How was this fair if you hadn't see one before?
How was this fair if you hadn't see one before?
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Why do games have to be fair?
It wasn't supposed to be fair, that's the point of the game retard.
Tip for the rest of the game though, the chain on mimics looks different to regular chests
You can both see and hear that this nigga is not just a chest
Oh, so it's just plain old artificial difficulty. Got it.
>whole point of his life - trick you
casual piece of shit
>Bloodstains and messages crowding it
Makes my heart go doki doki
Literally the first chest being a mimic was so fucking stupid. I hate DaS3
Oh, brain tumor. My condolences.
Good game design doesn't screw you cheaply for no reason, it screws you over if your not as skilled as the game wants.
I recommend cat Mario if you like getting fucked.
>Good game design
It is good design.
You can tell apart mimic from usual chest after you encountered one.
Because it's the beginning of the game. You know, the part where you're learning. Stop complaining about free lessons you idiot.
How was this fair if you hadn't seen one before?
They show you - this thing exist in this world, be aware now.
No better way to introduce such enemy.
It will be too stupid and causal another way.
Its a breathing, moving chest in a game notorious for traps and shit.
I actually agree with this though.
I can't believe there are still some people who don't know what artificial difficulty means.
Wait, you mean he isn't my friend? What, i can't hit him, wait, i need to jump on him?
I'm glad it was. If you played Dark Souls 1 and two you should have known about mimics by now.
If you didn't, don't cry that you got punked by game mechanics you didn't know about that were present in the previous games.
it's called garbage game design
It was obvious it's an enemy and not friendly, you can tell by it's evil look. The mimic looked like a chest which in 99% of videogames is a reward full of loot and it was right after a dragon so classic game design would give you something after beating it's fire.
The real equivalent would be a mushroom box killing you
>If you played Dark Souls 1 and two you should have known about mimics by now.
Yeah and that's probably why they did it. It's still shit game design, for a new player it's a way better surprise if he finds some normal chest with nice loot first and then suddenly gets blindsided by a chest that eats his face
>Third game in the series
>Don't know about mimics
Fuck off then. Who plays something that's #3 without the other ones? Do you just jump into return of the king and complain that you haven't seen these characters before?
>The real equivalent would be a mushroom box killing you
Like in mario 2?
First mushroom you see btw.
Why didn't you just kill mobs till you were max level with enough health to tank everything?
Dark Souls 2 had that great DLC moment where you see the Mimic frozen, and then later it's disguised and in a different position. If you forgot about that and went blindly opening chests, then you're the moron.
mimics play with players expectations and reshape their approach. I like it.
if you want a game full of things like that, try Antichamber.
This is the problem with gaming now. People just want to have their hands held. If it was cucks like you this game was made for they would have had the mimics in a cutscene attack regular mobs
DS3 was designed for Souls veterans, it was meant to pander to them while also trying shoehorn BB elements in.
Basically they didn't care about new players, they expected you to have played before and know to be wary of mimics.
I think it's more about seeing one so soon. You didn't see mimics that bloody quick in DS1.
Thing is, get caught out once and you'll just hit every chest from now on. Pointless really.
>It's still shit game design,
>introduces mechanic right at the start to prepare players
>shit game design
>still complain that its unfair een though they put it at the start so everyone is one the same page
Make up your mind. And in general, man the fuck up already. Complaining about stupid shit like that makes you the biggest tool on the planet.
>my virtual toy killed my character and I wasnt prepared
Yeah welcome to video games
sure thing nigger. stay fedora
Did this thing even do enough damage to kill you? I remember not dying to it when I first got eaten by one and learned my lesson.
I hope you get sodomized for defending shit game design like this, even if you're trolling. DaS 1's first mimic was great. You're stressed out by Sen's Fortress anyway and suddenly that chest just instagibs you.
But here it's just "Lol, look at how hard this game is, the first chest was a mimic, lolololol, betcha didn't think of this"
It's terrible design that you have to lose the content of a chest if you hit it too hard looking for a mimic.
Well that's kinda the point. You didn't expect it but you knew it was a thing. Bad game design would be to just copy how DS1 did everything and do it the same way again. Then the player would be surprised by nothing.
Let's imagine another game. You come across four different doors. The player doesn't know this, but behind one of the doors is the way forward, while the other three doors lead to instant and unavoidable death. There is no indication of which door the player needs to go through to advance, it's purely blind guessing. If they're lucky, they get the right door, but most likely they'll pick the wrong door and will have to come back to that point and try again. This would be an example of artificial difficulty, because the game is set up in such a way that the player does not have a reasonable chance to advance forward on their own skill or intuition; it's purely trial and error.
