Am I the only one that noticed how NiER : Automata. is slowly becoming the japanese undertale ?

Am I the only one that noticed how NiER : Automata. is slowly becoming the japanese undertale ?
Like it has now became increasingly harder to talk about the game without having waves and waves of wannabe specials boys who just shit talk the game for attention making it the "hip" thing to diss the game
I don't like it one bit, I hate having to hide every fucking NiER thread I see.
Can we, just for once have a nice thread about the game ?

Other urls found in this thread:

No one gives a shit about Undertail anymore and Nier already faded from popularity a few weeks after release

>Sup Forums
>representative of the $100 billion a year vidya industry


7/10 bait. Minus is mostly because you used Undertale which made the whole thing transparent as glass.
Nier is having another concert, seems big enough.

whats undertale?

Automata is overrated. I forgave Yoko for repetitive gameplay because I knew he was on a tight budget, but here he was just lazy. I think the fanboyism for it is from the PC audience who haven't played other Taro games.

I'm talking about a Sup Forums issue you fucking retard

>less than 1% of threads daily
>Sup Forums """"""""""""""""""""""""""issue""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

maximum wew

I'm talking about how it's hard to talk about the game on Sup Forums
You told me that no one cares about the game
I provided proof that we had thread daily
And now you're saying it is invalid because there are not enough thread daily ?
Can you elaborate I fail to understand your point.

That's what happens with these kinds of games, they get a really annoying hatebase. Just hope that they go away in a year or two.

personally I don't give a fuck. I played the game, it felt amazing (my personal GOTY of 2017 and proof to me that video games can be art). I don't need to discuss these facts with fuccbois (both pro and anti)

>here he was just lazy

Yeah because NieR totally wasn't lazy as fuck with its "replay the second half of the game twice" routes. And said second half of the game already borrowed heavily from the first half. Automata did way more with its routes.

>is slowly becoming
it was from the start

Yeah I've noticed this. For the first 1-2 months it practically had universal acclaim round here. Must of been the crack that started this contrarian bandwagon

It's just contrarians. You're posting in a board where The Witcher 3, Persona 5, NieR:Automata or any recent critically acclaimed games are considered shit by a vocal minority. Sup Forums is only good for lesser known games.

>the japanese undertale
I thought that was Earthbound.

At least Undertale had a couple of interesting characters.

Honestly can't play this game anymore. I got to Route C and it's just so boring. The characters are boring especially, and that's unfortunate coming from Drakengard 1, Nier, and Drakengard 3.

but undertale is japanese

What is that website? Why should I care. Go away

>start the thread with a shitty post
>wonder why people never discuss it properly and focus on the contents of your post

If you started the thread with story or gameplay questions the chance you'd have a shitpost free thread would be in the 90% range.

This is a good thread.

How clinically retarded do you have to be. Guess that's the average intelligence of Jojo fags

The only diffrence is that nier will never be as popular or good as undertale.

>when you're fighting the final boss and accept help from another player and the chorus joins in
holy shit

"it's a joke okay, it's not my mom. it's my dad"

>wannabe specials boys who just shit talk the game for attention
Listen, weeb. Your anime bullshit with "muh girls" is not a good game. The gameplay is repetitive at best and there's nothing to actually do in the "game" but backtrack across the same 3 ugly maps listening to the animes talk to each other. The game is effectively one giant cut scene that puts very little effort into actually being a game.

Nobody disses Automata, you fucking autist.

People didn't diss undertale because they were contrarians or hipsters, they dissed it because it was a literal flash 'game' made for furries and manchildren.

>being a literal falseflagging nigger

except it was pretty fun to play knowing nothing about it

>Like it has now became increasingly harder to talk about the game without having waves and waves of cringe inducing shippers make up their own fanlore and rp elements
And in that regard, yes, its becoming as bad as Tumblrtale

It'll become Undertale when MatPat makes a video on it. Till then we are in the clear!

I'm sure it was, if you're a furry or autist. Shitty bullet hell with a 2deep4u children's visual novel attached it probably fun for some people, yes.

The worst thing is the /vg/ general, Jesus fucking Christ. If you actually go there you will see retards actually writing fucking fanfiction and then rating it.

You are right in that way that the people who complain about the praise of a game are twice as annoying and make twice as many threads, just like what happened with Undertale.

>people enjoy things I do not and they are therefore beneath me

It's not shipping when it entered the port via official materials.

>/vg/ general
>people enjoying the game doing embarassing shit in their own containment thread, on a board where you don't browse and just look for the thread of the game you are interested in
>meanwhile, OP complains on Sup Forums and spews his opinions in all directions on a browse board
You see the problem here?
>If you actually go there
You don't have to. On the other hand, when I visit Sup Forums, I get shit threads like this on the same level as threads that I might be interested in.

Is the Drakengard 3 DLC worth getting?

