
Did we meme CastleKINO into reality?

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I've really enjoyed it so far.

>looks at episode list
>only 4 episodes


I was pleasantly surprised. It takes its own liberties and falls back on the christian religion is corrupt meme but is grounded enough in Castlevania lore.
>nice production values
>decent dub
>good fighting choreography
>nice sense of humor
>likable characters

I guess that's fair, but I think the series was stronger because of it, as it made everything not so black and white.

why did the archbishop had pointed fingernails at the beginning? I think it's gonna be reveiled that a demon was possessing the church head in Walacchia

That's not how it works.

Cause he was on old ass bitch who laid in bed all day. The only one that seemed to be caring for him was the bishop and I doubt he cared enough to help him out.
But anyway I think you might be looking a bit too much into it. The archbishop had nothing to do with the corruption of the chruch or at least he hasn't been implied to have.


The whole church wasn't corrupted. There was still that one priest making holy water by the bucketfull helping take on demons.

True. I'm more so saying that it doesn't seem like the Archbishop is a demon simply because he had long fingernails. Maybe a overlooked/confusing design choice

this isn't a japanese animation, so it's not a dub

>this isn't a japanese animation
to be fair, the vast majority of the animators are Koreans who are specialized in Japanese animation

tho the production is done in the USA so it's really not a dub

It's written by Warren Ellis, who's wrote some amazing comic books.


drink bleach

Would have been better if it was made by madhouse, weserners can't into writing

I'm too lazy to get myself a netflix thing to watch it.

I still can't believe that, not only was it not a flaming garbage heap, it was good.

Painful that it's only 4 episodes for A FUCKING YEAR.

cant find this shit anywhere post webm's

I still can't really grasp that an animated Castlevania netflix series from modern Konami is a thing that exist.

Supposedly it's good as well? Feels like a dream, like a dream dream; the ones you have when you sleep. What a strange thing to make.

should i buy some water filters or not?


The only foreigner related thing in this is the korean outsourcing and the producer behind Dredd working on it (from India)

Essential Ellis?

How much DIVERSITY does it have?

You're wrong though about Christian religion being corrupt. They even bring this up. That priest made REAL holy water. God gives his blessings to the worthy priests and not the organized religion that commits evil and perpetuates hatred in his name.

There's no wall chicken if that's what you're asking.


>Sup Forumsermin scum parroting memes from other boards
It show how much of a underage you are, OP.

I thought it would be complete shit, but I never expected it would end up being so good instead.

/our girl/?

Despite Konami being unfortunate in their business decisions lately, this episode was actually pretty enjoyable and-
>no wall chicken
0/10 dropped never watching this shit again fuck Konami racist Chinese cartoon chinks ruining my favorite anime (Western)

I want to drink her beer

Do you wanna be frickin gay?

That's kind of hot.

of course Sypha is

>F is for Family Season 2
>Cofunding Wakfu season 3

Is Netflix saving Western animation?

Dont forget LWA

>I want to drink her beer
that beer has been claimed by trevor long ago

But the series fucking sucked ass.
The OVA and the movie was god tier though.

Sorry, I mean animation in general.

Show was cute!BmISlRBJ!oVgQx3uMPXWQaa0VySQoJMLJy-SQ2TCd64PdH2nX7AM

nah, the guy who write this

the shading in some scenes was pretty great

Tell me about Astarte.

ass tarte

I want her to pee in my mouth and I don't even have a piss fetish

beauty that can mess with your mind

That picture gave me a semi.


It's western animation you retard. Stake yourself my man.




>he thinks Nips can write

Kill yourself you pathetic weaboo.

thank you

I haven't seen it yet

Do they use Castlevania music like vampire killer and Simons theme???

Has American Simon been mentioned at all.

haven't watched it yet but looking at the soundtrack.

Goddamn it

too handsome to live

How do i get into the Castlevania series?
I only played Lords of Shadows and a little bit of a game that was on DS.
Now i watched this Netflix series and it was fucking amazing, so i kinda want to get into the series.

>decent dub
If you only consider this decent, then what the hell is an example of a great dub for you?

The netflix series was based on Castlevania 3 so that's an option.

CV4 , Rondo and DS games might be good games to start too

1 and 3 on the NES help lay the groundwork; bonus points for 3, since that's what the Netflix series is based on.

Symphony of the Night laid the groundwork for the Igavania style, but you can go to most any of the GBA/DS games and get the same experience.

Rondo of blood but I recommend #1 because that's where it all started.

He's probably a Christfag. Catholics especially are taught constantly in church that they are the most persecuted group in the world, the whole world is constantly trying to take down pure Christians you see. It breeds a mindset that anything remotely negative about the Church is a part of society's conceited effort to stomp out Christianity. It creates people unable to understand the kind of nuance in this series.

2 is a guilty pleasure but get one of the patched versions if you ever actually play it.

I identify as Catholic, and I'm not aware of some secular conspiracy that aims to stamp out the church or persecute it. In fact, Pope Francis is one of the most influential and respected people in the world, held up as a moral compass even by non-Catholics.

How does Netflix know there is a demand for another season?

what game is this based on?
what other anime based on games are there? dmc?

They almost assuredly have analytics that track how many people are watching the show.

Please don't ever speak of the DMC anime again, thanks.