Now, how is the mimic not that much different from the door situation? For the first time at least, the player doesn't know that mimics are a thing , so they would have no reason to cast any suspicion on the chest. They see a chest and they intuitively open it. Sure, there is a tell, but again if they're not anticipating something is off with the chest then they would not reasonably think to look for a tell. And if they were to notice the tell, that doesn't necessarily signal to the player that the chest is a mimic (again, at least for the first time) especially if the player has no reason to suspect that mimics are in the game. Plenty of other games have multiple treasure chests that are decorated differently but are ultimately harmless, so it's again reasonable that a player would see this chest and think any differences are innocuous. The player only learns that mimics are a thing and to look for a tell after they have already failed, there is very little opportunity for them to naturally and organically arrive at the intended lesson based on their own skill or intuition.
>Can't handle being logically beaten
Nice strawman and back pedaling.
Best would be to not have any mimics at all, but have about 3-4 slightly different chain patterns, just to keep the players on edge.
Then have a mimic that looks exactly like a normal chest, including chain, about 70% through the game
Jepa jee.
You can spot mimics without hitting the chest you fucking retard
you can literally see the fucking lid moving because they're breathing
Better question: Why the fuck would you play Dark Souls III before I? III has direct references to I like the return to Anor Londo.
>Chain meme
Just hit it you fucker. It is a game about murdering things
>Entering a room
>How was the player supposed to know there was a boss in there
>The player had not encounter bosses before
>Fight an enemy
>They do a fast attack the player has never seen
>How was the player supposed to know the enemy had such an attack
>This fucking guy
but user bad graphics :(((
alternatively consolefags with no backwards compatibility who fucking trade in their old consoles for a $20 coupon
The merits of a series doesn't mean it gets a free pass in game design. It is poor game design regardless of anyone thinking otherwise.
Because DaS1 looks and plays incredibly dated.
>consolefags with no backwards compatibility
You can play DS1 on Xbox One.
Come on! You had to have heard these things through word of mouth. I know I did.
Yeah but you can't play anything else on xbox one
>Entering a room
>How was the player supposed to know there was a boss in there
>The player did not encounter the boss before
It doesn't matter if there was a boss or not, it's still determined by player skill wether or not he beats the boss, not if he knew there was a boss. A better example would be if you opened a seemingly normal door and was one shorted by the boss as soon as you entered without being able to escape from it.
>Fight an enemy
>They do a fast attack the player has never seen
>How was the player supposed to know the enemy had such an attack
Different situation entirely. In this case you should be been baiting the enemy and watch his moves before approaching. Thats not artificial. I think your retarded.
>opened a seemingly normal door and was one shorted
Nothin personnel
>could never do this section without shouting "OH YEAH" when he burst through the wall
shit game though
well then if you just observe the chest then you see that it has slight differences to other chests, so it's your own fault for not being careful
>four different doors.
Replace four with two for your analogy to be similar. It's either a mimic or not a mimic.
>There is no indication of which door the player needs to go through to advance, it's purely blind guessing.
Except there is a definite tell for Mimics. Just look at the chest. They breathe and you can see the teeth, don't open a fucking door if it has teeth.
>If they're lucky, they get the right door, but most likely they'll pick the wrong door and will have to come back to that point and try again.
Dark Souls is literally about learning from your mistakes. That's the point of the game.
Alright, wait wait wait, are you telling me that EVERYONE doesn't hit every chest with a weapon once? If it's a mimic it reveals its true form, if it's a chest it won't get destroyed from just one hit.
you can tell it's a mimic by just looking at it too. if the chain doesn't loop it is a mimic. if the chest is slightly open and BREATHING, it's a mimic.
>still defending garbage game design
sure thing fag
It really doesn't. I still regularly play DaSI on my PS3. I've played III a total of 2 times. I cannot make myself replay it. I replayed Bloodborne and II, but III just feels so fucking bland.
Press F to pay respects
It's a learning experience
>oh so there's mimics in this game
>DLC moment
>literally hours after seeing a mimic for the first time
are you a fucking retard or something?
you die to it maybe once and learn that mimics exist in this game (like they exist in plenty of other games)
also this isn't necessarily the first chest you see - you don't have to go up the stairs (and i'd bet many players don't considering they probably want to avoid the fucking dragon).
just stop dude, its obvious you have nothing left to go on that wouldn't make you sound like you're repeating yourself
you and everyone else just need to stop being little birches and man the fuck up