>actually thinks it's contained in /vg/
If you actually went to the /vg/ thread you'd realize the shippers of /vg/ are also infesting Sup Forums threads like the A2fag that you notice just by a single post.

You searched the other times I posted my screen shot and in some of the posts I even said the same thing? Wow! You sure proved something! You proved my own unwavering opinion of this terrible game. And in most of those posts I was using that screenshot to defend Bloodstained.

I can ask any one of you weebs what your favorite part of the game is and you know what you're going to bring up? A scene or how much you want a robots ass on your face because there's nothing to speak of in terms of gameplay.

>your favorite part of the game is and you know what you're going to bring up?
The tower chasing boss fight

>You proved my own unwavering opinion of this terrible game

Really made me think

Undertale fucking sucks though and Nier: Automata is actually very good. I get your point though as there have been a lot of haters round. They're probably just part of the gigantic and blindly autistic Nintenbro army that makes up an apparent majority of Sup Forums.

>what your favorite part of the game is
Emil's shop music.

>makes a decent argument in this
>shitposts here

Yes, it really does make me think.

>If you actually went to the /vg/ thread
But I don't do that, because I don't care about the game. Yet I am in this stupid thread, that has no value except complain about people who enjoy something.
How can people like OP be so retarded as not to realize that they complain about annoying people flooding the board with shit opinions by annoyingly flooding the board with shit opinions themselves?

That's just as worthless, with the exception that the other people use their time enjoying something, plebeian or not, while OP uses their time being mad at people for enjoying something. Good job, you understood the hilarious Sup Forums mentality. Pick up your Sup Forums membership card at the front desk.

A lot of Sup Forums pushed this because they didn't want botw to be seen as the goty but discussion died out because people didn't have much to discuss.

What part would that be?

Both of my 2 favourite parts contain 0 robot ass


>died out
You've been looking in the wrong threads. Story discussion easily still reaches hundreds.


Pick one.

Guy's just being a retard for the sake of being a contrarian

If you have the money for it. It gives nice backstory on the sisters.

Hacking A2

Weebs will like ALL weebshit, no matter how terrible. Automata is barely a game, you unhygienic blobs. it's a two hour story that gets told 3 different times. What do you even do in the game outside of run from one cutscene to the next, mashing buttons on stupid looking robots that you can't lose to? If you have an IQ over 90, you're not going to have fun playing something like this.

>game is bad and gets praised for no reason
>upset when people call the game out for being shit
well gee i'm sorry billy we'll stop bullying your favourite game

I got memed into believing it was good now I make it a point to educate people on why it's shit so they don't waste time playing it like I did. The game is full of flaws and anyone who gave it a perfect score is beyond blind.

the only reason why i don't shit on this game more is because the day one edition came with a slick emil shit which i like a lot


no matter how hard or loud you cry people won't stop liking the game and it's already left its impression as a well-received game

I hope that thought torments your autism

You implying that I'm autistic because I don't like

Shit combat (small moveset even with weapon set changing 9S is SHIT)
Bad pacing
MMO Sidequests
Enjoy your backtracking [B]uddy
Padding everywhere they could put it in (finish a main mission then unlock side mission to go back to that same location).
God-awful PC Port

I could go on but it would just be more things I have said a hundred times before.

It's got a solid 75% rating on Steam
and a solid 6/10 rating by critics

Yeah, bro. "people" love it.

What's the metacritic rating, faggot?

>because I knew he was on a tight budget
He didn't have a tight budget this time, that's way user said Yoko Taro was being lazy

Ummm no sweetie, that's Cave Story.

>People have been talking shit about Cave Story

Nier is STILL getting threads.

And I was planning on not fapping today

this game is alright but its not the hyped up game of the year like the weebs in this thread are making it

literally the only reason its getting higher than a 6 is because of the characters

>What do you even do in the game outside of run from one cutscene to the next
>mashing buttons
>If you have an IQ over 90, you're not going to have fun playing something like this.
But user, that applies to every videogame.

No, he's implying that you are autistic because you can't bear that other people enjoy something that you don't.

They did nothing wrong.

Isn't Nier like an actual game?

He's talking about a post on Twitter where a guy referred to Cave Story as "Undertale meets Dark Souls" with zero irony.

>this game is alright but its not the hyped up game of the year like the weebs in this thread are making it
Just for fun I sat down and spent 10 minutes of my life counting the posts in this thread and getting some stats on this topic. I looked for people calling it GOTY, people being explicitly pro-Nier and people being explicitly anti-Nier.
I didn't like the game myself, by the way.

There is one dude calling the game his PERSONAL Goty, and that is it.
There are almost exactly twice as many people shitting on Nier than there are people praising it, and I was liberal and counted stuff like this as pro-Nier.

