Videogame displays weight in kilograms

>videogame displays weight in kilograms

literally everywhere but uk(who are dumb enough to invent it) and murica(who are so cucked by uk they took their shit measurements) dont use kilos

even the rest of the uk colonies dropped it for kilos

Uk uses metric dummy.

Only the US, Burma, and Liberia use Imperial

how many lbs (pronounced as POUNDS) do you weigh?

It angers me that pokemon still uses imperial units

About a chogg of eggs and five lorrycrates.

What makes more sense you cross eyed faggots?

>sword: 2.2kg
>sword: 5lb

Metric may be better from a scientific standpoint but Imperial is better from a human psychology standpoint. Bigger numbers are easier to gauge the weight in your head.

0.03kg of walnuts sounds retarded

20 stone and not a pebble over it!

>0.03kg of walnuts sounds retarded
Then say 30 grammes.
>>sword: 2.2kg
2200 grammes of sword, if you have a fetish for big numbers

Yeah but if you have too big of a number in a weight measurement that is usually used for small numbers it sounds stupid as well. It's like saying 5000 teaspoons of water

oi bruv yous fattah den me mum

no one says
>this weight 2.3526 kg
people say
>this weights about 2kg
>3 and a half kg
It's not like a everything is gonna weight perfectly round numbers just cause they're in lbs.

Besides, why are you afraid of decimals anyway

>0.03kg of walnuts sounds retarded
And nobody says that you imbecile.

This is how they do it in videogames with inventory management though, this thread is about fucking vidogames.

>0.03kg of walnuts sounds retarded
Calling a mile 63360 inches isn't much better.

And how would 0.05lbs look any better in a video game?

>americans are so stupid they think every single thing in the entire world somehow fits perfectly into a round number of pounds

he just assumes that things are going to magically be divided in quantities weighting exactly 1 pound, and yet somehow it doesn't cross his mind that you can do the same with kg

good lord you are one dumb motherfucker.

metric fags you have been utterly btfo so stop replying


Then use 22HG and 0.3HG

1 Kilgram
10 Hectogram
100 Gram

>sword: 22hg
>sword: 5lb

>Better sword 2kg
>Better sword 4.40925lb
>Shield 3kg
>Shield 6.61387lb

that still leaves the south americans, the africans, the asians,
the entire world uses metric m8

the metric system is gommunism

How about this sword:

>sword: 2kg
>sword: 4.409245lbs

Checkmate burgers.

>0.03kg of walnuts sounds retarded

The beauty of metric is that conversion is trivial, that's 30g of walnuts.

When did this blowing the fuck out occur, exactly?


>global boker face.jpg

>teaching anyone anything

I'm confused