>and I'm not aware of some secular conspiracy that aims to stamp out the church or persecute it.
Well good on you you didn't get roped into it but one only needs to turn on Fox News for about 2 seconds to see them pandering to the group I am talking about. There were almost goddamn riots over Starbucks Christmas drinks saying "Happy Holidays". I at no point said it was everyone, I said it is most frequently Catholics and it is. There are tons of other Christian denominations that suffer from the same persecution complex and tons of Christians in them who don't. A lot of it is dependent on whether or not people attend a shitty church.

This show is almost an explicit retelling of Castlevania 3.

Funny you mention Devil May Cry, because it DOES have an anime.

>I identify as Catholic, and I'm not aware of some secular conspiracy that aims to stamp out the church or persecute it.
The fact that you felt the need to respond to him when he never said it was all Catholics makes it pretty hard to believe you don't feel at least a little persecuted. You even felt the need to establish how influential your pope is when no one said otherwise nor even mentioned influence. Honestly your response is hilarious, it's dripping in irony. Guy calls out how insecure Catholics can be and you respond with a super insecure post.

Each game is it's own thing? I can just play whatever?
It's not heavily story connected?

>It's not heavily story connected?

Not really

There is a timeline that connects the games, but you don't have to worry too much about that.
>He says, as he posts a comprehensive timeline

English voices?

Oh man this shit is DROPPED. I can't handle the cringe.

It's a native English production, ya big dummy. If anything, it's the Japanese who will get a redub.

It's an American show

It's comparable to Batman The Animated Series in quality.

so how much of pic related is in there?

>The only female Belmont is non-canon according to Igarashi

What did he mean by this?

It's an American cartoon you retard.
And it's got a great cast of professional actors, not shitty non-union VAs they hired for peanuts.

He didn't like how Alucard would have been Trevor's dad.

To be fair it can be justified ages ago(but granted that's not relevant
) with shit like Jesuits in Tudor Britain but the point makes sense.

t/u/mblr would have a field day if her charm worked on any of the girls.

Then again I remember the other side complaining about Dracula's charm spell not working on the guys.

I want to FUCK Trevor

Oh sure I mean I think you'd be hard pressed to find a religious group that wasn't persecuted somewhere at some point in history. People have never taken very kindly to religious disagreement.

Those charm spells always fucked my shit up. Thankfully its more fun to fight those fights with the same gender for me.

Is written by Warren freaking Ellis
He wrote fucking preacher and did Hellblazer for a while, of course corrupt cristianity is an element in the story.
Is like expecting a Frank Miller story without whores.

If you care about any sort of chronology, the only really "linked" ones are Castlevania 1 (which was remade as Chronicles, Super IV, and Haunted Castle) to Castlevania 2 Simon's Quest, Castlevania 3 and Rondo of Blood (remixed as Dracula X) to Symphony of the Night (though Rondo and 3 aren't linked directly to each other), Castlevania The Adventure (remade as Adventure ReBirth) to Castlevania II Belmont's Revenge, Castlevania 2 Simon's Quest to Harmony of Dissonance, Castlevania Bloodlines to Portrait of Ruin, Symphony of the Night to Aria of Sorrow, and Aria of Sorrow to Dawn of Sorrow.
Really, you should just play them by release date, don't bother with the 3D games, skip The Adventure but play Belmont's Revenge, play patched Simon's Quest or use a guide, skip Legends, possibly skip Haunted Castle, possibly skip Dracula X and play Rondo instead, and you're good to go.
The most important ones to be a fan are Castlevania, Simon's Quest, 3, Super, Rondo, and Symphony, those get the most discussion.

Trevor and Alucards first fight has some really "no homo" moments already.

I also didn't mention ones you'll never hear begin talked about such as random ports with unique quirks, I doubt anyone on Sup Forums's played them. Hell, most likely more than a few haven't played half of the ones I did mention.

The series so far has only covered Castlevania 3, and only the beginning.
With a bit SOTN backstory mixed in for sake of context.

It's a crap game

>With a bit SOTN backstory mixed in for sake of context.
I thought that was a really great idea. Instantly gave Drac enough backstory to get why he's an extra evil vampire.

Hopes for season 2:

Ellis dedicates one of the eight new episodes to retroactively fixing episode 1's problem in that Dracula and Lisa's relationship is extremely glossed over. I would have even liked some kind of montage of the two falling in love, getting married, and having a kid. Lisa just waddles in and then the next scene is her being burned at the stake. I also didn't get a clear read on Dracula's character, and obviously an extended episode 1 would have helped with that.

The church shit is out the window. It was a great way of setting up the series, Dracula's motivations, Lisa's, the speakers', ect. but I got sick of it and just wanted Trevor to go into Dracula's castle already.

Fucking Grant DeNasty. The first four episodes seemed like a perfect time to introduce him as working as a town guard. His personality would have also made for a good dynamic with Trevor. It's gonna be weird for him to just show up out of the blue wandering around Dracula's castle.

Is this shit made by hamburgers? I don't see jap voice on Netflix.

this, although I would argue that you can get away with only playing Rondo of Blood and Symphony of the Night because a.) Symphony is a direct sequel to Rondo and b.) they're the best examples of their respective gameplay types (linear vs. free-roaming).