>Sup Forums SUDDENLY hates monster hunter now
What went wrong?
Sup Forums SUDDENLY hates monster hunter now
I don't hate MH, I'm just concerned about MHW.
MHXX localization when?
Nintentoddles, jealous that their game is on a platform that can bring MH to it's fullest potential.
Massive backlash from Nintenbros because Capcom actually decided to progress the franchise for once, and being Nintenbros they aren't used to that.
You mean PC right?
Do nintendo fans exist that don't have a PC?
I don't, I'm happy I don't have to stare at the tiny ass screen of a 3DS anymore
>Do nintendo fans exist that don't have a PC?
Are you a moron or what? Majority of Japan doesn't own a PC, of course there are fuckloads of Nintendo fans that don't have a PC
You have one guess.
It's literally just Nintendies crying because MHW won't be on their new rebranded Leapfrog tablet
Pic related, it's the face behind every MHW IS SHIT post
pick one
Picture related.
It's separate groups.
>Group A spends years buying the games showing that there's interest in the west. Now there's enough interest for a more ambitious project. Cool. HOWEVER, Group A has now been given the shaft and been told they aren't even getting the new game. Not only that, but they aren't even getting a port of an older game.
>Group B hasn't even had a MH game in years and they shit on Group A out of frustration. Now Group B is being rewarded with a new game, even though they spent years shitting on the people who actually made this localisation possible.
>Group C is the idorts who win either way and don't get wrapped up in the squabbles.
I own pretty much everything, so I'll be playing Monster Hunter anyway, but I completely understand why Nintendo gamers are pissed. I remember when all my Vita "exclusives" suddenly started getting ported to PS4 and PC and when Vita owners were told we wouldn't even be getting the sequel to Gravity Rush, I was so fucking pissed. That was before I bought a PS4. I still haven't bought Gravity Rush 2 though, I just can't support that shit.
sony bought the game, so it shouldn´t release on the switch. That´s the reason why every thread is full of "fuck of shill", "never ever" and other console war bullshit.
As someone who never played MonHun, game looks pretty nice with the graphics will buy for pc and maybe play 4U for n3ds
But group A gets the game since they buy the platform MH is on, they're not brand loyalists
Well shit you can really refill your pots.
nintendo kids getting cucked
I don't but I do SUDDENLY hate you though.
It's not casualized dumbass, if anything XX is what you should be yelling at
I'm just upset that it isnt portable. Hunting locally with buddies is great. Of course Sup Forums cant comprehend this and just screams that I'm a nintenbro, even though I would be fine with it on the Vita too.
Sup Forums is full of Nintenniggers as to neofag is to Sonyfags.
The game looks like a MH game with updated graphics and cooler areas.
The concerning things are the grappling hook and how you can just spider man your way back on a monster if it knocks you off during mount. Also the new mantles that look like you can use as an easy button, and the full heal bugs that roam around.
aside from those things the game is fine
I'm going to play MHW, and MHXX if it gets localized, and you are powerless to stop me.
If you're doing anything different, you're not really a Monster Hunter fan.
>It's not casualized dumbass,
Really now?
>moving while using potions and bowguns
>free traps and stuns everywhere in the environment
>free damage from environment
>can lure monsters into killing other monsters
>magic flies that guide you to your objective
I fail to see how any of these changes make the game harder.
What's the launcher apparatus on their arm?
grappling hook
Who knows, you might be limited to how much goes with you on a hunt. You could have like 200 potions in the item chest in town but come quest time, you've only got 10 extra, and maybe less for megas
Also potions are nerfed apparently, no more instant heal, you gotta go through the whole drink animation which is longer now to get the full heal amount, and if you cancel out of the drink by rolling you lose the rest
Can someone explain to me why being able to swap weapons while in the field is a bad thing, aside from the fact that it's something you couldn't do in previous games?
Because it seems to me less like you guys are scared of casualization, and more scared of the concept of change.
wonder if they're going back to pre-tri armour designs
it's because it isn't for their switch. probably should fuck right off back to neogaf and cry about it
>if you cancel out of the drink by rolling you lose the rest
Oh man this is bad for button mashers in a pinch like myself
MHW is what happens when you make MH for people who don't like MH, but demand that MH caters to them.
