack, everyone else that plays CS at that computer after him gets detected with the same hack. Repeat for multiple computers in each internet cafe, across the country, for months.
What the hell turks?
>Carry illegal burger under coat in case I get hungry
>Police smell it and arrested me
>Wasn't going to eat it anyways
>Vacant Lady
>. One guy installs hacks and plays CS, doesn't bother uninstalling the hack, everyone else that plays CS at that computer after him gets detected with the same hack.
No sympathy for Turks, or internet cafe users, to be honest. Fuck them.
Most internet cafes don't allow users to install programs though otherwise you'd have key loggers everywhere.
>40% of them were Turkish (no idea why)
Don't believe the Internet cafe lies.
Valve provides special versions of steam/CSGO for Internet cafe operators. The ban system works entirely differently for them.
Now, if these were "unofficial" Internet cafes then yeah, I can see it happening
How do people seriously play at internet cafes? Having to adjust everything from in-game settings to the chair every time, the fucking dirty or sticky keyboard and mouse, all of that shit. And then having randoms around you constantly?
based baba
1. they all logged into internet cafes with cheat installed by someone, its turkey literally third world tier
2. retards were using window xp and someone stole their steam login through keyloggers
whats going to happen is a majority of them will be unbanned.
I had steam on my external HDD. just plopped down on any chair since I'm not a picky sissy like you and bam, everything's running. Too bad valve added the obligatory authentication system which made my ext HDD version of steam hell to use
>they all logged into internet cafes with cheat installed by someone
Or, Turks are just filthy cheaters who suck.
Well I can't play well at all like that, never as good as when at home, so I can't even really enjoy playing. Only gone like three times in my life.
Hahahaha hah!
Thank you based VAC
get a new steam acc and buy csgo again you cheating faggot
Top bait.
This guy names off some of the programs that are now detectable and caused the wave
False correlation, try again cupcake
Then you probably ran something like a cheat engine ( to get credits in another game you sre running in the background) so the VAC picks it up as a cheat and bans you
You kinda deserve it for being retarded
time for some VAC FACTS
1. VAC isn't a cheat detector that looks for input behaviors, nor does it analyze your files to determine if you altered anything. VAC works like an antibody, and will only strike if it identifies a process running on your computer that matches the signature of an identified cheat program.
2. VAC's are only instant if it's an old cheat that has already been rolled. If you have been VAC'd, chances are you wont know for a long time, and a ban will come suddenly
3. There is only one instance where a VAC ban has been repealed, and that was when MW2 launched with VAC and an exploit resulted in a huge ban wave
4. It is possible to get 10+ VAC bans
Valve Admin here. We actually partnered with Sup Forums to include a support tool when you post. Just enter "DELETE THIS" in the name field and we'll accept the ticket based on your IP.
Only VAC I've experienced was a steam friend who got perma banned from cod black ops 3 for using a controller on pc.
Game still had some aim assist on pc when using a controller so he got some crazy k/d.
Not a warning, fucking perma ban right off the bat.
Bit of a mood killer when we became friends through the game but still have contact today more than a year later.
I don't get it.
How is it possible to get multiple VAC bans?
Aren't you banned from VAC protected servers after getting one?
>Not a warning, fucking perma ban right off the bat.
Your friend was using an exploit to gain an unfair advantage, so he can go fuck off.
Fuck your friend. Fag.
This is probably what happened to me a while ago, oh well.
To be fair it is worse than playing at home, which is why I finally gave up and started building a PC instead of paying up for cyber cafe all nighters on weekends. I'll finally have the hardware to match the cafes instead of using a shitty borrowed DELL laptop nor bleeding money every weekend so my buds and I can co-op whatever. In the end playing at home IS better, but if you don't have the hardware a cyber cafe can he really comfy, specially with LAN parties and friend meetups with snacks always available
Your friend is lying.
You don't get VAC'd for using a controller.
Like another user said. The only time VAC fucked up was during MW2s launch.
Your friend was using hacks
I cant help reading this in a somewhat racist african accent
why haven't edrogen banned all these mehmets from the internet? would without doubt do a great favor for the rest of the world
certain VAC's pertain to specific groups of games
a COD VAC Ban isn't the same as a CSGO VAC Ban
so that's once VAC ban per COD game that uses VAC
So did this ban just affect CSGO players or did TF2 cheaters get the boot as well? Because I want to see some more INTENTIONAL DECISIONS.
As someone with too many hours in BO3, that's entirely horseshit you don't get banned for using a controller when the game has built in controller support and aim assist for multiplayer.
It's far more likely that he enabled controller aim assist on mouse which a load of people got banned for
That is complete and utter bullshit. I used a controller on blops 3 PC for a couple of hundred hours. There was no aim assist, he was cheating.
TF2 cheaters got the boot as well.
