How does it feel to know you bought an overpriced exclsuive(s) machine that doesn't have any exclusive games?
Can console owners even justify their purchase now that the dust has settled?
How does it feel to know you bought an overpriced exclsuive(s) machine that doesn't have any exclusive games?
Can console owners even justify their purchase now that the dust has settled?
This is an obvious bait thread, but I have an Xbone and a Switch along with a gaming PC and I'm happy with all three. I will probably get a PS4 too, for the exclusives.
I bought ps4 becouse its cheaper
>eighth gen
>not owning a PS4
>implying you have enough worth as a human being to be considered at all.
There's an easy way to change this, user. Stop shitting on what other people enjoy and understand why you feel the need to be a twat in the first place.
Objective hierarchy
>PS4. cheapest way to play almost everything -unique games and multiplats-
>Mid end PC. very approachable way to play a lot of games with customization
>Switch. decent choice for "exotic" gaming nintedo gaming.
>Hign end PC. diminishing returns. expensive way to have that little extra edge most people don't care about
>Xbox. a dead console with no games. good controller tho for PC.
I have a PS4 that runs through the HDMI in on my Xbox One. My backlog from free games and sales between the two is ridiculous. Not having to tweak, toggle, or troubleshoot settings and shit as one would on a PC is a good thing. What exclusives make a PC worth the investment? When I do decide to get a toaster itll just be for the obscure lude VR games you cant play on console. And my laptop already does porn so theres no rush.
>Not having to tweak, toggle, or troubleshoot settings and shit as one would on a PC is a good thing
I play mostly on console but you are retarded. implying PC gaming is complicated is retarded.
>high end pc
>diminishing returns
Going to go ahead an assume you've never played on a high end PC. Enjoy that gtx960, user.
Pointing the ease of use advantage consoles have over PC is retarded and implies I think its complicated? Fuck you for making up your own implications and calling me names. Is configuration not somtimes required to make games playable on PC. Is the same type configuration required for a PS4? Why can't I make a point without some faggot making up implications?
>Why can't I make a point
because you are retarded ?
Had both, they're both equally easy. PC is moe likely to have technical problems BUT you can easily fix them, ps4 you can't. Also PC tends to "just werk" more, e.g. backwards compatability and no renewing the online tip before you can play.
Weebshit. And only weebshit. And I don't need a gaming PC for that now do I?
I bought a ps4 to play sports games on my couch with my co workers and friends, and own a good pc for my usual games. If you're not piss poor and have a healthy social life it's far from a waste of money.
what sports games do you play? is nba2k17 good/?
>pay more for a top quality PC
>pirate all my games other than some notable exceptions
>end up spending less money on my platform than consolefags
>not using the money saved to buy a console with 1 game and laugh at master racers.
>cheapest way to play almost everything
but PC has plenty more games than PS4, and when including emulation of Gamecube and PS2 games it has even more
even if you're only talking about current-gen exclusives, PS4 has maybe 5 worthwhile games, which is pretty fucking weak considering the console's been out for close to 4 years already
The way I see it, the ONLY argument to be made in favour of consoles is their convenience, and even then it's a stretch unless you're computer illiterate and just want that plug & play experience
just keep telling yourself how much those extra pixels are worth it.
>I have a PS4 that runs through the HDMI in on my Xbox One
why would you needlessly add input lag like that? The HDMI input on the Xbox One is not intended for interactive media.
I don't like desktops. Never did.
>I don't like games, never did
I pc game and own a ps4.
Ps4 has tons of exclusives that make the console worth buying. Don't regret buying it at all.
>objective hierarchy*
>*if you're a poorfag
you left out that part
Xbox One
PS4 Pro
Gonna buy an Xbox One X
Can't really justify having all of them, but I wanted them. The few exclusives on Xbox and PS4 are worth it to me, and the Switch is just convenient and the eventual exclusives are probably gonna be good.
Right with you user.
Don't have the PS4 Pro yet, but it's next on the list
Nobody has the time to play all that shit
A few great games is what you need, not 10 thousand that are only there on paper, when in reality you won't play 1% of them
It works fine no noticeable input lag to me I guess. Im not playing twitch shooters just PlayStation movie games that require no skill. Ive made it through a bit ofbloodborne this way.
This is a shitty argument
PC has plenty more great games than PS4, assuming that your definition of "great game" isn't a cinematic 30fps experience full of muh grafix
As a sniper
Every fucking pixel matters.
Playing at 4K with SMAA vs 720p 30FPs with dithering "aa" and FXAA
I rather play with the high end one.
I can play all the great game this gen on one machine.
The PS4/.
>Can console owners even justify
Can you justify spending any money at all on gaming? Be honest now for a second
Toilet paper is what really makes this picture work
Pick one
Why are people so desperate to validate their purchase?
If you have to know, i got a ps4 because i like the the franchises it has. I use a laptop for work, do i dom't see the use on buying a desktop pc
I am a switchfag, but come on, the PS4 has other exclusives that are worth playing, like HZD for example.
consoles have better online
PC is full of hackers and cheats
also most games have a bigger multiplayer community for the console versions because they sell more
Ruining the industry. You're not a gamer you're a teenage parasite. I hope you get fucking crucified.
Have fun not playing Nioh
>toaster for older games and emulation
>Xbone for new games
>Wii U (soon to be switch) for muh Nintendo games
I'm happy. I have a PS4 too but I never use it. The only Sony exclusive I own is Infamous Second Son. IF I dont sell my PS4 to my brother I might get Spiderman
Not him but Nioh blows. I'd rather just have a new Ninja Gaiden instead of Ninja Souls with the worst part of the Souls games
These are perceived upsides, but aren't actually true. How would the online be better? Because there are less cheaters? There are still cheaters, but less ways to deal with them, and there are more people on wifi. And at least on pc you can choose stuff. You know, anything at all. Your preferred voip client, your control method, the servers you play on, the mods you play with. On a console you press a button to play and ymmv with that and there's nothing you can do to improve your situation if it sucks.
t. conquered
but pros play with reduced resolutions and aspect ratios
Id say the exotic playstation games are 20 times as exotic as exootic nintendo games.
Are some PC gamers really this pathetic? They get anally frustrated because people don't buy the same shit they buy. Honestly, I want a gaming PC. But I'd probably just buy it for better looking, smoother playing multiplats or mods and emulators. Given that most multiplats aren't even worth buying getting a console for the multiplats and exclusives I want seems like a better sell.
With PC it's like, I really don't need all that extra shit. I'm quite content playing the games I have.
>that doesn't have any exclusive games?
Oh wow so I can play Nioh, Persona 5. Bloodborne and Gravity Rush 2 on a PC???
>Are some PC gamers really this pathetic? They get anally frustrated because people don't buy the same shit they buy.
PCMR is the gaming version of a Napoleon complex. Instead of being happy that more games are coming out on PC and with better support than ever, they just bitch and moan because the console boogieman is holding their platform back. PC should be treated like vinyl to musicfags or a projector to kinofags, like an enthusiast version of gaming devices. Instead they sit at their happy corner and shit in their hand and throw it at anyone who walks by for nothing being a glorious patrician of the personal computer master race.