Enjoy your cinematic visual spectacle I guess. I wanted MH to look good visually as well, but I didn't ask for this.
look retard who lies and likes shitty anime fighting in monster hunter
>Do nintendo fans exist that don't have a PC?
Yes, didn't you see how apeshit Sup Forums got when they started trying to emulate Wii U's version of Breath of the Wild? The whole PC + Nintendo is a cover act.
>implying nintedokids playing on PC, even if they by any miracle have decent one
Keep dreaming.
Removes punishment for bringing inadequate gear into a hunt.
swapping weapons is the least of the new game's problems. Most of the new stuff in this game is streamlining stuff that makes Monster Hunter the game it is. Some of the streamlining is good, but I don't think its worth it to the stuff they are ruining.
If they made monster hunter with MHO graphics it wouldn't be enough to cater to the west. So obviously shits been changed to appeal to them and make the game easier. 10000% this game won't go past village 5 in difficulty.
Talk for yourself, faggot. I've been in love with the series since FU and always wanted a modern game with open maps.
that looks so cozy
>you can literally heal to full with that vespoid
I've always hated the horrible grindfest that it was. It sucked that you had to kill the same monster 4 times, in a 20 minute fight each time, just to get a single new piece of armor, depending on your luck.
I hope by "westernizing" it, they cut back the grind. Significantly. I'm actually crossing my fingers and hoping that Worlds is way better in that regard.
Nothing I said was a lie. Present a proper counter-argument or get lost.
mantles were the only concerning thing I saw from the gameplay video.
>need a break?
here, throw on this camo mantle.
>monster has wind effect?
here throw on this other mantle
yup, have another mantle!
MHX already cut the grind back a lot, you want it to be even less than that?
Do you even want to play the game at all or are you cool with getting only 100 hours out of it?
>wanting to casualize a game
Fucking neo-Sup Forums
Most of that was falseflaggers from both ends though, same for most of the threads here. There are some concerns and improvements about the game, but it's mostly drowned in stupid false-flag console wars.
but that takes away the rewarding feeling.
i feel rewarded that after a few kills i cut my kill times to under 10 minutes even if i don't get certain parts. if you're not learning the fights and improving every hunt you're doing it wrong
>magic flies that guide you to your objective
Why is this bad, but a magic drink that guides you to your objective good?
Prehunt is currently not fun or interesting in any way. You either know where the spawn is and run straight there, chug a psychoserum and run straight there, or just wander around aimlessly until you run into the monster. What makes that better than having a tool to build up a waypoint over time, to at least cut the wandering to a minimum.
>need a break?
leave the area or farcast
>monster has wind effect?
You probably need to craft them the same way you'd craft armor with those skills
Also legitimate concerns of how this game will sell in its primary market on a much smaller install base.
>taking twenty ((((20)))) full minutes against any single monster
You even have the option of being carried by people who like the game enough to get better at it yet you still complain.
This is embarrassing.
Nope. Can't have a PC because emulating Nintendo games would be literally stealing from Miyamoto's bank account.
I fucking hate you roaches so much.
>haha we nintenbros can play something on PC and it will be better than the ps4 / xbox 1 version!
You can fuck right off. Guess fucking what. I can play it without owning a underpowered tablet and can still play the one single game your tablet has without owning any console. Stop leeching of other platforms and bringing them up to your defense whenever you feel like it. PC is not your father that you can bring up whenever some other kid is about to beat you up.
>implying they won't make the desire sensor ever stronger
>Praying for RNG is "hardcore"
Yeah man it's so tough when you run Rathalos 10,000 times hoping to get a plate. Casuals can't imagine the time I spent chopping off tails and then immediately quitting, over and over. It's simply too hardcore for them
People whinging about MHW arent really fans of monhun, and probably had 4U or Generations as their first. World is basically the MonHun concept as a whole taken to the extremes. Seriously go fucking read MH Illustrations, living ecosystems, smart usage of prep time and tactics, virually everything people are whining about that's new in this game was once thought of but dropped for the original very first game in its concept stages. MHW is basically as close to the original ideas for the game as it gets.
