Things you hate in Video Games?

Things you hate in Video Games?

>Something you want to collect in a game
>You have to talk to a nondescript NPC early into the game that is easy to miss
>You have to collect something in a nondescript location of the game that is otherwise unnecessary
>You then meet that NPC later in the game to handover the item to receive the item you desire
>If you miss any of the 3 steps you can't get the item and you can't go back to get it
>You are expected to find this out on your own by chance or to use a guide straight from the beginning.

Ah so Dark Souls all miracles, etc

Reminds me of Swordcraft Story for GBA.

>have to talk to certain NPCs on certain days to receive stuff from them
>several sidequests span the entire game and won't continue if you miss even one waypoint
>have to do bullshit tasks like figuratively lick the pussy of a stuck up femnazi
>have to make higher and higher level weapons in all categories and trade them with these people, when playing casually barely gives you enough resources to stay up to date in a single weapon type
>have to break weapons of one-time encounter bosses, when you are very likely to kill them before that, even with dedicated weapon-breaking weapons, even if you never spend any points in attack
>no New Game+ until the sequel

If not for the last part I'd turn that game upside down and find all those sidequests on my own eventually, it was that comfy.

Nudity and women wearing pants

What is dragons dogma.

I mean, I love that game, but it was so much better with a walk through the 2nd time after I gave up, having missed a lot of quests

Are you a 45 year old protestant housewife?

People that play online multiplayer games without understanding the basic concepts of the game. Why even play at all? Hows it even possible to be such a terrible fucking retard at the game?

Are you a MOBA player?

No I'm 24 years old, I'm a man, the bible just says it's sinful to dress in the opposite genders clothing, a woman who wears pants is a woman trying to be a man its sinful. This is how a woman should dress

damn I thought that was Eva Green for a moment

No, it's a model from some website that sells vintage inspired women's clothing that's made in the USA

[unintelligable satanic gibberish lasting for 5 very boring, very uncomfortable minutes every time]

I quit Tales of Vesperia because I killed a monster too soon and got locked out of a quest that involved killing a bunch of fun looking monsters.

>not following the teachings of based Martin "Put the kike on a spike" Luther

>the thing you interact with also glows to stand out more
Even that fucking space hulk shooter does it, which tries to have an immersive interface.

is that a rocket launcher on her back?

There are some games though that give you the option to turn of every single highlight and UI piece for that matter separately. Hope that becomes standard some time.

out of my head:
>Mandatory multiple playthroughs with Multiple endings
>Long, empty spaces, where you just run and nothing else
>Excessive crafting of consumable shit and resource gathering
>Following a plot NPC the whole time, like a sheep
>Day1 patches
>+50GB installation downloads
>racist developers, who hate to put white male characters and publicly state that

I'm definitely not a Catholic, it's a sinful cult that puts the doctrines of man over the doctrine of God

>you have to kill 10 of X and 10 of Y
>there's a boatload of X everywhere, but only like 3 of Y
I should really stop playing MMOs

Damn we weren't taught that in school

I've never seen the problem with achievements as long as they are tailored to the game and not there to shill something from DLC or micro transactions. They are an easy way to go "look at my achievements, I beat the game on Super Hard and collected all the X"

The NPC thing was really annoying I agree, but I don't remember trading or being low on resources back when I played this, and I had a pretty easy time beating the last boss, it's been a while so maybe I had such I good time that I don't remember these things being bothersome.

>mfw gone to school in eastern Germany
>Luther painted as nothing but the benevolent monk that freed the people from the corrupt catholic church
Luther was redpilled as fuck

they pad out the gameplay, w/o actually rewarding player with anything

That pissed me off in Lunar.

Multiplayer games where playing like a cheap bastard is not only 100% viable for all players but also how you're expected to play.

The best example is Friday the 13th. If you're playing against a tryhard Jason, goodluck getting 2ft out of a cabin before he immediately jumps on you via shift and uses that move where he punches your head off.

No, they don't give you anything but E-points to lord over other users to say you have more. The game itself rewards you with in game items and other things to move you forward. All achievements do is pop up for 10 seconds saying "You completed Act 3" or "You killed 100 X" (the X being an enemy you will normally kill 100 of through a playthrough of the game.)

I've never played Friday the 13th but in that instance couldn't the counselors work together to stun Jason and save one another if he foolishly attacked right out the gate or would whomever opens the door first be autokilled?

fuck off

I'm pretty sure I was low on resources even when I tried ignoring elemental recipes and grinded every weapon I made to 255 (going between the two lowest warps and breaking all crates in the process) before breaking it up and making the next weapon. Maybe my memory is fuzzy, but I remember being low on at least one resource as my constant state.

Well, in theory, a well coordinated group of counselors can very easily outplay Jason. However, in pub games you very rarely actually find people trying to properly organize an escape plan and most people just run off alone like a retard.

However, head punch (the move in question) is an almost guaranteed kill because it's the fastest instakill and if you're quick you can pick off someone in a group before the group can even react properly.

Did I hit a nerve? So what if you get 25 fake, meaningless points for using a certain weapon or getting 100 headshots. Shit you should achieve normally through varied gameplay?

>missables were a mistake
i really like FF9, but this shit always bugged me to no end

>first playthrough only bought so many weapons and armor for my MCs
>synth later in the game wants you to give weapons and armor that you cant get anymore because they only could be gotten at the beginning of the game
>probably locks you out of special abilities you could learn that way

now in every game i always buy more than what i need at the moment

Oh, a game where teamwork and communication are essential. That seems terrible. No idea on the head punch though.

Huh, I used elemental weapons constantly, I think I even unlocked every weapon in the game, if not all of them, most of them at least, didn't monsters drop materials or something? I mean, I remember some times not having materials to build a weapon, but I would just go out and get them or something, both of our memories are fuzzy, I really don't remember how this game worked besides being able to make weapons and having sugar as a familiar and romancing her.


>sidequest in an RPG
>it's not particularly interesting but I do it anyway because I expect some sort of reward and I get an autistic completionist complex about sidequests
>completing the sidequest gives you no reward or a reward that wasn't worth the effort

this happened to me like 3 times in Skyrim and it pissed me off to no end.

"I hate getting more hours out if my game"