I'm just wondering where people like you see these weebs that hype it up as GOTY in this thread. Especially since the negative posts are straight up shitposting compared to the relatively modest positive ones, I should really count them twice.

I don't understand how people like are seen as more of an autistic faggot than people like .

Then again, I'm on Sup Forums, nothing matters, no one is being serious and I am sitting at home, thumbs inside my ass counting posts and judging opinions on a czech fingerpainting magazine.

>Then again, I'm on Sup Forums, nothing matters, no one is being serious
Glad you realized it finally. Shitposters will shitpost ignoring discussion, they'll also hyperbole and generally be complete cunts about everything. So, the people who like things will keep circlejerking them. Shitposters will see said circlejerk and assume/hyperbole even more.

Cycle of the 4chins and the internet.

Me on the left

Thought so.

>I think the fanboyism for it is from the PC audience who haven't played other Taro games
The PC audience generally ruins everything

Sup Forums has always been contrarian.
I remember back when Dark Souls was still a small,niche console exclusive it was almost universally loved in this board.People considered it the "savior" of the 360/PS3 gen since it was a game that didn't hold your hand and had great gameplay,in contrast to all the other games which were considered casual.

Now that it's mainstream,on the other hand..

Play the entire game over as 9S. He only has a handful of new scenes. Play the game partially as A2, she has even less scenes than that fag.

How can people claim this is the game of the year when Yakuza 0 exists? Even Horizon: Zero Dawn's repetitive gameplay mechanics didn't bore me as much as Nier: Automata.

Why do people try to talk about games they haven't played?

but nier is actually good

You have to be the most reasonable person I've seen on this godforsaken site in a long fucking time.

>Nier already faded from popularity a few weeks after release
You must be new. Drakengard/Nier was already niche at best. Not even DoD3's waifus caught on because nips hate non-virgins and the one virgin was written to be worst girl possible.

I long for the day Nier reverts to popular enough to warrant merch and fans but not filled to burst with white wig+blindfold= 2B cosplay donate to my patreon pls.

I liked it enough. I played the first Nier, wanted some more and that's what I got. A nice story with decent enough gameplay to keep me entertained. I'm not gonna try to 100% it or anything but I plan to play some more just to do sidequests and whatnot. Do people actually hate it? Or are they just being contrarian? Sure, I wouldn't call it GOTY by any stretch but it's not a bad game at all really.

Thanks. I have no fucking clue why I still frequent this place. Guess it's true, you're here forever.

Yep, it's definitely just became a meme for ironic weebs and regular weebs now. Unfortunately this board is full of ironic weebs now.

stay here for a while longer, you'll understand then. everything is a bait, nothing is meant to be taken seriously, and at some point you stop writing what you actually think and start posting random things just for sake of having an bait-argument.

or you'll start ignoring bait posts. at some point you recognize and block them almost subconsciously.

literally the only bad part of this game story-content-wise is the characters. amazing world, well-planted philosophical motives without taking itself needlessly seriously, emotions, everything is great except characters which are mediocre. a2 is okay, 9s is great, rest of characters is just disposable

>because something is contained in a certain area it should be completely ignored

I'd call it Goty

but mainly because Zelda was kinda disappointing, it needed more dungeons, and Persona 5 was way too bloated.

Hoping Mario is perfect.

>well-planted philosophical motives without taking itself needlessly seriously
anime tripe always takes itself heavily seriously

Taro hasn't been serious since he made Drakengard 1.

Some people hate fun. Nier is great because of the music, graphics, story and presentation. Its drastically different from what we've seen in current vidya so far thus its popularity.

Yeah Undertale has mostly faded from the discussion but it still has a dedicated fanbase arguably more active than both the Sonic/MLP fanbase combined. They used to be toxic when it was at its peak but nowadays they are mostly shill about their interests, happens with every fanbase.

As for Nier Automata, the game has not faded from discussion get. See it get mentioned a lot on my Twitter feed and also see lots of fanart made for it by both western and JP artists. Then there were lots of cosplayers of this series in Anime Expo and the upcoming Comic-Con is bound to get more. Its not going anywhere for quite a while, same with Persona 5, GTA 5, Fallout, Skyrim, XIV, etc, which all have dedicated fanbases.

Is that a benis?

>Its drastically different from what we've seen in current vidya
>what is the 1st NIER?

>Its drastically different from what we've seen in current vidya so far thus its popularity.
The only one in the series that is truly "drastically different" from current vidya is Drakengard 1. The more you talk the more it becomes evident that Automata is the only one you've played.

He already made a video about it.

>See it get mentioned a lot on my Twitter feed
Yep, it's a twitter/tumblr meme game. Kind of reminds me of when Lollipop Chainsaw came out and everyone on Sup Forums was hyping that and multiple people were cosplaying as the MC as that game, you weren't here for that though, that's all a dead meme now anyways, like this will soon be.