Oh no, i'll have to abandon (which resets everything to before the start) and geta diferent weapon, what harsh punishment!
The only people concerned with Japanese sales are salty Nintendildos who WANT it to fail so they can get the last laugh. The rest of us just want a fun game, and hope it does well. We're not thoroughly analyzing the Japanase market.
Or you could, I dunno, add a proper tracking system to the game.
Tracking a monster? Look for its footprints, signs of a struggle, bent/broken trees and foliage, etc.
You realise there's more "anime" gameplay in worlds right?
On top of that they're both easier to use and not optional.
>not only can you walk around while healing AND roll out of the animation to dodge incoming attacks in MHW, there are Giant Vigorwasps flying around the map that you can use to instantly heal back up on top
>you can ALSO resupply at the camp and fast travel to it anytime
A bit over the top maybe?
It's console wars faggotry and the hip newfag thing to do is be disingenuous
Worlds looks every bit the same as Online and Frontier
It got rid of nothing that made 4 and X/XX shitty
>leaving out the group that legitimately concerned about casual changes and is idort
not everything is MUH CONSOLE WARS faggot. some of us have a ps4/pc and a Switch and think MHW looks like garbage after watch a gorillion hours gameplay.
That's what you do, dude. The bugs are a visualization of environmental traces left by the monster.
>lets just pretend that sonybros didnt lose their shit when sony lost the brand
Why are you guys like this?
>concern posting
Fuck off already, nobody is falling for this shit.
That's literally what you do in MHW.
>You probably need to craft them the same way you'd craft armor with those skills
The difference being that it was difficult to get them all at once son.
wow only 2m views? and ~1% of those people bothered to thumbs up it? game is doomed. capcom paying for views on their videos lmao
>DmFUCKYOU comes out
>vee suddenly haets dmc guise!1!
Anyone with a decent PC isn't buying Nintendo consoles in the first place considering you can emulate them all.
I know I was disapointed by X
So I plan to get the PS4 game. Too bad it isn't on switch, I get bored at work.
Too bad the "visualization" is fucking in your face and way too prominent.
Why did the sfx for the scout flies have to be this fucking big and all over the screen? Reduce it by 80% please
>The bugs are a visualization of environmental traces left by the monster.
No, the bugs are a guide for every brainded retard to follow.
Fuck off with your defense of that shit.
>People think the RNG god deciding to praise you is "rewarding"
Nah fuck off. RNG is and always will be the sign of bad game design.
>no true scotsman
you realize that people in the generals had to take fucking idort purity tests just to be able to criticize MHW and they STILL got shitposted that they were just assmad nintenbros.
But the map icon for playing as a prowler or drinking a psychoserum is perfect, don't change a thing, Capcom!!!!!
>An angry Sony fan actually took the time to edit the original.
That's an interesting way to act superior over being too poor to have a second-hand console for exclusives PC doesn't have.
That's been the original all along you retard.
But you can still follow a monsters tracks and marking without using the bugs at all. It's a far better system than drinking a psychoserum or throwing a paintball whenever necessary.
dedication doesn't mean shit. see also the removal of the separation between blade and gun armor. yes i know there are damage differences still but that is between WEAPONS rather than weapon types. why the fuck am i taking more damage for carrying a SnS rather than a GS?
>haha, look at this faggot, he's too poor to buy literal shit, what an idiot.
>Game looks like casualized shit aimed at the western lowest common denominator
>Game is described as casualized shit aimed at the western lowest common denominator
>Game has the gameplay of casualized shit aimed at the western lowest common denominator
Hey guys, I'm no expert but I think this game might be casualized shit aimed at the western lowest common denominator
It's not surprising really. They always do that.
Remember when the term "neo-Sup Forums" cropped up because the board was infested with Sonygro to which they retaliated with Nintendogaf?
>most people on Sup Forums don't own a switch
keep driving that narrative user
>without using the bugs at all.
[citation needed]
>league babby getting mad he doesn't own a Nintendo platform and can't even emulate when everyone else does
>aside from the fact that it's something you couldn't do in previous games?
that's exactly it for these idiots
Why are consoleshits so embarrassing?