>40% of the banned are Turkish
Haven't had such a good kek in a while, don't care if this is fake, good job, take a (you)
>never cheated
>Never lent out account
>Never banned
>Never will be banned
i've cheated, but never got banned by anti-cheat.
I did get "banned" by EA's support team, but got unbanned by them too, and spent a year shitposting endlessly on the battlelog for BF3, togheter with rest of my crew. We didn't actually play anymore, just shitposted. Lot of people recognized our names and couldn't do shit.
people that cheat to appear like they are good at games = cancer
mischief i condone.
his death will be comical too
if my experience with BF1 is any indication, Battlefield has no automated anti-cheat whatsoever
cheats are 4 suckers. stay in skool kidz
they entirely rely on statistics based anti-cheat (((fairfight)))
get too many headshots per second = banned, etc etc.
If you're really bad at the game for a month and suddenly get a lot better (imagine buying new mouse) you get banned.
punkbuster sucks ass, what's really good these days cornering almost all the big cheat programs is BattleEye
I really couldn't give a shit about this.
Give me voluntary toggleable region lock. I'm tired of playing on a US server and the people can't speak fucking English. I will gladly wait extra time to find a game. The amount of frustration you would mitigate by completely avoiding people who don't speak the same language as you would be glorious.
user, I think you should ask your friend if he wants to have another talk about that VAC
t. totally not a cheater and my dad can confirm it
>I played for six, I did not cheat, but I ate a ban every minute
I tried cheating on Counterstrike years ago but made sure to go on an unsecured server not a regular VAC one. Yeah I cheated and got away with it too.
Can any Turks confirm whether this is actually a lot of people cheating, or just people having their accounts linked to an internet cafe?
There is no sweeter sound than salty cheaters getting BANNED. It's the absolute best. Steam should implement a feature when someone gets VAC banned it sends messages to all their steam friends about the ban so they know.
Better yet, it should be announced on the steam-store page with links to the forums.
It most likely is internet cafe shit because otherwise it wouldnt be 80% turks getting banned.
Turks don't use some exclusive super secret Erdogan Wallhack Bot
>thousands of turkish kids with no own PC use Steam access in some internet cafe
>one of the kids brings in wallhacks
>bans all accounts for that locations
>That one time when anons used public available phone numbers to ban hundreds of people
This Steam security thing is hilarious with thousands of people using openly available phone numbers only to bypass some of the community blocks
>thousands of people use the same phone number
>hacker uses it as well and cheats in CSGO
>thousands of accounts banned because they are all linked to that phone number
>Turks don't use some exclusive super secret Erdogan Wallhack Bot
No they use public shit because they're dumb inbred roaches.
Which is why they got banned en masse.
You can and he did.
Fucking idiot.
VAC doesn't ban in waves though.
Those all got caught cheating at the same time.
Which means all either shared the same phonenumber/location or they all used a previously undetectable exploit
Cheating in San Andreas multiplayer was fun. No cheat detection, so as long as you didn't make it obvious no one could suspect you. I got in trouble with the admins about breaking server rules, but never about cheats.
One of the reasons why I was playing MTA instead.
Oh yes, because people using public phone numbers for security measures are totally innocent. They just don't have a mobile phone in 2017, this is completely normal and not suspicious at all. Fucking Valve, trying to make things work how they are supposed to be.
Why people cheat in multiplayer games anyway?
It doesn't make you play better, it doesn't make you look good to other players since most people will know that you are cheating and it costs you money if you get caught and have to buy the game again.
I can understand a desire to cheat in f2p mmo, so you won't have to grind, but why cheat in shit like CS? Are people that scared of challenge?
Mostly it's just griefing for lazy people. In rare exceptions some of them trying to be really subtle about it and gain advantage. Lots of cheating in e-sports occurred. All those games with ranking systems are quite frustrating, most of the people can't get highest rank no matter how much time time they waste. Would be weird if they don't.
In your terrible analogy VAC isn't a detective, it's an eyewitness who saw the whole thing unfold. Now your getting locked away in the paddy wagon and the boys will meet you down at the station for a "talking" to.
Get Rekt Shitter.
get a real job loser
>playing csgo
you deserved it, faggot
>people who cheat in Valve games too stupid to do it on a separate account
>CSGO faggots
HAH, every time.
To be fair, I know a guy with a VAC ban who doesn't play multiplayer games at all. VAC fucks up now and then. It's a thing. Deal.
It won't let you connect if you have CE open before joining a VAC secured server. I imagine if you open it up while CS is running then you'd get banned
>my cousin house say to feed our dogs and make sure nothing was broken into
That's a pretty cool house, reminds you about shit.
>If you're really bad for a month then suddenly get better, you get banned
I highly doubt this one, is there any kind of actual proof for this? Unless it's something like quadrupling your typical kill count in a match that's much shorter than your average game or something like that, I find it hard to believe you'd get banned for that